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Something Democrats (and legitimate independents) need to recognize (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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I don't think this will be news to many, but it needs to be said.

Just as China, and now Russia, have propaganda systems that captivate the minds of the people and fill them with lies that serve the state, in a way that would horrify George Orwell and is tragically effective, we now have essentially the same thing operating in the US for the right DESPITE their having choices, unlike China. Choice they choose to reject as 'FAKE NEWS' and 'THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE' and so on, putting themselves in information prison.

This propaganda system is nothing other than a 'mind control' system, creating an alternate worldview and set of facts, guaranteed to essentially ALWAYS promote messages that serve 'the party', building loyalty. If a few happen to be true, fine, but it doesn't matter.

It's like a drug, hypnotizing, always repeating the addictive same notes, democrats bad democrats bad democrats bad democrats bad. To get a little armchair speculative, but this is better done by propaganda and cult specialists, I suspect these constant 'fixes' might stimulate some positive brain chemicals that keep the people wanting more doses and becoming loyal fanatics to their side.

This machine is hugely dangerous because it displaces truth for these people, turning them into a type of automotan supporting the machine behind the propaganda. And there's no talking to them - they have a reaction to the truth like they're allergic FAKE NEWS it doesn't give them the 'fix' they're conditioned to want, that's THE ENEMY, it hurts like a wicked witch encountering water.

It's not a joke, it's not hyperbole, it's a method of obtaining power - which threatens to be used for far worse things. The people that can be controlled with propaganda, fine - the ones who can't, well, look at China's prisons and who is disappeared. We're not at that point here, but we teased it under trump - he would if he could - and it's a real threat if they get power. It's happened in countless countries and we're closer than ever before.

It's funny, before this cult era, I always noticed how having a group of 'crazies' is sort of invisible if they're under 50%. Like, take the John Birchers. People could laugh at them, because they didn't have power. But what if they did? Oh, crap that would be bad. We now have about a third of the country living in this created alternate information system, and we notice them but treat it as less of a threat because they're a minority.

John Birchers were what, 5%? That's been more the norm for radicals - and while Birchers were radicals, they weren't under nearly the control as the modern radicals who have this modern system keeping them fed constantly with propaganda like never before, and a third of the country is a crisis.

It seems these people can't be talked to; that thousands of 'hits' of propaganda can't be countered with the truth in a conversation or message board. It would take a cult deprogramming it seems to help bring them back to the truth. I'm not saying what a solution is - I'm not suggesting millions sent to de-programming - I'm starting with recognizing the problem that is so often not explicitly recognized.
"It should come as no surprise that I have concluded this poster should not be read again."
Are there any Independents (and Moderates) left that the far left has not cancelled?
I don't think this will be news to many, but it needs to be said.

Just as China, and now Russia, have propaganda systems that captivate the minds of the people and fill them with lies that serve the state, in a way that would horrify George Orwell and is tragically effective, we now have essentially the same thing operating in the US for the right DESPITE their having choices, unlike China. Choice they choose to reject as 'FAKE NEWS' and 'THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE' and so on, putting themselves in information prison.

This propaganda system is nothing other than a 'mind control' system, creating an alternate worldview and set of facts, guaranteed to essentially ALWAYS promote messages that serve 'the party', building loyalty. If a few happen to be true, fine, but it doesn't matter.

It's like a drug, hypnotizing, always repeating the addictive same notes, democrats bad democrats bad democrats bad democrats bad. To get a little armchair speculative, but this is better done by propaganda and cult specialists, I suspect these constant 'fixes' might stimulate some positive brain chemicals that keep the people wanting more doses and becoming loyal fanatics to their side.

This machine is hugely dangerous because it displaces truth for these people, turning them into a type of automotan supporting the machine behind the propaganda. And there's no talking to them - they have a reaction to the truth like they're allergic FAKE NEWS it doesn't give them the 'fix' they're conditioned to want, that's THE ENEMY, it hurts like a wicked witch encountering water.

It's not a joke, it's not hyperbole, it's a method of obtaining power - which threatens to be used for far worse things. The people that can be controlled with propaganda, fine - the ones who can't, well, look at China's prisons and who is disappeared. We're not at that point here, but we teased it under trump - he would if he could - and it's a real threat if they get power. It's happened in countless countries and we're closer than ever before.

It's funny, before this cult era, I always noticed how having a group of 'crazies' is sort of invisible if they're under 50%. Like, take the John Birchers. People could laugh at them, because they didn't have power. But what if they did? Oh, crap that would be bad. We now have about a third of the country living in this created alternate information system, and we notice them but treat it as less of a threat because they're a minority.

John Birchers were what, 5%? That's been more the norm for radicals - and while Birchers were radicals, they weren't under nearly the control as the modern radicals who have this modern system keeping them fed constantly with propaganda like never before, and a third of the country is a crisis.

It seems these people can't be talked to; that thousands of 'hits' of propaganda can't be countered with the truth in a conversation or message board. It would take a cult deprogramming it seems to help bring them back to the truth. I'm not saying what a solution is - I'm not suggesting millions sent to de-programming - I'm starting with recognizing the problem that is so often not explicitly recognized.
Do you realize that the Biden administration has admitted that they push lies and misinformation to the media? Of course, they justify their actions in the name of "national security". But the fact is, they are doing exactly what you are torqued off about the Republicans doing.

In my opinion, this is the way it's been for years and this is the way it's going to be for years to come. Me? I don't complain all that much. I use knowledge, reason and logic to winnow the facts from the bullshit.
I'm not suggesting millions sent to de-programming - I'm starting with recognizing the problem that is so often not explicitly recognized.

The term you're looking for is re-education camp, and you're not the first leftist to think like this.
Do you realize that the Biden administration has admitted that they push lies and misinformation to the media?
Straight up lie, as usual from you.
The term you're looking for is re-education camp, and you're not the first leftist to think like this.
Do you understand why that is? No, it's not because we're "Nazis". We aren't. Guess again.
I don't think this will be news to many, but it needs to be said.

Just as China, and now Russia, have propaganda systems that captivate the minds of the people and fill them with lies that serve the state, in a way that would horrify George Orwell and is tragically effective, we now have essentially the same thing operating in the US for the right DESPITE their having choices, unlike China. Choice they choose to reject as 'FAKE NEWS' and 'THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE' and so on, putting themselves in information prison.

This propaganda system is nothing other than a 'mind control' system, creating an alternate worldview and set of facts, guaranteed to essentially ALWAYS promote messages that serve 'the party', building loyalty. If a few happen to be true, fine, but it doesn't matter.

It's like a drug, hypnotizing, always repeating the addictive same notes, democrats bad democrats bad democrats bad democrats bad. To get a little armchair speculative, but this is better done by propaganda and cult specialists, I suspect these constant 'fixes' might stimulate some positive brain chemicals that keep the people wanting more doses and becoming loyal fanatics to their side.

This machine is hugely dangerous because it displaces truth for these people, turning them into a type of automotan supporting the machine behind the propaganda. And there's no talking to them - they have a reaction to the truth like they're allergic FAKE NEWS it doesn't give them the 'fix' they're conditioned to want, that's THE ENEMY, it hurts like a wicked witch encountering water.

It's not a joke, it's not hyperbole, it's a method of obtaining power - which threatens to be used for far worse things. The people that can be controlled with propaganda, fine - the ones who can't, well, look at China's prisons and who is disappeared. We're not at that point here, but we teased it under trump - he would if he could - and it's a real threat if they get power. It's happened in countless countries and we're closer than ever before.

It's funny, before this cult era, I always noticed how having a group of 'crazies' is sort of invisible if they're under 50%. Like, take the John Birchers. People could laugh at them, because they didn't have power. But what if they did? Oh, crap that would be bad. We now have about a third of the country living in this created alternate information system, and we notice them but treat it as less of a threat because they're a minority.

John Birchers were what, 5%? That's been more the norm for radicals - and while Birchers were radicals, they weren't under nearly the control as the modern radicals who have this modern system keeping them fed constantly with propaganda like never before, and a third of the country is a crisis.

It seems these people can't be talked to; that thousands of 'hits' of propaganda can't be countered with the truth in a conversation or message board. It would take a cult deprogramming it seems to help bring them back to the truth. I'm not saying what a solution is - I'm not suggesting millions sent to de-programming - I'm starting with recognizing the problem that is so often not explicitly recognized.
I am continually amazed that you can define and then totally balls-up almost every issue in this country. Just the law of averages says you should blindly hit the mark once in a while - but you defy probability.
The left derives much of its power from propaganda.

This is why the Biden administration established the "Disinformation Governance Board" (aka Ministry of Truth) a day after Elon Musk acquired Twitter.

This is exactly what Mussolini did in 1923 to muzzle his objectors. He declared the government in charge of which information would be suitable for the public, and which information would NOT.

The newly-formed Disinformation Governance Board is a thinly-veiled propaganda ploy, and thankfully, most Americans see it for what it is.

There will be much backlash to this scam.

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