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Solar energy can now be stored for up to 18 years, say scientists (1 Viewer)

OK, but many things “look very promising”.

“So far, we have only generated small amounts of electricity, but the new results show that the concept really works. It looks very promising.”

The device could potentially replace batteries and solar cells, fine-tuning the way we use the sun’s abundant energy.
If it releases the energy as heat, the path back to electricity is very poor efficiency.
An article or study on any energy storage technology that omits mention of round-trip efficiency is… a worthless one.

In other news, I have come up with a way to use solar energy to move a boulder to the top of a mountain plateau where that potential energy will remain available for use for 773 years.

I win. Suck it, Sweden!
I want to say Sunfire Energy already has something that does this.
I do not think they can store pure hydrogen for years and years, but perhaps for several months.
Anyway the process is that they have a high efficiency way to break down water into hydrogen,
and then can use a fuel cell to make the electricity again, I think I read in one of their earlier papers the
round trip efficiency was about 40%, which would be amazing.
An article or study on any energy storage technology that omits mention of round-trip efficiency is… a worthless one.

In other news, I have come up with a way to use solar energy to move a boulder to the top of a mountain plateau where that potential energy will remain available for use for 773 years.
Have you notified Sisyphus?
I win. Suck it, Sweden!
Sweden is kicking our ass. Higher life expectancy, lower infant mortality, better student scores in science and math, universal healthcare, a higher standard of living...

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