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So you think nobody likes you, eh? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Dubois, Wisconsin
Political Leaning
I've noticed that at least once a week someone posts "why do you all hate me?", "why does no one respond to my posts?", or some such other plaintive cry.

No one hates you. No one is delibrately ignoring you. Everyone on here is lovely, and you'll have a hard time ******* anyone off.

Not all threads are successful. You aren't going to get the next 15,000 reply post on your first day on the forum. Hell, there's only been one of those to date as far as I know.

Some threads may not get any replies. Frankly, that particular post just didn't pique any interest, or no one else had an opinion. Don't take it personally.

Do you post on other people's threads? Or are you just making your own? You'll find that if you post on other threads a lot people will get to know you, and they are then more likely to look at your threads. If I see a thread entitled "cheese is great" by someone I don't know, I doubt I'll open it as it sounds dull. Could be a nobel prize worthy discourse on how cheese making could bring peace to our time, but since you've not established credibility yet I'll skip it, sorry.

Now if KCconservative or Kel-El or Vague or any number of other folks posted the same thread title, I'll likely pop in to see what's gone wrong with their head. Why? Is it because I like them more than you? Is it because I hate you? No. It's because I've encountered them in other threads, or they've posted in my threads, and shown themselves to be interesting people, so I keep an eye out for them.

Why don't people PM you? Let's think - why don't you show up on my doorstop with a bottle of wine? Because you don't know me. Post in some threads, get a feel for the people who hold similar views, or interestingly different ones, and send out some friend requests. Chat to the people in threads some more, leave a nice friend comment. Soon they will be posting in your threads and leaving you friend comments. If you want to chat, drop them a PM. They'll probably reply. If you expect someone else to do all the legwork in forming a friendship, you'll be a little dissappointed, both on forums and in real life.

So, in summary:

If you want people to talk to you -

1. Start by posting in other people's threads. I can't stress this one enough. If you skip this step you'd better be a damned interesting person with a knack for catchy thread headings
2. Put them on your buddy list.
3. Send a couple of PMs. PMs breed replies
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
. Everyone on here is lovely, and you'll have a hard time ******* anyone off.

Aw ha ha ha ha.:2funny:
Excellent post. :applaud

Mind if I ship this over to feedback/suggestions forum and sticky?
I think it fits in with the "Tips for Debate" threads.
vauge said:
Excellent post. :applaud

Mind if I ship this over to feedback/suggestions forum and sticky?
I think it fits in with the "Tips for Debate" threads.
your the moderator. Might as well.
I dont know if I should don pink lace panties and have a nice cry or just go ahead and puke. Nothing wrong with those thoughts I guess but how about a dosd of candid truth. 1. If noone pays attention to you its because you suck. Nothing will change that so accept your lot in life and get used to get used to being worthwhile for one reason only, teacher fodder. Its not like youre alone or I need the opportunity like I couldnt otherwise ammuse myself. Which reminds me, Ive 2 new ideas to try. TT. And if you actually come right out and blubber such pansy whinning, besides being done on the merits of sucking, I will enjoy the chance. Like I often say, thosd posts write themselves. Self smacking. Like Billo on a platter. I like this thread. Generic unfocused abuse. Gives me an idea. . .
teacher said:
I dont know if I should don pink lace panties and have a nice cry or just go ahead and puke. Nothing wrong with those thoughts I guess but how about a dosd of candid truth. 1. If noone pays attention to you its because you suck. Nothing will change that so accept your lot in life and get used to get used to being worthwhile for one reason only, teacher fodder. Its not like youre alone or I need the opportunity like I couldnt otherwise ammuse myself. Which reminds me, Ive 2 new ideas to try. TT. And if you actually come right out and blubber such pansy whinning, besides being done on the merits of sucking, I will enjoy the chance. Like I often say, thosd posts write themselves. Self smacking. Like Billo on a platter. I like this thread. Generic unfocused abuse. Gives me an idea. . .

Seeing as how you are a 42 year old male, please skip the pink panties, k?

Larry, thanks for the tips, but I think many of us try to find ways to piss people off. It's fun.:beat
If you want people to talk to you -

1. Start by posting in other people's threads. I can't stress this one enough. If you skip this step you'd better be a damned interesting person with a knack for catchy thread headings
2. Put them on your buddy list.
3. Send a couple of PMs. PMs breed replies
What does the buddy list actually do? What's the purpose of it?

I've queried it with a mod previously and they had no idea.
(7/198 ATT) Great thread idea Larry. Can I call you Larry? Swell. Solid old fashioned name you got there Larry. Like Ed or Hank or Al. Any way Larry, thanks. There's no telling how much carnage I can milk off this topic. Let's do this systematically and start at the top. You. Yikes. What kind of fuzzy world with no sharp corners and everyone has a pony do you live in bro? And who made you Anne Landers of the DP charm school? What thread has 15000 replies? I thought only the word game thread rivaled my TT. And I got that beat on views. (Can you feel it coming Larry?) I mean you giving advice on getting play is like Billo speaking on personal hygene. For sure your method will earn some friends. But the kind of friends that when it comes time to face the likes of me will cop out with the excuse they have to wash thier sister hair
I said I wouldn't do this but Tashah may play an important part in this idea I have that will have a big as impact as the computer any where that 1's and 0's are available to be used by my idea. Yes, I said that. I mean it. And if Tashah has the skills I think she does she can accerate my learning of the part of this system I'm weakest on. So while I'm here to make sure you plant a germ of doubt in her head, I'll also school you azz and let you attempt to what you think as smack and give a free pass to try again.
First of all get you friggin facts straight. Almost every comment was wrong and worse it's in HWSOH's CPU. You didn't do that. Lazy? Stupid? All aspaz (I just made up a word. I'll be using a lot and others will too Justone as have many words and phrases. That is what you want to mess with? Now the mining water and seive was a nicely turned phrase. You come up with that? But it was wasted by using it on a weak dig on a topic you haven't yet melded all the pieces together. Likely you can't. So with the pyramid just study until you a smoothly run job site, just like one today. If you can't leavde be because if you bring lame again I'll do what I do. And many tricks and techniques to moving heavy. I used the simplest for you all. I have variations including a way a block could go from quarry to top with out stopping.

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