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Slimy Baltimore FOX Affiliate Caught Faking "Kill a Cop" Protest Chant (1 Viewer)

How come this thread is placed in the "bias of the media" forum? Doesn't it belong in the "Liars of the media forum"???
"Kill a cop on a cell block."

It still amazes me that anyone thinks this is a thing.
Sure you didn't do anything but post a lie. If what you say is true, then why is the TV station that aired it apologizing for it, and admitting that they edited it? And, in regard to YOUR youtube audio clip, someone DID manipulate it. It's just not one bit true. If it was, the TV station would not be issuing an apology and admitting they used a doctored tape.

I took that clip from CSPAN. I did not manipulate that audio to make it sound like she said anything she didn't.

I mean seriously, why in the hell would I do that with the original audio posted right on this thread? I'll say it again, I'm not part of the main stream liberal media and I don't pull **** like that PERIOD. After 5 years and nearly 19,000 posts, I would have thought that someone in your position would have known better than to make an accusation like that.
I took that clip from CSPAN. I did not manipulate that audio to make it sound like she said anything she didn't.

I mean seriously, why in the hell would I do that with the original audio posted right on this thread? I'll say it again, I'm not part of the main stream liberal media and I don't pull **** like that PERIOD. After 5 years and nearly 19,000 posts, I would have thought that someone in your position would have known better than to make an accusation like that.

Sure, and that voice you hear on Beatles albums is mine, not Paul McCartney's. Mick Jagger said so on CSPAN. Or maybe I just made it all up too. LOL.
Listen Dude, I know there were idiots in NYC chanting "kill a cop," but we are talking about Baltimore, not New York city"

Now let me see the sales of those posters you posted. Or is just more of your mendacity?

Speaking of mendacity, you imply that I made a specific claim about the sales of a poster when I was clearly just speculating.
They realized the most intelligent people would figure out what she was saying.

Well, you'd have to have a pretty strong left wing bias to insist that you know they said that. I guess that counts as intelligence in some quarters.
"Kill a cop on a cell block."

It still amazes me that anyone thinks this is a thing.

Since the start of this thread I've wondered why she's suddenly say something that makes no sense but sounds exactly like what she said before. Also, how do you kill a cop on a cell block? How do you get a cop to a cell block? :lol:
Since the start of this thread I've wondered why she's suddenly say something that makes no sense but sounds exactly like what she said before. Also, how do you kill a cop on a cell block? How do you get a cop to a cell block? :lol:

Why let facts get in the way of good way to build false outrage...sheesh
"...In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger..." - See more at: How facts backfire - The Boston Globe

Journalists are supposed to check their facts. This is a completely false report. Fireable, and could end up in court. Complete lack of regard for journalistic practices with demonstrable harm to the subject's reputation: Defamation or libel suit could win in a case like this.

:lamo Sorry, couldn't resist.

Of course, you're right... in theory. But in today's world sensationalism and airing the story first trumps all else.

I fail to see how this has any meaning to this thread at all. That is unless you are trying to play the well they do it to excuse. Personally I thought that excuse went out in the second grade but maybe that is where your intellectual talents are stuck.

On a different note since I am assuming that you are saying that her claim of a black person being killed every 28 hours without consequence then I am absolutely sure you have evidence to refute that. Please feel free to share with us the evidence. If not then you shouldn't be using it as a counter claim...even if that counter claim is juvenile.
:lamo Sorry, couldn't resist.

Of course, you're right... in theory. But in today's world sensationalism and airing the story first trumps all else.

Sadly, it seems that way. That's one of the first things you learn in j-school. Attempt to contact the most direct sources possible. You don't air an accusation against an identifiable private citizen without some attempt to vet that information.
Sadly, it seems that way. That's one of the first things you learn in j-school. Attempt to contact the most direct sources possible. You don't air an accusation against an identifiable private citizen without some attempt to vet that information.

A favorite comment in pretty much any news story these days is, "Attempts to contact <insert name here> were not returned.", or some variation. Pure CYA.

Granted, people in the hot seat aren't lining up to be grilled, but sometimes I wonder just how hard the media tries to contact people. A single e-mail or phone call, and the attempt was made?
A favorite comment in pretty much any news story these days is, "Attempts to contact <insert name here> were not returned.", or some variation. Pure CYA.

Granted, people in the hot seat aren't lining up to be grilled, but sometimes I wonder just how hard the media tries to contact people. A single e-mail or phone call, and the attempt was made?

Often, there's not attempt at all. I've worked in newsrooms for decades now. If they say "attempts to contact were not returned," it's probably true, and I see it as both an admission of the inability to secure a direct source and an acknowledgement of the need for good journalistic practices. It's not just CYA, but it's an assurance that the proper process is being followed so that your audience can trust the integrity of your practices. Cable and TV news too often skip that part.
I fail to see how this has any meaning to this thread at all. That is unless you are trying to play the well they do it to excuse. Personally I thought that excuse went out in the second grade but maybe that is where your intellectual talents are stuck.

On a different note since I am assuming that you are saying that her claim of a black person being killed every 28 hours without consequence then I am absolutely sure you have evidence to refute that. Please feel free to share with us the evidence. If not then you shouldn't be using it as a counter claim...even if that counter claim is juvenile.

:2wave: I apologize for my juvenile antics. I'm not trying to play the "well they do it too" excuse.

I just found your quote funny as I had just read about the #Every28hours BS going around social media and I think it fits well with the larger picture of what all these demonstrations are about.

I've been around here long enough to know that after 29 pages of arguing, taking a subject off track is a given... seriously, how many times can people argue over the same issue.

her claim of a black person being killed every 28 hours without consequence

That is not what she said.

A Black person in America is killed by a police officer or a person protected by the state every 28 hours. We take action in the name of ending anti-Black police-state violence and ask that you join us in nonviolent direct action wherever you are in the world.

the many other Black women, men and children who have unjustly died as a result of police brutality.

She links to this report


It's based on a conspiracy theory of Gov't sponsored killing and control of black folks :lamo

A 13 yr. old girl is shot by her 13 yr. old friend... Police Brutality

A women at a party hugs a man from behind and his concealed weapon goes off killing her... Police Brutality

A man being booked at a police station, grabbed a gun and started shooting wounding 3 officers before they shot him dead... Police Brutality

Sorry but you're wrong. You may think they are chanting two differ things, but they aren't. The chant dates back to July way before the cops were executed in Brooklyn. The chant is “We won’t stop/we can’t stop/’til killer cops/are in cell blocks.” It was led by Tawanda Jones whose brother was killed by the Baltimore City police. You would do well by reading this Facebook post:

Last night, Fox45 ran a story during their 10 p.m. broadcast about anti-police-brutality demonstrations. During the story they showed a C-SPAN clip of last weekend’s mass demonstration in Washington, DC, which featured Tawanda Jones, the sister of Tyrone West, who was murdered by Baltimore City police last July. In the video, Tawanda is leading a chant that is well-known to local activists and attendees at the West family’s “West Wednesday” demonstrations: “We won’t stop/we can’t stop/’til killer cops/are in cell blocks.”
Fox45 chose to edit the video to cut out the last bit of the chant (“are in cell blocks”), and described the video as follows: “At this rally in Washington, DC, participants chanted, ‘We can’t stop, we won’t stop, so kill a cop.'” They then cut away to footage from the aftermath of the murders of two New York police officers, saying, “The anti-police sentiment reached a turning point this weekend in New York, when two officers were gunned down in cold blood.”
This editing and the anchor's words deliberately link not only the anti-brutality movement in general, but specific local activists to the murders of police, thereby endangering the safety and lives of those activists. Tawanda Jones and the West family have led over 70 demonstrations since last summer, and every single one has been peaceful. The West family has repeatedly called for non-violence in the movement and for an end to all types of violence, including the violence by Baltimore police that took their beloved Tyrone from them. They have never condoned or called for violence against police officers.
Baltimore Bloc has participated in every West Wednesday and has close ties to the West family. We know them to be peaceful, honorable, and consistent in their message of non-violence. Fox45 has targeted them for slander, and has placed them in grave danger by accusing them of encouraging the murders of law enforcement officers. The media is putting ratings above the safety of the community and fanning the anti-democratic and anti-Black flames lit by the statements from elected officials and union spokespeople over the last several days. This is irresponsible and violent, and we demand an on-air retraction and apology from Fox45, and for Fox to conduct a live, unedited interview with Tawanda Jones so she can speak for herself. We also ask for support from the rest of the local media in decrying this unethical and dishonest propaganda disguised as journalism.


This same information can be found at the Gawkers website you posted at the bottom of your OP. If folks like Excon really wanted to be informed on this matter was to what was really said, all they'd have to do is go to the website OR just listened to the audio and be honest about what was said. I mean, even the Gawker's website makes it abundantly clear that the Baltimore news station got it wrong. But when you're hell bent to proving that mob violence is prevalent among black protesters...:shrug:...

'Nuff Said.

Do you really think he cares about being honest at this point?

Naw...not even if Edward Snowden downloaded the audio file from the NSA would he change his opinion on this matter because he's determined to prove that his version of reality is correct.
Yeah, sort of like the way one news affiliate being found to distort what protesters are saying means that no protester ever said "kill a cop". Ever.

They've been saying it plenty. And it's not just a fringe.

No one's arguing that here. I'm sure some protesters have gone to great lengths to insight crowds to go out and kill cops, but that's NOT what was said at the protest rally being addressed in the OP.
I put that clip together and was up front about how I did it. I am not a liberal blogger or journalist, so I didn't do anything to manipulate that audio in some lame ass attempt to falsely portray her words.

I also made clear what I hear the woman say, and asked people to listen themselves. While I may not be correct on every single word she uttered, I am confident that I am correct on several of the key words she said.

If you disagree, that's fine... But don't insinuate I manipulated that audio in order to achieve some predetermined outcome. That kind of **** might be standard practice for some, but it is not for me.

Really, Grim17? Let me get this straight...

You edit a portion of the audio for the protest in question to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that what was said was "to kill a cop", but then admit that you may not be correct about every single word that was said by the protester in question?

Even when you admit your duplicity you still refuse to claim it. Just own up to the fact that you purposely altered the audio in an effort to mislead and be done with it. Or as my sons like to say, "Man up!" and admit you were wrong. If the Baltimore news station can do it, surely you can, too.
This same information can be found at the Gawkers website you posted at the bottom of your OP. If folks like Excon really wanted to be informed on this matter was to what was really said, all they'd have to do is go to the website OR just listened to the audio and be honest about what was said. I mean, even the Gawker's website makes it abundantly clear that the Baltimore news station got it wrong. But when you're hell bent to proving that mob violence is prevalent among black protesters...:shrug:...

'Nuff Said.
I will admit it kind of does sound like she's saying "kill a cop", but they are really saying "killer cop" and the context really gives it away. The woman who is leading the chant, her brother was killed by the police and she is seeking justice.. put the cop in prison, not murder him. What we are really talking about a syllable and since they were chanting they didn't enuciate like they should. Plus digital sound may have a small effect on what you hear.
If folks like Excon really wanted to be informed on this matter was to what was really said, all they'd have to do is go to the website OR just listened to the audio and be honest about what was said.
This isn't about me, so leave me out of your discussions with other people. Capisce?

All you have done is shown that what you want to believe is guided by your own bias, which is truly not being informed.

Me though? I have been honest about what was said. She said both. Which is confirmed by what was repeated.
Do you really not understand that? The chanters would not have repeated it had she not said it.

And the station matters not to what she actually said.
They have had it analyzed.
Hopefully someone has already been fired for this.

Are you kidding? The culprit will get promoted for doing this.

They purposely cut it off at the part that was hard to understand, and removed the part that said are in cell blocks. This wasn't confusion. They knew what they were doing.

Are you kidding, I bet they got a raise and a promotion. Faux News at its finest.

"Kill a cop on a cell block."

It still amazes me that anyone thinks this is a thing.

No one's arguing that here. I'm sure some protesters have gone to great lengths to insight crowds to go out and kill cops, but that's NOT what was said at the protest rally being addressed in the OP.

This isn't about me, so leave me out of your discussions with other people. Capisce?

All you have done is shown that what you want to believe is guided by your own bias, which is truly not being informed.

Me though? I have been honest about what was said. She said both. Which is confirmed by what was repeated.
Do you really not understand that? The chanters would not have repeated it had she not said it.

And the station matters not to what she actually said.
They have had it analyzed.
The person who edited the video was fired frim his job.

Fox Affiliate Fires Reporter, Cameraman over Edited ‘Kill a Cop’ Video | Mediaite

Fox 45 fired the reporter and camera person behind the deceptively-edited “kill a cop” videoWednesday, though the move may have only intensified internal tensions over the botched story.

Baltimore Fox affiliate WBFF came under fire two weeks ago after playing a clip in which Washington D.C. protesters appeared to be chanting “kill a cop.” Raw footage later revealed they were actually chanting, ‘We won’t stop, we can’t stop, ’til killer cops are in cell blocks.”

The station was alerted to the error by one of the protesters, Tawanda Jones, whose brother had been killed by Baltimore police the year before. The station apologized on its website last week.

Reporter Melinda Roeder and cameraman Greg McNair were fired Wednesday. However, according to the Baltimore City Paper, the station’s staff believes that news director Mike Tomko, who was suspended for a day, was the one behind the story, and should bear the brunt of the punishment.

Watch the original video below, via WBFF: (At the link above)

The person who edited the video was fired frim his job.
Frim his yob man. :doh
You have no point.

Hopefully this firing leads to a professional analyses.

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