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Slimy Baltimore FOX Affiliate Caught Faking "Kill a Cop" Protest Chant (1 Viewer)

I think there probably were at least a few shouting "kill a cop" at that particular protest. I don't think there's any way to prove that there were not.

Besides which, in some protests they have that on their posters.

View attachment 67177819View attachment 67177820 Sign reads "Stop swine flu: Kill a cop."

Let's have none of this nonsense about right wingers just making it up. It's happening more than often enough for us to fairly characterize these protests as "Kill a Cop" protests.

It's nice to know that one asshole at a protest who says something vile can completely change the overriding message of said protest.

I'm going to guess that you did not apply that same standard to racist signs at Tea Party protests, or otherwise found a way to handwave those out of existence.
I think there probably were at least a few shouting "kill a cop" at that particular protest. I don't think there's any way to prove that there were not.

Besides which, in some protests they have that on their posters.

View attachment 67177819View attachment 67177820 Sign reads "Stop swine flu: Kill a cop."

Let's have none of this nonsense about right wingers just making it up. It's happening more than often enough for us to fairly characterize these protests as "Kill a Cop" protests.

This is simply dishonest, I'll bet you a $100 bucks DP donation those picture were not from the Baltimore rally. You in???
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I see Excon is playing his "repeat falsehoods until people get tired of it and find something better to do" game.
You are the repeating the false hoods, not I. She said both and both were repeated.
They would not have been repeated had she not said it.
When it is slowed down it is abundantly clear that she says both and the chanters repeat both.
The station should have had it examined.

You don't think a cop would be killed on a cell block?
That is odd. If it was known he was a cop, it could happen.
There are videos of inmates killed on their cell block, so why not a cop who was to prison?

Yeah that is what I thought. You have no reality based argument.
Especially in light of the other protests calling for dead cops. Which makes it more likely that she was trying to purposely switch things up.

Sorry but you're wrong. You may think they are chanting two differ things, but they aren't. The chant dates back to July way before the cops were executed in Brooklyn. The chant is “We won’t stop/we can’t stop/’til killer cops/are in cell blocks.” It was led by Tawanda Jones whose brother was killed by the Baltimore City police. You would do well by reading this Facebook post:

Last night, Fox45 ran a story during their 10 p.m. broadcast about anti-police-brutality demonstrations. During the story they showed a C-SPAN clip of last weekend’s mass demonstration in Washington, DC, which featured Tawanda Jones, the sister of Tyrone West, who was murdered by Baltimore City police last July. In the video, Tawanda is leading a chant that is well-known to local activists and attendees at the West family’s “West Wednesday” demonstrations: “We won’t stop/we can’t stop/’til killer cops/are in cell blocks.”
Fox45 chose to edit the video to cut out the last bit of the chant (“are in cell blocks”), and described the video as follows: “At this rally in Washington, DC, participants chanted, ‘We can’t stop, we won’t stop, so kill a cop.'” They then cut away to footage from the aftermath of the murders of two New York police officers, saying, “The anti-police sentiment reached a turning point this weekend in New York, when two officers were gunned down in cold blood.”
This editing and the anchor's words deliberately link not only the anti-brutality movement in general, but specific local activists to the murders of police, thereby endangering the safety and lives of those activists. Tawanda Jones and the West family have led over 70 demonstrations since last summer, and every single one has been peaceful. The West family has repeatedly called for non-violence in the movement and for an end to all types of violence, including the violence by Baltimore police that took their beloved Tyrone from them. They have never condoned or called for violence against police officers.
Baltimore Bloc has participated in every West Wednesday and has close ties to the West family. We know them to be peaceful, honorable, and consistent in their message of non-violence. Fox45 has targeted them for slander, and has placed them in grave danger by accusing them of encouraging the murders of law enforcement officers. The media is putting ratings above the safety of the community and fanning the anti-democratic and anti-Black flames lit by the statements from elected officials and union spokespeople over the last several days. This is irresponsible and violent, and we demand an on-air retraction and apology from Fox45, and for Fox to conduct a live, unedited interview with Tawanda Jones so she can speak for herself. We also ask for support from the rest of the local media in decrying this unethical and dishonest propaganda disguised as journalism.


Sorry but you're wrong. You may think they are chanting two differ things, but they aren't. The chant dates back to July way before the cops were executed in Brooklyn. The chant is “We won’t stop/we can’t stop/’til killer cops/are in cell blocks.” It was led by Tawanda Jones whose brother was killed by the Baltimore City police. You would do well by reading this Facebook post:

Do you really think he cares about being honest at this point?
It's nice to know that one asshole at a protest who says something vile can completely change the overriding message of said protest.

I'm going to guess that you did not apply that same standard to racist signs at Tea Party protests, or otherwise found a way to handwave those out of existence.

Yeah, sort of like the way one news affiliate being found to distort what protesters are saying means that no protester ever said "kill a cop". Ever.

They've been saying it plenty. And it's not just a fringe.
This is simply dishonest, I'll bet you a $100 bucks DP donation those picture were not from the Baltimore rally. You in???

How idiotic.

Of course it's not from that particular protest. I referred to other protests.
Yeah, sort of like the way one news affiliate being found to distort what protesters are saying means that no protester ever said "kill a cop". Ever.

Of course, nobody has said that the distortion uncovered in this thread means that no protester has said "kill a cop." You're simply making that up.

Are you going to take pbrauer's challenge, LowDown?
How idiotic.

Of course it's not from that particular protest. I referred to other protests.

Were they Ferguson/Garner protests? I'm curious as to the source of those images.
Sorry but you're wrong. You may think they are chanting two differ things, but they aren't. The chant dates back to July way before the cops were executed in Brooklyn. The chant is “We won’t stop/we can’t stop/’til killer cops/are in cell blocks.” It was led by Tawanda Jones whose brother was killed by the Baltimore City police. You would do well by reading this Facebook post:
No Pete I am not wrong.
She clearly says it and it is clearly repeated. The difference between the two can be heard.
I saw her interview you provided earlier.
That and Facebook do not change what can clearly be heard.

Her denials do not change what she can be heard saying and especially that of what can be heard being repeated.
Of course, nobody has said that the distortion uncovered in this thread means that no protester has said "kill a cop." You're simply making that up.

Are you going to take pbrauer's challenge, LowDown?

No, it's a stupid challenge based on a misreading of my post.

Sure, that's the way it's being spun. Right wingers are just making up stuff.

Having reviewed the tape I can see how it would easy to think they were saying "kill a cop". It really does sound like that in places. "Killa cops" vs "kill a cop". One does not make such interpretations in a vacuum. "Kill a cop." is certainly plausible based on recent events.

You guys demand the most charitable interpretation of what the protesters were shouting, and then you distort what I wrote in a post in the most prejudicial way possible. If not for double standards you guys would have no standards at all.
No, it's a stupid challenge based on a misreading of my post.

Sure, that's the way it's being spun. Right wingers are just making up stuff.

Having reviewed the tape I can see how it would easy to think they were saying "kill a cop". It really does sound like that in places. "Killa cops" vs "kill a cop". One does not make such interpretations in a vacuum. "Kill a cop." is certainly plausible based on recent events.

You guys demand the most charitable interpretation of what the protesters were shouting, and then you distort what I wrote in a post in the most prejudicial way possible. If not for double standards you guys would have no standards at all.
The second image is from a May Day March in Seattle, Five ****ing years ago, could you be more dishonest than that? The second image is at least two years old.

Right Side Up: Are They Still Pigs? Photo Montage of Burning Cops and Angry Occupiers
Stop Swine Flu. Kill a Cop (Seattle May Day March)
Do you really think he cares about being honest at this point?
That is what she says. And it is what is repeated.
It would not be repeated if it was not said.
The only ones being dishonest are those saying she didn't say it.
She said "So kill a cop... On a cell block"

What you wrote was totally bogus and here's the proof:

Nice dishonestly edited audio, which is exactly what that is. I notice that there is no credit given for who produced this audio clip, and that is because it is not from any kind of a reputable source, but from the liar who edited the clip.

But here is a reputable source.... The TV station itself, which admitted editing the audio, and is apologizing for their actions. Now if the protesters were really chanting "kill a cop", they certainly would not be admitting that they edited the audio clip, and apologizing for doing so, would they? I will leave it to you to come up with yet another dishonest device to explain this one away.
The second image is from a May Day March in Seattle, Five ****ing years ago, could you be more dishonest than that? The second image is at least two years old.

Right Side Up: Are They Still Pigs? Photo Montage of Burning Cops and Angry Occupiers
Stop Swine Flu. Kill a Cop (Seattle May Day March)

So are you claiming that we wouldn't find such posters in the more recent protests (by the same people)? Now THAT would be dishonest.

Here's a video from 12/13/14:

No doubt this is selling big.

And there's this: The Monsters Who Screamed for Dead Cops - The Daily Beast

Gosh, who was chanting that? Nobody wants to own up to it now.
So are you claiming that we wouldn't find such posters in the more recent protests (by the same people)? Now THAT would be dishonest.

When did he claim that? He simply showed that your example was completely fabricated. Or does that not matter? You can just throw any old picture in there, claim it's from a protest that's relevant to these ones, and hey, NBD, right?
Nice dishonestly edited audio, which is exactly what that is. I notice that there is no credit given for who produced this audio clip, and that is because it is not from any kind of a reputable source, but from the liar who edited the clip.

But here is a reputable source.... The TV station itself, which admitted editing the audio, and is apologizing for their actions. Now if the protesters were really chanting "kill a cop", they certainly would not be admitting that they edited the audio clip, and apologizing for doing so, would they? I will leave it to you to come up with yet another dishonest device to explain this one away.
You got that right, it was Grim who edited it.:mrgreen:Watch it on YouTube and you'll see: Grimgrimmerson which is his YouTube channel.
So are you claiming that we wouldn't find such posters in the more recent protests (by the same people)? Now THAT would be dishonest.

Here's a video from 12/13/14:

No doubt this is selling big.

And there's this: The Monsters Who Screamed for Dead Cops - The Daily Beast

Gosh, who was chanting that? Nobody wants to own up to it now.

Listen Dude, I know there were idiots in NYC chanting "kill a cop," but we are talking about Baltimore, not New York city"

Now let me see the sales of those posters you posted. Or is just more of your mendacity?
Nice dishonestly edited audio, which is exactly what that is. I notice that there is no credit given for who produced this audio clip, and that is because it is not from any kind of a reputable source, but from the liar who edited the clip.

But here is a reputable source.... The TV station itself, which admitted editing the audio, and is apologizing for their actions. Now if the protesters were really chanting "kill a cop", they certainly would not be admitting that they edited the audio clip, and apologizing for doing so, would they? I will leave it to you to come up with yet another dishonest device to explain this one away.

I put that clip together and was up front about how I did it. I am not a liberal blogger or journalist, so I didn't do anything to manipulate that audio in some lame ass attempt to falsely portray her words.

I also made clear what I hear the woman say, and asked people to listen themselves. While I may not be correct on every single word she uttered, I am confident that I am correct on several of the key words she said.

If you disagree, that's fine... But don't insinuate I manipulated that audio in order to achieve some predetermined outcome. That kind of **** might be standard practice for some, but it is not for me.
You got that right, it was Grim who edited it.:mrgreen:Watch it on YouTube and you'll see: Grimgrimmerson which is his YouTube channel.

How many years at detective school did you attend to figure that one out?
No Pete I am not wrong.
She clearly says it and it is clearly repeated. The difference between the two can be heard.
I saw her interview you provided earlier.
That and Facebook do not change what can clearly be heard.

Her denials do not change what she can be heard saying and especially that of what can be heard being repeated.

Sorry, but your are hearing "Kill er" as "Kill a" and thinking she says "Kill a cop." which is wrong. It's easy to misinterpret to what she actually was saying, especially since she's African-American. This is why the Right Wing TV station took out the last part of the chant... “/are in cell blocks.” They realized the most intelligent people would figure out what she was saying.
How many years at detective school did you attend to figure that one out?
There was no need to go to detective school, Encyclopedia Brown was all I needed. :lamo
Grim17 has already admitted that his interpretation of what they were saying made absolutely no sense. He took a word that was hard to hear and turned into something which made absolutely no sense within the context of the chant, or otherwise. There is nothing else to discuss. :shrug:
Sorry, but your are hearing "Kill er" as "Kill a" and thinking she says "Kill a cop." which is wrong. It's easy to misinterpret to what she actually was saying, especially since she's African-American. This is why the Right Wing TV station took out the last part of the chant... “/are in cell blocks.” They realized the most intelligent people would figure out what she was saying.
And again. Wrong!
She says both and the chanters repeat both.
The chanters would not be repeating it if she did not say it.
I put that clip together and was up front about how I did it. I am not a liberal blogger or journalist, so I didn't do anything to manipulate that audio in some lame ass attempt to falsely portray her words.

I also made clear what I hear the woman say, and asked people to listen themselves. While I may not be correct on every single word she uttered, I am confident that I am correct on several of the key words she said.

If you disagree, that's fine... But don't insinuate I manipulated that audio in order to achieve some predetermined outcome. That kind of **** might be standard practice for some, but it is not for me.

Sure you didn't do anything but post a lie. If what you say is true, then why is the TV station that aired it apologizing for it, and admitting that they edited it? And, in regard to YOUR youtube audio clip, someone DID manipulate it. It's just not one bit true. If it was, the TV station would not be issuing an apology and admitting they used a doctored tape.

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