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Signs you are addicted to coffee. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 20, 2011
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Political Leaning
Here's mine. Feel free to add your own.

For me, I am less addicted to the substance and more addicted to the ritual. I never have more than 2 cups, but my first cup has to be JUST RIGHT. New York style, 2 sugars, a bit of milk. If I have a second, I don't care. But the first one has to be right.

Well, in just another link in the long chain of annoying **** that's been happening lately, our fridge up and died. We won't get the replacement for another 3 days.

I am continuing to buy the little half-liter jugs of milk, full fat, despite having no way of keeping it cool (our fridge is now at 65 degrees and dead as a doornail). Because I NEED my milk in my coffee.

And once the milk passes 36 hours without any refrigeration, I'm just nuking it 'til it boils and praying. Haven't upchucked anything as of yet.

I WILL NOT have my first cup of coffee be wrong.

Because apparently I'm an idiot. Or a junkie. Or both.
I'm not addicted to the ritual, I'm addicted to the substance and I will cut anyone who gets between me and it. I absolutely have to have it and I do not care how it tastes or what extras are with it, I need it in my body. I make a gigantic thermos of it every morning and carry it with me to work so that I can always have it. I drink at least a liter a day.

I was completely worthless before I started drinking coffee and every time I've tried to stop I become tired, unfocused, and worthless again. My whole family seems to be this way so I think genetics might play a role.

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