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Should we worry that America will become Sharia compliant? (1 Viewer)

Should we worry that America will become Sharia compliant?

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DP Veteran
Mar 9, 2010
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I keep hearing from conservative talk show hosts that Feisal Abdul Rauf (the Imam for the Park 51/Cordoba House/Ground Zero Mosque) wants a Sharia compliant America and that we should be worried.

Why would Americans EVER condone cutting someone's hands off for stealing (they do also imprison people for theft)? Or stoning to death someone for committing adultery? Or lashing someone for having sex out of wedlock? Or killing someone who renounces their faith? Or allowing more than one wife? Or only allowing the husband to divorce his wife? Or killing homosexuals?

Some of the other laws aren't that big of a deal, or are more related to personal ways of practicing Islam rather than crime and punishment.

But to even humor the thought that we in America have anything to worry about this Imam wanting a Sharia compliant America IMO is laughable.

To be honest I don't know how far the majority of Muslims in America would want to integrate Sharia Law into America, if at all. Some Muslims condemn some of the forms of punishment listed above. Though there is much covered in Sharia law, many of the laws conflict with the rights and practices we have in America. I simply do not believe the laws that go against our constitution and practices would ever be condoned in America.
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We won't have to worry about Sharia Law having any power in America. It goes against our core values of separation between Church, and State, and freedom. Muslims are free to practice here in America just like any other religion, but anyone who wants to implement Sharia Law will be sorely disappointed how fast they get shot down by any judge.
I keep hearing from conservative talk show hosts that Feisal Abdul Rauf (the Imam for the Park 51/Cordoba House/Ground Zero Mosque) wants a Sharia compliant America and that we should be worried.

Why would Americans EVER condone cutting someone's hands off for stealing (they do also imprison people for theft)? Or stoning to death someone for committing adultery? Or lashing someone for having sex out of wedlock? Or killing someone who renounces their faith? Or allowing more than one wife? Or only allowing the husband to divorce his wife? Or killing homosexuals?

Some of the other laws aren't that big of a deal, or are more related to personal ways of practicing Islam rather than crime and punishment.

But to even humor the thought that we in America have anything to worry about this Imam wanting a Sharia compliant America IMO is laughable.

To be honest I don't know how far the majority of Muslims in America would want to integrate Sharia Law into America, if at all. Some Muslims condemn some of the forms of punishment listed above. Though there is much covered in Sharia law, many of the laws conflict with the rights and practices we have in America. Whether Muslims want these specific laws to also be integrated into America, I do not know... but I simply do not believe the laws that go against our constitution and practices would ever be condoned in America.

I think the more important question is why is the right so obsessed with telling us that we're one step away from Sharia Law? Of course it's a ridiculous notion, but why are so many people afraid of it?
Well the best thing that worked for Hitler was scare tactics and lying.
Nothing but fearmongering by the right and Christian extremists.. they are afraid that their own brand of "religious law" will be threatened by Muslims. But saying that, Sharia law is already being practised in Muslim communities and has been for a very long time. As long as the specific action is not against US law, then there is nothing to prevent them from using sharia between two consenting parties. Jews have also been using Jewish religious law in the US for centuries.
I dont see much of a difference between people who may want to implement Sharia law and those who wish implement a Christian law, or at the very least implement law based on their religious preference.

Many people for example oppose abortion from a strict religious standpoint and want to outlaw it entirely because they were raised and taught that it is evil from their religious education, same thing with same sex marriage. Now if a Muslim man told me that not only did he want those same things, no abortions or gay marriage, but also wanted to outlaw alcohol because his religion tells him its evil as well, I wouldnt see much difference between the two. All I would see is two individuals or groups who's sense of justice is influenced by their religion and them seeking to place the same religious laws which govern their church over the rest of the country.

And dont give me any BS about this being a "Christian country" the majority of its people may be Christian but we are a SECULAR nation, which has clearly defined a difference between state and religion. One may also look at Turkey which is 99% Muslim but also secular which is way one can be openly gay or drink alcohol without the police arresting you.
lol, "fear mongering". Just a guy on the radio, folks.
I dont see much of a difference between people who may want to implement Sharia law and those who wish implement a Christian law, or at the very least implement law based on their religious preference.

Seriously? Seriously really? You see no differences in how it would be? Do you see many christians or prominent christian leaders advocating stoning or beheading people for adultry? For Homosexuality? I swear people become ridiculous at times when they just HAVE to take a shot at Christianity if they dare say anything poor about Islam.

Is that saying a Christian government would be a great thing today? Absolutely not. All its saying is its ludicrous to suggest that a Christian Law Government today would be "no different" than the various Islamic Law Governments today.
And dont give me any BS about this being a "Christian country" the majority of its people may be Christian but we are a SECULAR nation, which has clearly defined a difference between state and religion.

*twitch* *twitch*
I doubt we're anywhere close to being honestly Sharia Compliant.

I think something like parts of Europe where there's a seperate allowable system of courts for religious law isn't quite as unlikely.

I think its hyperbole filled fear mongering, much akin to what was done most of the past decade by the other side with regards to Bush and domestic security issues.
Britain has Beth Din and Sharia "courts" operating at the same level as arbitration. Both parties must agree to be bound by any decision, and British law always takes precedence.
Should we fear it? Sure. Is it likely to happen anytime soon? I doubt it.

However we have come to forget many of our principles and values in the US. I can see anything being possible at some point.
Seriously? Seriously really? You see no differences in how it would be? Do you see many christians or prominent christian leaders advocating stoning or beheading people for adultry? For Homosexuality? I swear people become ridiculous at times when they just HAVE to take a shot at Christianity if they dare say anything poor about Islam.

Is that saying a Christian government would be a great thing today? Absolutely not. All its saying is its ludicrous to suggest that a Christian Law Government today would be "no different" than the various Islamic Law Governments today.

Firstly, I said "much" different, not "no" different.
Secondly, I said difference between the people not the law itself. Because what I see is two groups of people who are seeking to take their religious beliefs and thrust it onto the rest of the nation. Gay marriage for example is opposed by many Christian organizations simply because gay marriage is outlawed by their religion, not because it has any practical or meaningful affect on anything in societ.
Thirdly, I never said anything about the religion itself, this isn't about Christianity or Islam as a philosophy. I am a Christian myself. I was just talking about the people.

One can look in history and see the result of Christian and Islamic, or any other theological governments, all are undesirable not because the laws or religion itself, but because the religion becomes a front for total control by the government. When a priest is also the political ruler he can make any rule he wants and claim it comes from God, and whether or not it can be found it whatever scripture he is following it can be re-interpreted or simply ignored because he has the power.

Now could you also explain your twitching.
LOL, the twitching is from a pet peeve of mine...specifically with regards to the whole "christian nation" thing...that dates back to college and being a political science major and a particular class that beat us over the head with using the correct vernacular with regards to country, nation, and state. I still don't always remember to do it myself, but it pops up the most when talking about the christian nation stuff because that was something discussed in the class.
Britain has Beth Din and Sharia "courts" operating at the same level as arbitration. Both parties must agree to be bound by any decision, and British law always takes precedence.

England is playing with fire here, but we have always had something similar here.......underground "justice". ..aka "gangland murders", Mafia killings, lynchings of minorities, child abuse, woman abuse.....
We have a long ways to go.....
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Are you kidding me? Most of us can't even become Evangelical Christian compliant. Any Sharia group that tries to implement laws in the US is going to face extinction.
Should we fear it? Sure. Is it likely to happen anytime soon? I doubt it.

However we have come to forget many of our principles and values in the US. I can see anything being possible at some point.

Why should we fear it?
I keep hearing from conservative talk show hosts that Feisal Abdul Rauf (the Imam for the Park 51/Cordoba House/Ground Zero Mosque) wants a Sharia compliant America and that we should be worried.

Why would Americans EVER condone cutting someone's hands off for stealing (they do also imprison people for theft)? Or stoning to death someone for committing adultery? Or lashing someone for having sex out of wedlock? Or killing someone who renounces their faith? Or allowing more than one wife? Or only allowing the husband to divorce his wife? Or killing homosexuals?

Some of the other laws aren't that big of a deal, or are more related to personal ways of practicing Islam rather than crime and punishment.

But to even humor the thought that we in America have anything to worry about this Imam wanting a Sharia compliant America IMO is laughable.

To be honest I don't know how far the majority of Muslims in America would want to integrate Sharia Law into America, if at all. Some Muslims condemn some of the forms of punishment listed above. Though there is much covered in Sharia law, many of the laws conflict with the rights and practices we have in America. I simply do not believe the laws that go against our constitution and practices would ever be condoned in America.

Do we have any reason to fear National Socialists obtaining political power in the United States? Does that mean that we shouldn't condemn the National Socialist Party? Oh and to be fair this Imam is opposed to the stringent penal system of mainstream Sharia, but that is only a difference in degree not in kind.
I dont see much of a difference between people who may want to implement Sharia law and those who wish implement a Christian law,

What is Christian law? Yes I would see no difference between a Muslim and a Christian each wanting to implement religious law based on the Koran or the Bible respectively, both would be the enemies off liberty and the rights of the individual. Though I know of no major religious sects calling for such a thing, whereas, all 5 mainstream Islamic sects call for apostasy, adultery, sodomy, and premarital sex to be capital and/or corporal offenses.

or at the very least implement law based on their religious preference.

There is a vast difference between implementing a theocracy and using religious beliefs to guide secular legislation. Sharia would impose policies which are in direct conttradiction to the Constitution; such as, gender discrimination, religious discrimination, countless violations of the establishment clause, freedom of speech, of assembly, etc etc.

Many people for example oppose abortion from a strict religious standpoint and want to outlaw it entirely because they were raised and taught that it is evil from their religious education, same thing with same sex marriage. Now if a Muslim man told me that not only did he want those same things, no abortions or gay marriage, but also wanted to outlaw alcohol because his religion tells him its evil as well, I wouldnt see much difference between the two. All I would see is two individuals or groups who's sense of justice is influenced by their religion and them seeking to place the same religious laws which govern their church over the rest of the country.

And dont give me any BS about this being a "Christian country" the majority of its people may be Christian but we are a SECULAR nation, which has clearly defined a difference between state and religion. One may also look at Turkey which is 99% Muslim but also secular which is way one can be openly gay or drink alcohol without the police arresting you.

Turkey explicitly outlaws Sharia and political parties which support implementing sharia, right in their Constitution.
lol except the Jews really didn't control the world, this Imam really does support Sharia law. But I see stating a fact is now to be considered scare tactics and lying.
If this imam is half the politician ours are, he will never publicly support the horrible Sharia law..
It would be interesting to hear exactly and truthfully what he does feel.
If this imam is half the politician ours are, he will never publicly support the horrible Sharia law..
It would be interesting to hear exactly and truthfully what he does feel.

He already has:

At the core of Shariah law are God's commandments, revealed in the Old Testament and revised in the New Testament and the Quran. The principles behind American secular law are similar to Shariah law - that we protect life, liberty and property, that we provide for the common welfare, that we maintain a certain amount of modesty. What Muslims want is to ensure that their secular laws are not in conflict with the Quran or the Hadith, the sayings of Muhammad.

On Faith Panelists Blog: How Islamic Law Can Work - Feisal Abdul Rauf
We won't have to worry about Sharia Law having any power in America. It goes against our core values of separation between Church, and State, and freedom. Muslims are free to practice here in America just like any other religion, but anyone who wants to implement Sharia Law will be sorely disappointed how fast they get shot down by any judge.

A judge in NJ found in favor of a Muslim who raped his wife. Under Sharia Law he didn't do anything wrong, and the judge took this into consideration. Thankfully it was later overturned.
Things are also going on in Michigan.
Oklahoma also has gone so far as to try to protect themselves from Sharia. On the ballot in Nov. there is a vote to Forbid it.

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