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Should we abolish Columbus Day? (1 Viewer)

Abolish Columbus Day, replace it with Bartolomé Day?

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DP Veteran
May 22, 2011
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Forgive the long series of images to follow, but I feel they're worth it:





Maybe they should rename it Native American Day...
Would you like someone to call you a whambulance?
Would you like someone to call you a whambulance?

I don't know what that is, but in any event, no, I would like our nation to stop celebrating genocide.
I don't know what that is, but in any event, no, I would like our nation to stop celebrating genocide.
They are not celebrating any such thing.
That is you twisting what is actually being celebrated.
Switching out a holiday celebrating a (largely incompetent) profiteering scumbag for one celebrating an almost saintly Catholic philanthropist and human rights advocate? Call me a "bleeding heart," but it's an idea I could get behind. :shrug:

Columbus was scum. There's little one can do to apologize for him.

I only fault the OP for failing to point out the fact that he eventually was, in historical reality, punished for his crimes. When the Spanish crown got wind of what was going on under his rule, they sent a new governor, and had Columbus dragged back in chains. He died in disgrace and near poverty.
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I think we should probably get rid of the holiday just as soon as we give the natives their continent back. Until then, it's kind of a hollow gesture.
This will be their fourth straight Christmas to trash..
Might as well go for 3-day weekend that helps the economy..
Cantor's cancer on the economy is spreading and in stage 4.
Maybe they should rename it Native American Day...
I think we should probably get rid of the holiday just as soon as we give the natives their continent back. Until then, it's kind of a hollow gesture.

Interesting point I guess, but it's not supposed to be a kind gesture to the natives so much as it is refraining from celebrating shameful acts. Might not be able to heal the wound but why mash salt into it?
It's a useful nationalistic holiday with a decent chunk of historical viability for European colonial settlement and exploration.
Disgusting. And the lies our "educators" tell us in school are also awful. Reminds me of the Thanksgiving Day lies.
I think we should probably get rid of the holiday just as soon as we give the natives their continent back. Until then, it's kind of a hollow gesture.

Now that's just a silly nonsensical comment.
Yes, Columbus day should be eliminated.

No, it should not be replaced with some political correctness of an obscure unknown.
I think we should probably get rid of the holiday just as soon as we give the natives their continent back. Until then, it's kind of a hollow gesture.

Not hollow at all..An acknowledgement of wrongdoing...Get rid of it...
I must say that I'm glad you lefties are able to educate the rest of the folks in this country
that we are indeed the most horrific nation ever founded in the history of mankind.
True Modern Science began with these explorers, whether you like their personals or not..
Not liking personals seems to be a 'man' thing..
Different century, same warring and hatred and personals..
I didn't say 'woman, I said 'man'.
Now that's just a silly nonsensical comment.
True Modern Science began with these explorers, whether you like their personals or not..
Not liking personals seems to be a 'man' thing..
Different century, same warring and hatred and personals..
I didn't say 'woman, I said 'man'.

I don't know what you're talking about. :roll: Not liking personals? What does that even mean?
I must say that I'm glad you lefties are able to educate the rest of the folks in this country
that we are indeed the most horrific nation ever founded in the history of mankind.

I'm not talking about the nation. I'm talking about Cristóbal Colón.
I must say that I'm glad you lefties are able to educate the rest of the folks in this country
that we are indeed the most horrific nation ever founded in the history of mankind.

Of course not, I don't think there are any countries who haven't committed some kind of atrocity in their pasts.
I'm not talking about the nation. I'm talking about Cristóbal Colón.

Yeah, he was from Spain, so IMO he really doesn't represent our country anyway.
Maybe they should rename it Native American Day...

Wasn't there a push a few decades back to call it "Indigenous Peoples Day?
Didn't you read the posts concerning what a scumbag Columbus was and how this is a driving force for this thread??

For my whole life, Columbus day has been wrapped with an in-service day at school the previous Friday, a nice 4-day vacation for families after the 1st quarter..

This is Harvest days, for ChrisL's sake, the change to Autumn..
These Libertarians won't be happy until they destroy all we have enjoyed growing up.
I don't know what you're talking about. :roll: Not liking personals? What does that even mean?
I honestly don't care what happens with that. I don't get that day off anymore, so it's of no relevance to my life.
I think we should probably get rid of the holiday just as soon as we give the natives their continent back. Until then, it's kind of a hollow gesture.

It isn't theirs.

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