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Should United Statesians Be permitted To Enter Moslem Countries? (1 Viewer)

Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

  • No, they're too loud and too fat

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Yes, they help the local economy by being easy to rip off, usually being ignorant of other languages

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

Urethra Franklin said:
Keep on, one day you'll convince yourself.

At least I don't support haters of freedom like the French who give comfort to tyrants like Saddam, Mugabe, and Hu Jintao!
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

ludahai said:
At least I don't support haters of freedom like the French who give comfort to tyrants like Saddam, Mugabe, and Hu Jintao!

Neither do I love, but I can walk down the street knowing I live in nation that's actually recognised as one.
Now stop throwing your toys out of the cot. You'll get told off again by the mods.

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