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Should United Statesians Be permitted To Enter Moslem Countries? (1 Viewer)

Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

  • No, they're too loud and too fat

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Yes, they help the local economy by being easy to rip off, usually being ignorant of other languages

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters
Calm2Chaos said:
I kind of figured that. Just another hater is all

Well, that's dismissed the whole thing and spared you the need to actually think about it, I guess.

Unless you'd like to answer Kelzie's question?
Kelzie said:
I'm pretty sure she did it to point out how hateful the other thread was. Care to point out the difference between US excluding Muslims and Muslims excluding the US?

Not at all, lets refuse to let americans into any middle eastern country that decides so. I have no problem whatsoever with that. If they figure that there need for us is so slight that they don't want us in there country that by al means don't allow us.

As countries go were pretty dependent on each other. But we don't need to be dropping people into there country for no reason. Now if there is a reason thats another story
Calm2Chaos said:
Not at all, lets refuse to let americans into any middle eastern country that decides so. I have no problem whatsoever with that. If they figure that there need for us is so slight that they don't want us in there country that by al means don't allow us.

As countries go were pretty dependent on each other. But we don't need to be dropping people into there country for no reason. Now if there is a reason thats another story

So than how is this poll hateful? If you have no problem with Muslim countries banning US citizens, what's your damage?
Kelzie said:
So than how is this poll hateful? If you have no problem with Muslim countries banning US citizens, what's your damage?

because I think one is a legitimate question and one isn't. There is a reason for the one question. terrorism didn't start at 9/11 it just became more popular. But this has been going on throughout the world for a long time. So limiting muslim admittance I feel to be a reasonable question. I am not saying you have to agree with it or even thinks it right. But it is a valid question with valid reasoning behind it. Either way no harm no foul, i retract the hater omment sorry for any offense
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

Urethra Franklin said:
No, I never said Taiwanese

That's right, you recognize China's absurd claim to this free and democratic island. You love tyrants, don't you UF?
Kelzie said:
I'm pretty sure she did it to point out how hateful the other thread was. Care to point out the difference between US excluding Muslims and Muslims excluding the US?

But the other thread's poll options weren't hateful, as this one was.
ludahai said:
But the other thread's poll options weren't hateful, as this one was.

No - just the whole point of the other thread was about hate and prejudice.
[Moderator Gravel]

Ludahi and Urethera Franklin, please cut the attacks against one another. This is a place to DEBATE not to attack each other personally.

If you want to attack each other personally please do it by some other means, E-mail for instance.


[/Moderator Gravel]
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

ludahai said:
That's right, you recognize China's absurd claim to this free and democratic island. You love tyrants, don't you UF?

It isn't me that doesn't recognize Taiwan. It's the world, including your precious US.
Djaughe said:
Or perhaps globally reinvigorate it? :usflag2:

What, you mean then the entire world would have Hollywood straight teeth and plastic t*ts? And weigh 300lbs but have no health care coverage?
Arch Enemy said:
[Moderator Gravel]

Ludahi and Urethera Franklin, please cut the attacks against one another. This is a place to DEBATE not to attack each other personally.

If you want to attack each other personally please do it by some other means, E-mail for instance.


[/Moderator Gravel]

Point taken. He's already been brought to book for name-calling, but he can't resist. Presumably he can't cope being outsmarted by a woman.
Tell you what, I'll place him on my ignore list then the problem will be solved. OK?
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Urethra Franklin said:
What, you mean then the entire world would have Hollywood straight teeth and plastic t*ts? And weigh 300lbs but have no health care coverage?

you're just jealouse because plastic t*ts arent covered under your socialist medicine.
FiremanRyan said:
you're just jealouse because plastic t*ts arent covered under your socialist medicine.

I've got real ones honey. And they're beautiful.

Plastic surgery is the great failure of the 20th century. It's produced a breed of people who don't look younger, don't look fitter, but look different. Plastic t*ts look plastic, lifted faces look lifted, and they are not at all attractive.

My socialist medicine covers plastic surgery for people who really need it, burns vicitims for examples. It covers poor people for expensive chemotherapy, life saving surgey, innovative new treatments. You United Statesians meanwhile can go on getting facelifts for your dogs.
Urethra Franklin said:
I've got real ones honey. And they're beautiful.

Plastic surgery is the great failure of the 20th century. It's produced a breed of people who don't look younger, don't look fitter, but look different. Plastic t*ts look plastic, lifted faces look lifted, and they are not at all attractive.

My socialist medicine covers plastic surgery for people who really need it, burns vicitims for examples. It covers poor people for expensive chemotherapy, life saving surgey, innovative new treatments. You United Statesians meanwhile can go on getting facelifts for your dogs.

im sure they are but i was only kidding.

but isnt that the joy of capitalism? i could give my dog a facelift if i wanted to huh? haha. but seriously, i agree with you for the most part. ive had plastic before when i broke a bone in my face. thanks to the incredible surgeons i had, no one will ever tell. other than circumstances like that, there really shoudnt be a need for it. getting plastic for cosmetic reasons is not only superficial, but extremely unattractive as well. theres nothing uglier than a girl with fake t*ts and and face lift. is it a stupid way to spend money? sure. but thats what i love about privatized medicine. if i ever wanted ass implants to really fill out my wranglers i know its only a couple grand away (like i ever would though).

and please, we know Americans are becoming quite obese but you dont need to beat a dead horse. its such a blanket statement too. i almost have a degree in dietetics, ive been working out religiously since middle school, and even at 195 lbs, my body fat is under 10%. the average european is over 18% body fat and that was back in the early 90's, its got to be higher now. im not trying to prove a point really, just letting you know that not all of us weight 300lbs.
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according to healthandage.com

average BMI for Europeans: 26.9
average BMI for Americans: 27.1

...guess were not so different afterall.
FiremanRyan said:
, ive been working out religiously since middle school, and even at 195 lbs, my body fat is under 10%. .

And a fireman too?
Wouldn't mind getting my hands on your big fireman's hose.
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

Urethra Franklin said:
It isn't me that doesn't recognize Taiwan. It's the world, including your precious US.

It doesn't erase the fact that Taiwan is a country. If you had one inkling of knowledge of international law, recognition is not the end all and be all of national sovereignty. The U.S. (at least under Republican presidents) is among Taiwan's strongest supporters.
Urethra Franklin said:
Point taken. He's already been brought to book for name-calling, but he can't resist. Presumably he can't cope being outsmarted by a woman.
Tell you what, I'll place him on my ignore list then the problem will be solved. OK?

One of these days, you will get your comeuppance. You have engaged in far more name calling than yours truly!
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

ludahai said:
It doesn't erase the fact that Taiwan is a country. If you had one inkling of knowledge of international law, recognition is not the end all and be all of national sovereignty. The U.S. (at least under Republican presidents) is among Taiwan's strongest supporters.

Keep on, one day you'll convince yourself.
ludahai said:
One of these days, you will get your comeuppance. You have engaged in far more name calling than yours truly!

I got my comeuppance the day I made the mistake of clicking on your dreary blog.
Now as you've been told off by the mods yet again (you must surely hold the forum record) I suggest we stop this here.
galenrox said:
I'm curious what jackass came up with the answers for this poll.

Somebody who was horrified at the hatefullness of the "Should muslims........" poll
I asked this at the end of page #1, and there weren't any takers...so let's try it again...

Since were on the subject of International Politics...I guess I'll throw this out...

I'll get vilified for it...but let's see if someone will legitimately answer it...

Muslim extremists do not want the US security forces on Arab land.
But the leaders of these Arab lands requested the US to secure their oil fields, due to the terrorists wanting the leaders to lose their power so they can take over.

Western Europe gets most of its oil from these same Arab lands, yet provide NO security to the oil fields they NEED to economically survive.

So if the US DIDN'T defend these oil fields, and the terrorists overran them, and destroyed the leadership that now sends oil to Western Europe, how long would it take for these European nations to econimically crumble?

PS - 9/11, as well as many other attacks, were before the invasion of Iraq, so any reference to it will be deemed "irrelevant". The terrorists have wanted the US to stop from protecting Middle Eastern oil fields LONG before Iraq

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