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Should United Statesians Be permitted To Enter Moslem Countries? (1 Viewer)

Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

  • No, they're too loud and too fat

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Yes, they help the local economy by being easy to rip off, usually being ignorant of other languages

    Votes: 5 45.5%

  • Total voters

Urethra Franklin

DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
European Union
Political Leaning
Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

Wel, we've had one ridiculously offensive poll. How about another?
Last edited:
I voted for no - no country is that desperate to boost its economy!
lol...kinda funny.
teacher said:
Permitted? Who's gonna stop us?

Immigration officials in Muslim countries. :doh

Of course they won't feel too threatened when you mince along in your pink tank top. ;)
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

Urethra Franklin said:
Wel, we've had one ridiculously offensive poll. How about another?

Typical of our resident Euro^$&^.

But considering that there is no such nationality as in the question, it is pointless to answer the question.
Re: Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?

ludahai said:
But considering that there is no such nationality.

No, I never said Taiwanese
Since were on the subject of International Politics...I gues I'll throw this out...

I'll get vilified for it...but let's see if someone will legitimately answer it...

Muslim extremists do not want the US security forces on Arab land.
But the leaders of these Arab lands requested the US to secure their oil fields, due to the terrorists wanting the leaders to lose their power so they can take over.

Western Europe gets most of its oil from these same Arab lands, yet provide NO security to the oil fields they NEED to economically survive.

So if the US DIDN'T defend these oil fields, and the terrorists overran them, and destroyed the leadership that now sends oil to Western Europe, how long would it take for these European nations to econimically crumble?

PS - 9/11, as well as many other attacks, were before the invasion of Iraq, so any reference to it will be deemed "irrelevant". The terrorists have wanted the US to stop from protecting Middle Eastern oil fields LONG before Iraq.
Urethra Franklin said:
Stripped bare - the United Statesian arrogance that will ruin the world.

Or perhaps globally reinvigorate it? :usflag2:
I voted no. We've already built too many McDonalds anyway...
Urethra Franklin said:
Stripped bare - the United Statesian arrogance that will ruin the world.

Man - that's harsh. I assumed we were allowed to be tongue-in-cheek on this thread.
Connecticutter said:
Man - that's harsh. I assumed we were allowed to be tongue-in-cheek on this thread.

We are, hon. It's just that Urethra's many fans expect her to be harsh.
Technically, we would be considered a security threat if we go by our own laws. Our people have been responsible for more than 10000 innocent deaths-making a point, bear with me. By that same token expressed in other threads, Middle Eastern nations should have the right to deny anyone entry due to "security reasons" that was expressed in the other thread.
Sorry I couldn't vote the choices were stupid and obviously written by a hater so it wasn't worth wasting time with
Connecticutter said:
Even Saddam couldn't stop us.

My dear Friend.

Of course Operation Iraqi Oil was a cake-walk! They're army was utterly destroyed in the 1st Gulf War.
Connecticutter said:
Even Saddam couldn't stop us.

My dear Friend.

Of course Operation Iraqi Oil was a cake-walk! Their army was utterly destroyed in the 1st Gulf War.
Calm2Chaos said:
Sorry I couldn't vote the choices were stupid and obviously written by a hater so it wasn't worth wasting time with

You'll find, I think, that the lovely Miss Franklin was making a point, and didn't actually expect anybody to vote. :doh
Arch Enemy said:
My dear Friend.

Of course Operation Iraqi Oil was a cake-walk! Their army was utterly destroyed in the 1st Gulf War.
Which almost makes you think that if there was enough popularity to the idea, and they felt like it, that the vast Shi'ite majority, dissenting Sunnis and the Kurds--the Iraqi people--could have overthrown Saddam themselves someday. Which almost makes me feel as if perhaps we have no place constantly overthrowing the governments of other nations supposedly in the interests of the people living in those nations.
Naughty Nurse said:
You'll find, I think, that the lovely Miss Franklin was making a point, and didn't actually expect anybody to vote. :doh

I kind of figured that. Just another hater is all
Calm2Chaos said:
I kind of figured that. Just another hater is all

I'm pretty sure she did it to point out how hateful the other thread was. Care to point out the difference between US excluding Muslims and Muslims excluding the US?

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