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Should the United States be in NATO (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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I would argue our presence in NATO is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the organization. NATO should be a European alliance put together to protect itself from outside aggressors.
The super power America should not be automatically drug into these regional conflicts by legal obligations imposed on it by NATO membership. We should independently decide if anything happening in Europe warrants our getting involved.
I would also argue that NATO would be more prone to act if we were not part of it. Right now with Ukraine America can't get militarily involved without risk of triggering an all out nuclear war. These local European countries could send troops to Ukraine and turn the tide in conventional warfare without the same risk. America in NATO is just a Goliath that gets in the way. Our membership has effectively neutered NATO in situations like this.
Yeah. That should work. The best way to show strength in the face of Putin is to have the US pull out of NATO. Basically, if we just give the murderous asshole everything he wants then he’ll see our conviction, turn a new leaf and take up unicorn ranching on the Cotton Candy prairie.
No. Europe should be feeling really confident after watching Russia struggle to sack a shithole.

They don't need us and we don't need them.
No. Europe should be feeling really confident after watching Russia struggle to sack a shithole.

They don't need us and we don't need them.

Indeed. We don’t need them. All the soldiers who lives were saved because they could be rushed to the hospitals in Germany should have just died.
I would argue our presence in NATO is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the organization. NATO should be a European alliance put together to protect itself from outside aggressors.
The super power America should not be automatically drug into these regional conflicts by legal obligations imposed on it by NATO membership. We should independently decide if anything happening in Europe warrants our getting involved.
I would also argue that NATO would be more prone to act if we were not part of it. Right now with Ukraine America can't get militarily involved without risk of triggering an all out nuclear war. These local European countries could send troops to Ukraine and turn the tide in conventional warfare without the same risk. America in NATO is just a Goliath that gets in the way. Our membership has effectively neutered NATO in situations like this.
Donny Jr is that you?
I would argue our presence in NATO is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the organization. NATO should be a European alliance put together to protect itself from outside aggressors.
The super power America should not be automatically drug into these regional conflicts by legal obligations imposed on it by NATO membership. We should independently decide if anything happening in Europe warrants our getting involved.
I would also argue that NATO would be more prone to act if we were not part of it. Right now with Ukraine America can't get militarily involved without risk of triggering an all out nuclear war. These local European countries could send troops to Ukraine and turn the tide in conventional warfare without the same risk. America in NATO is just a Goliath that gets in the way. Our membership has effectively neutered NATO in situations like this.
Even if Vlad was observing some rule that you only get to use nukes on other nuclear nations, there are nuclear powers in NATO other than the United States.
Indeed. We don’t need them. All the soldiers who lives were saved because they could be rushed to the hospitals in Germany should have just died.
We need NATO to get health care?
Even if Vlad was observing some rule that you only get to use nukes on other nuclear nations, there are nuclear powers in NATO other than the United States.
Using nukes on your next door neighbor is more problematic than using them on a country on the other side of the planet.
Using nukes on your next door neighbor is more problematic than using them on a country on the other side of the planet.
Then it sounds like being in a defensive alliance with Russia's next door neighbors offers some pretty important strategic protections for the United States.
We need NATO to get health care?

We needed NATO to have hospitals close to the combat zone able to treat wounded soldiers quick enough to save their lives.
I would argue our presence in NATO is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the organization. NATO should be a European alliance put together to protect itself from outside aggressors.
The super power America should not be automatically drug into these regional conflicts by legal obligations imposed on it by NATO membership. We should independently decide if anything happening in Europe warrants our getting involved.
I would also argue that NATO would be more prone to act if we were not part of it. Right now with Ukraine America can't get militarily involved without risk of triggering an all out nuclear war. These local European countries could send troops to Ukraine and turn the tide in conventional warfare without the same risk. America in NATO is just a Goliath that gets in the way. Our membership has effectively neutered NATO in situations like this.
So.... when French and British forces joined with American forces to strike Syrian chemical weapons facilities in 2018 (under Trump), did you think that was wrong? That the U.S. should have gone alone being the world's policeman rather than an united NATO effort?
Using nukes on your next door neighbor is more problematic than using them on a country on the other side of the planet.
wow that is just one monumentally stupid post
this leaves out the fact, that country in question can send a bunch back ... . . so no, its not. LMAO
We needed NATO to have hospitals close to the combat zone able to treat wounded soldiers quick enough to save their lives.
NATO troops served in our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So classically American to think we won't want to use them anymore now that they need to us.
I would argue our presence in NATO is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the organization. NATO should be a European alliance put together to protect itself from outside aggressors.
The super power America should not be automatically drug into these regional conflicts by legal obligations imposed on it by NATO membership. We should independently decide if anything happening in Europe warrants our getting involved.
I would also argue that NATO would be more prone to act if we were not part of it. Right now with Ukraine America can't get militarily involved without risk of triggering an all out nuclear war. These local European countries could send troops to Ukraine and turn the tide in conventional warfare without the same risk. America in NATO is just a Goliath that gets in the way. Our membership has effectively neutered NATO in situations like this.
Of course the US should be part of NATO.
The US is the backbone of NATO. Without us, NATO lacks any real teeth.
You realize we only have two hospital ships, right? And that you can’t land a C-17 full of wounded troops on one?
We build more and land a Chinook on them
NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. An intergovernmental military alliance between European nations and North American nations. We are allies.

The OP is nonsensical.
I would argue our presence in NATO is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the organization. NATO should be a European alliance put together to protect itself from outside aggressors.
The super power America should not be automatically drug into these regional conflicts by legal obligations imposed on it by NATO membership. We should independently decide if anything happening in Europe warrants our getting involved.
I would also argue that NATO would be more prone to act if we were not part of it. Right now with Ukraine America can't get militarily involved without risk of triggering an all out nuclear war. These local European countries could send troops to Ukraine and turn the tide in conventional warfare without the same risk. America in NATO is just a Goliath that gets in the way. Our membership has effectively neutered NATO in situations like this.
I think Beau gets it right. I'm agreeing with his cooler head, and knowledge of history.

One one hand, I hear Biden is weak. Here in the OP, I'm hearing strength is unnecessary. We can argue the morality of the Highway of Death, but what cannot be argued is NATO's strength, nor the fact that we led the first Gulf War.

I say we stay strong.
The US is the backbone of NATO. Without us, NATO lacks any real teeth.
Russia is barely prevailing in Ukraine. NATO military from European nations would turn the tide. No need for the US superpower to get involved and ratchet things up. European history is pretty much constant war and we shouldn’t be legally obligated and get sucked into them. It should be our decision if our interest are threatened by their constant bickering.

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