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Should some murders be legal? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Milford, CT
Political Leaning
Some people believe that a fetus is merely part of a woman's body and that abortion is the moral equivalent of a haircut. I find this position to be reasonable. I disagree, but I respectfully disagree.

Some people believe that abortion is murder, but it should be legal anyway. I find this position to be unreasonable. If there are any of you out there that take this position, I want you to explain it.
I am pro-life, but make an exception for mothers whose lives are in danger for medical reasons, especially if they already have children at home to raise. I believe these incidents are extremely rare and therefore abortion would be extrememly rare.

I am also anti-death penalty and believe, for religious and societal reasons, that the death penalty does not solve problems but rather it worsens them.

Therefore, I guess you could say I do not support ending life, in any form, for the most part.
Murder is murder no matter how you lable it and all murder is wrong no one should have the right to take someone elses life prematurly.
We justify murder all the time. Capital punishment. Self-defense. 30,000 Iraqis because of WMDs that weren't there.
FISHX said:
Murder is murder no matter how you lable it and all murder is wrong no one should have the right to take someone elses life prematurly.

I agree when it comes to murder. Early abortion is not musrder, however.
jallman said:
I agree when it comes to murder. Early abortion is not musrder, however.

And that my friend is a matter of opinion.
Liberal Because I Care said:
I am pro-life, but make an exception for mothers whose lives are in danger for medical reasons, especially if they already have children at home to raise. I believe these incidents are extremely rare and therefore abortion would be extrememly rare.

I am also anti-death penalty and believe, for religious and societal reasons, that the death penalty does not solve problems but rather it worsens them.

Therefore, I guess you could say I do not support ending life, in any form, for the most part.
I agree about abortion. As to the death penalty...if you take a life without prejudice or not in self defense, you have given up your rights to your own destiny.

Isn't it great to see people agreeing on things that normally have nothing in common? I respect your intelligence, my good man. Well done :2wave:
FISHX said:
And that my friend is a matter of opinion.

Not in the eyes of the supreme court, my friend. :doh
Just because it is a legal murder does not make it any less of a murder.
Just like the death penalty is murder albeit legal but murder none the less.
To take another humans life is murder no matter how you wish to lable it.
jallman said:
Not in the eyes of the supreme court, my friend. :doh
When did they claim that their opinion was fact?
Iriemon said:
We justify murder all the time. Capital punishment. Self-defense. 30,000 Iraqis because of WMDs that weren't there.
You make a very good point. I'm against capital punishment, but at least an explanation is given for it's justification. What justification is offered for abortion?
mpg said:
When did they claim that their opinion was fact?

The FACT is that abortion in the United States is not considered murder.
mpg said:
You make a very good point. I'm against capital punishment, but at least an explanation is given for it's justification. What justification is offered for abortion?

Abortion needs no justification beyond the womans right to her own bodily resources.
IF we are talking about real murder, and not the pretend-murder (abortion), then no, murder should not be made legal. It's consequences are far too negative to have it applicable as some type of rule, and even though there are certainly SOME ethical exceptions, it could never be tolerated en masse.
jallman said:
Not in the eyes of the supreme court, my friend. :doh
Gee at one time this could also be said of slavery. The fact is bad laws have been around and will always be a problem. It just takes time to remove them.
jallman said:
Abortion needs no justification beyond the womans right to her own bodily resources.
Why does this not apply to prostitution?
DHard3006 said:
Gee at one time this could also be said of slavery. The fact is bad laws have been around and will always be a problem. It just takes time to remove them.

Gee and slavery was overturned by a presidential act...that golly gosh darned emancipation proclomation, hayuck hayuck hayuck. The problem with slavery is the same problem with the pro-life stance...they both oppress valid citizens.

Why does this not apply to prostitution?

Irrelevant to this conversation, but just for kicks...gee in the state of nevada it does apply to prostitution.
jallman said:
Abortion needs no justification beyond the womans right to her own bodily resources.

You missed the point of the thread. The question addresses only people who feel that abortion is murder, yet still think that it should be legal.
Technocratic_Utilitarian said:
IF we are talking about real murder, and not the pretend-murder (abortion), then no, murder should not be made legal. It's consequences are far too negative to have it applicable as some type of rule, and even though there are certainly SOME ethical exceptions, it could never be tolerated en masse.

Read my last post.
jallman said:
Gee and slavery was overturned by a presidential act...that golly gosh darned emancipation proclomation, hayuck hayuck hayuck. The problem with slavery is the same problem with the pro-life stance...they both oppress valid citizens.

It's dishonest to imply that he was defending slavery. Anywho, this thread is for people who consider fetuses to be valid citizens. I have no problem with people believing that a fetus is part of the mother, even though I disagree.

Irrelevant to this conversation, but just for kicks...gee in the state of
nevada it does apply to prostitution.

It's irelevant to this conversation, but no more than the comment that he was responding to. I'm tempted to go off on a tangent and say that prostitution laws should bother pro-choicers every bit as much as abortion laws. Oops.
mpg said:
You missed the point of the thread. The question addresses only people who feel that abortion is murder, yet still think that it should be legal.

ok, my apologies. I certainly take the stance that early term abortion is not murder. If this thread is meant for those who believe it is only...then I will bow out now.
jallman said:
both oppress valid citizens.
More word games to defend killing unborn children.
"Should some murders be legal?"


I propose that the planet has been overpopulated by the global left and need to be controlled.

"It's liberal season."
GySgt said:
"Should some murders be legal?"


I propose that the planet has been overpopulated by the global left and need to be controlled.

"It's liberal season."

There's more than 3????????
cnredd said:

There's more than 3????????


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