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Should non-US born to be eligible for prez? (1 Viewer)

Should we allow persons not born in the US to be eligible for President?

  • Yes - and I would support an Amendment for it.

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • No - and I would not support an Amendment for it.

    Votes: 14 58.3%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 1 4.2%

  • Total voters


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Should a person that is *not* born in the united states be allowed to run for President?
There are popositions in congress currently for this... what are your thoughts?

Reason for poll:
I am doing a study in my college class. In this study, we need to present pros and cons for such an amendment. We had a poll last year on this forum about Arnold with few results. We are looking for more recent info.

Feel free to vote and comment.
Your comments may be used in our presentation.
Thanks for your help.
It might not be a bad idea...though I would probably put in a provision that they would have to have lived in this country for X number of years, to deter against people moving here solely to try and become President.
With our population and immigration stats the way they are, in 50 years, being an "American" is not going to mean the same thing it means today, but, being that I support preserving our under siege culture, I would still prefer to fight for every last inch of what made this country great before the multi-culturists are finished destroying it.

Yes, being born here should be a requirement.

How could we trust a foreign-born president to represent the people when conducting affairs with the president's native country?

On a side note...

If we would stop Balkanizing America and go back to the "melting pot," where immigrants were actually expected to integrate, it would matter whether or not we let foreigners run. But since everyone now gets encouraged to live in a little microcosm of their former culture without being expected to, in any way, become American, it makes no difference. Presidents might as well be foreign.
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Absolutely not. Personally, I even think dual citizenship could lead to a conflict of interest.

In the area where I live we had a guy, Ben Konop, who was from another area move in simply for the reason of running against Rep. Oxley. Konop had some great things to say but I couldn't support someone who had zero stake in life here. No history; and an uncertain future. After he lost he quickly moved back to Toledo where he's seeking public office. I also likely wouldn't support a mayoral candidate who was not from my hometown; or at least from the county.

I believe it's a realistic expectation that our leaders have a stake in the quality of life where they're elected. Not just in their future but also their past.
aquapub said:
With our population and immigration stats the way they are, in 50 years, being an "American" is not going to mean the same thing it means today, but, being that I support preserving our under siege culture, I would still prefer to fight for every last inch of what made this country great before the multi-culturists are finished destroying it.
We've read this type of prejudice from you before Aquapub, have we not? You've written before how you want to keep America "pure." Do you think you're fooling anyone with discriminating posts like this? Who are these "multi-culturists" that are destroying America? I eagerly await your next post on this subject.
I voted yes. I feel that any American citizen should be able to run for president. It is up to political parties and the voting public to decide if they are fit to serve. What is so different from a second generation immigrant and someone who was raised here, but not born here?
I voted yes. Not really because there is any real reason for it but more because there isn't any reason against it. Almost all american peoples came from outside the United States so why should being born here make any difference?
This poll is light on the options. But I picked NO
aquapub said:
With our population and immigration stats the way they are, in 50 years, being an "American" is not going to mean the same thing it means today, but, being that I support preserving our under siege culture, I would still prefer to fight for every last inch of what made this country great before the multi-culturists are finished destroying it.[/QUUOTE] Pardon my ignorance. What does it mean to be american? I'm not being sarcastic.

aquapub said:
How could we trust a foreign-born president to represent the people when conducting affairs with the president's native country?
What if s/he was born in another country but then brought over to the US just a month later?

aquapub said:
If we would stop Balkanizing America and go back to the "melting pot," where immigrants were actually expected to integrate,
That's not what the "melting pot" means. Melting pot means the incorperation of all various different religious, cultral and ethnic traditions. Or not?
Stace said:
Care to explain why?


I think we've grown as a nation to the point where we can safely say that we have a few generations of natural citizens. Why should someone born outside the USA be the Prez with so many capable, willing candidates born in so many states lining up?

Why is Joe from Kansas better than Akbar from Minnesota?

You tell me.
fooligan said:

I think we've grown as a nation to the point where we can safely say that we have a few generations of natural citizens. Why should someone born outside the USA be the Prez with so many capable, willing candidates born in so many states lining up?

Why is Joe from Kansas better than Akbar from Minnesota?

You tell me.

But why shouldn't they be allowed to run for President? If they were raised here, they probably know just as much, if not more, about our country as someone who was born here. They also have the added benefit of knowing at least a little about another country's politics, which would be beneficial concerning foreign policy.

Just remember...at some point, we were ALL immigrants, not including Native Americans, of course. With that exception, not a single person here can trace their roots only to this country.
Stace said:
But why shouldn't they be allowed to run for President? If they were raised here, they probably know just as much, if not more, about our country as someone who was born here. They also have the added benefit of knowing at least a little about another country's politics, which would be beneficial concerning foreign policy.

Just remember...at some point, we were ALL immigrants, not including Native Americans, of course. With that exception, not a single person here can trace their roots only to this country.

Wait a sec - were you born here in the USA? I'm betting you were. YOU ARE NATIVE AMERICAN. No offense, but I'm tired of Americans giving all the credit to Indians (they didn't originate here either, remember) when we were ALL BORN IN AMERICA.


The Indians might have been here first, but they got nothing on you & me as far as residency.

Now that I got that out of the way - anyone of any heritage can run for any office. But if you weren't born here, forget it. The security issues are too much to deal with.
fooligan said:
Wait a sec - were you born here in the USA? I'm betting you were. YOU ARE NATIVE AMERICAN. No offense, but I'm tired of Americans giving all the credit to Indians (they didn't originate here either, remember) when we were ALL BORN IN AMERICA.


The Indians might have been here first, but they got nothing on you & me as far as residency.

Now that I got that out of the way - anyone of any heritage can run for any office. But if you weren't born here, forget it. The security issues are too much to deal with.

Yes, I myself was born here....but my ancestors were not, except for the lineage on my grandfather's side that actually is Native American.

Security issues? Please. how does someone that moved here when they were, say, five years old, pose security issues if they ran for President 30 years later?
Stace said:
Security issues? Please. how does someone that moved here when they were, say, five years old, pose security issues if they ran for President 30 years later?

Nah I'm not gonna entertain that question, since the answer is so obvious.

Of course foreign-born citizens should be allowed to run for president. They're American citizens just like anyone else...and possibly MORE American since they chose to be here instead of just being born here.

Could there potentially be a conflict of interest? Possibly. But let's allow the voters to assess that on a case-by-case basis, rather than just assuming that ALL foreign-born people are going to have alterior motives.
Kandahar said:
Of course foreign-born citizens should be allowed to run for president. They're American citizens just like anyone else...and possibly MORE American since they chose to be here instead of just being born here.

Could there potentially be a conflict of interest? Possibly. But let's allow the voters to assess that on a case-by-case basis, rather than just assuming that ALL foreign-born people are going to have alterior motives.

Sure. Let anyone run... don't forget the extended families of terrorists. Idiots.
Kandahar said:
...They're American citizens just like anyone else...and possibly MORE American since they chose to be here instead of just being born here.

Most idiotic thing said, evar.
fooligan said:
Sure. Let anyone run... don't forget the extended families of terrorists. Idiots.

If they're American citizens, what's the problem with letting them run? Why do you hold the voters in such contempt?
fooligan said:
Wait a sec - were you born here in the USA? I'm betting you were. YOU ARE NATIVE AMERICAN.
The definition of Native American as according to Merrium Webster.
Native American
One entry found for Native American.
Main Entry: Native American
Function: noun
- Native American adjective
American Indian
One entry found for American Indian.
Main Entry: American Indian
Function: noun
: a member of any of the aboriginal peoples of the western hemisphere except usually the Eskimos; especially : an American Indian of North America and especially the U.S.
So yes Native american is specific for the Aboriginal tribes of the America's prior to European countries immigration.

fooligan said:
The security issues are too much to deal with.
What security issue?
fooligan said:
Sure. Let anyone run... don't forget the extended families of terrorists. Idiots.
It would not be idiodic if s/he ran, what would be idiodic is if the citizens of the US actually support and elect a known terrorist. You're fallacy lies in that you're assuming running for office is automatically elected to office.
fooligan said:
Most idiotic thing said, evar.
So what are you saying fool? your grandparents/ great grandparents so on and so forth were idiots?
It's sentimental only, because it won't change anything... the chances of a foreigner becoming president is impossible..

so yes, it will please ****ing multi culturalists but it won't change anything.
Reckon if someone is a naturalized citizen, and they have been a citizen for a certain arbitrary period of time-- maybe the same 35 years that a native citizen needs-- it wouldn't be a problem.

I can't think of too many immigrants that the American people would even dream of electing; it's not like Bin Laden could change his name, get his Social Security Number, and get his hands on the big red button.

edit: Ain't to do with "multi-culturalism" either. If they've got a chance in Hell of being elected President, there ain't nothing "multi-cultural" about them left.
jfuh said:
So what are you saying fool? your grandparents/ great grandparents so on and so forth were idiots?

No. Just you and so forth. :roll:

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