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Should LSD be legal? (1 Viewer)

Should LSD be legal?

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DP Veteran
Jun 10, 2011
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St. Louis MO
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
It's been a point of discussion in my apartment recently, whether acid should be legal or not. One of my roommates is pretty strongly supportive of it and the other believes that it should never be legalized. I'm kind of on the fence, so I thought I'd throw it out here.

I asked both of them to give me some arguments for their side to put out here.
Pro arguments-

-LSD is one of the least addictive drugs out there with no chance of physical addiction.

-It is nearly impossible to OD on. People have taken 1000's of times that of a single dose and survived.

-One of the most dangerous things concerning acid is the fact that different research chemicals are often passed off as LSD and the fact that it is nearly impossible to tell what dose it is. Legalization would bring quality control and make sure that it is what it is advertised.

-LSD has almost no negative side effects either short term or long lasting.

-LSD's potential to cause crazy behavior has been generally overstated. It is unlikely to the extreme for people to put their children in ovens or jump out of windows thinking they can fly.

-For a drug like LSD where people under it pose less danger to themselves and others than alcohol or marijuana, there is no excuse for the government to be making it illegal.

Against arguments-

-LSD is a drug that dramatically alters the person's mind dramatically. It's dangerous not only for the person taking it, but those around them.

-LSD can cause psychosis in rare cases and can lead to Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. HPPD causes visual changes like those under LSD chronically, sometimes appearing months after taking the drug.

-Having it legal would dramatically increase its use. If people used LSD like they use alcohol, that could cause serious problems.<br><br>
All illegal drugs should be de-criminalized for personal use. People should be free to use, enjoy or destroy themselves as they see fit.
Didn't they try that in Portugal?
It's been a point of discussion in my apartment recently, whether acid should be legal or not. One of my roommates is pretty strongly supportive of it and the other believes that it should never be legalized. I'm kind of on the fence, so I thought I'd throw it out here.

I asked both of them to give me some arguments for their side to put out here.
Pro arguments-

-LSD is one of the least addictive drugs out there with no chance of physical addiction.

-It is nearly impossible to OD on. People have taken 1000's of times that of a single dose and survived.

-One of the most dangerous things concerning acid is the fact that different research chemicals are often passed off as LSD and the fact that it is nearly impossible to tell what dose it is. Legalization would bring quality control and make sure that it is what it is advertised.

-LSD has almost no negative side effects either short term or long lasting.

-LSD's potential to cause crazy behavior has been generally overstated. It is unlikely to the extreme for people to put their children in ovens or jump out of windows thinking they can fly.

-For a drug like LSD where people under it pose less danger to themselves and others than alcohol or marijuana, there is no excuse for the government to be making it illegal.

Against arguments-

-LSD is a drug that dramatically alters the person's mind dramatically. It's dangerous not only for the person taking it, but those around them.

-LSD can cause psychosis in rare cases and can lead to Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. HPPD causes visual changes like those under LSD chronically, sometimes appearing months after taking the drug.

-Having it legal would dramatically increase its use. If people used LSD like they use alcohol, that could cause serious problems.<br><br>

I knew a guy who never came down. Bad trip.
It's been a point of discussion in my apartment recently, whether acid should be legal or not. One of my roommates is pretty strongly supportive of it and the other believes that it should never be legalized. I'm kind of on the fence, so I thought I'd throw it out here.

I asked both of them to give me some arguments for their side to put out here.
Pro arguments-

-LSD is one of the least addictive drugs out there with no chance of physical addiction.

-It is nearly impossible to OD on. People have taken 1000's of times that of a single dose and survived.

-One of the most dangerous things concerning acid is the fact that different research chemicals are often passed off as LSD and the fact that it is nearly impossible to tell what dose it is. Legalization would bring quality control and make sure that it is what it is advertised.

-LSD has almost no negative side effects either short term or long lasting.

-LSD's potential to cause crazy behavior has been generally overstated. It is unlikely to the extreme for people to put their children in ovens or jump out of windows thinking they can fly.

-For a drug like LSD where people under it pose less danger to themselves and others than alcohol or marijuana, there is no excuse for the government to be making it illegal.

Against arguments-

-LSD is a drug that dramatically alters the person's mind dramatically. It's dangerous not only for the person taking it, but those around them.

-LSD can cause psychosis in rare cases and can lead to Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. HPPD causes visual changes like those under LSD chronically, sometimes appearing months after taking the drug.

-Having it legal would dramatically increase its use. If people used LSD like they use alcohol, that could cause serious problems.<br><br>

As long as alcohol is legal, blah blah blah justification blah blah hypocritical blah.
Legalize it.
While we're at it lets legalize EVERYTHING! Get rid of all laws! That way no one will get in trouble!

While we're at it lets legalize EVERYTHING! Get rid of all laws! That way no one will get in trouble!


Because the logical extension of this is definitely getting rid of all laws. That's just taking this to the absurd.

What specific damage would come from eliminating this particular law?
All illegal drugs should be de-criminalized for personal use. People should be free to use, enjoy or destroy themselves as they see fit.

That sounds like a wonderful place to live. :roll: Freedom wasn't designed to encourage self destruction. :roll:
I see no overwhelming reason to change from the status quo on it. Sometimes the status quo is just fine.
yes - all drugs should be legal, imo
I find it completely asinine that one human being can tell another that they are not allowed to put something inside of their own body.
And then operate a motorized vehicle that kills?
Should there be any controls as with the FDA?
And then operate a motorized vehicle that kills?
Should there be any controls as with the FDA?

Well I'm assuming that any legalization would not mean that you'd be able to drive while high. I'm sure there would be controls like no driving and an age limit as there are with alcohol and marijuana in Colorado and Washington.
And then operate a motorized vehicle that kills?

There are so many circumstances under which your capacity to pilot a motor vehicle can be diminished -- with or without intoxicants -- that this isn't a reasonable argument. Should we make sleep mandatory, and punish any who are found to be driving at less than peak alertness?

Should there be any controls as with the FDA?

Sure, if it meant actual quality control.
What exactly is hypocritical?

Isn't that the gist of this,

"-For a drug like LSD where people under it pose less danger to themselves and others than alcohol or marijuana, there is no excuse for the government to be making it illegal."

from your OP?
It's been a point of discussion in my apartment recently, whether acid should be legal or not. One of my roommates is pretty strongly supportive of it and the other believes that it should never be legalized. I'm kind of on the fence, so I thought I'd throw it out here.

I asked both of them to give me some arguments for their side to put out here.
Pro arguments-

-LSD is one of the least addictive drugs out there with no chance of physical addiction.

-It is nearly impossible to OD on. People have taken 1000's of times that of a single dose and survived.

-One of the most dangerous things concerning acid is the fact that different research chemicals are often passed off as LSD and the fact that it is nearly impossible to tell what dose it is. Legalization would bring quality control and make sure that it is what it is advertised.

-LSD has almost no negative side effects either short term or long lasting.

-LSD's potential to cause crazy behavior has been generally overstated. It is unlikely to the extreme for people to put their children in ovens or jump out of windows thinking they can fly.

-For a drug like LSD where people under it pose less danger to themselves and others than alcohol or marijuana, there is no excuse for the government to be making it illegal.

Against arguments-

-LSD is a drug that dramatically alters the person's mind dramatically. It's dangerous not only for the person taking it, but those around them.

-LSD can cause psychosis in rare cases and can lead to Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. HPPD causes visual changes like those under LSD chronically, sometimes appearing months after taking the drug.

-Having it legal would dramatically increase its use. If people used LSD like they use alcohol, that could cause serious problems.<br><br>

Bob Weir seems to be doing fine

I say yes
Isn't that the gist of this,

"-For a drug like LSD where people under it pose less danger to themselves and others than alcohol or marijuana, there is no excuse for the government to be making it illegal."

from your OP?

Yeah. It's not necessarily right, but I'm not seeing the hypocrisy.
Because the logical extension of this is definitely getting rid of all laws. That's just taking this to the absurd.

What specific damage would come from eliminating this particular law?

... because if there was something the War on Drugs was missing, it was hyperbole. Well, I'm sure this changes everything.

Sometimes stating the absurd or being hyperbolic is necessary to getting the point across.
All non dangerous drugs should be legalized. I don't see acid as being all that dangerous.
Yes, I'm in favor of legalizing some drugs, including LSD. The amount of harm drugs like that do is small enough that it's not worth the time and effort to enforce laws against them.

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