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Should I join the NRA? (1 Viewer)

Skeptic Bob

DP Veteran
Oct 6, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
I am a staunch 2nd Amendment advocate and after spending some time living in DC I recognize how restrictive gun laws are in some places. I don't agree with the NRA on everything. I personally have no problem with gun dealers being required to do background checks in order to ensure they aren't selling to someone on probation or parole. And I do hear criticisms that the NRA is more concerned with the desires of the gun manufacturers than its membership. But I also recognize that many of the liberties I do have in regards to gun rights are owed in large part to the pressure put on politicians by organizations like the NRA.

I am already a member of the ACLU and I feel joining the NRA would round things out nicely. What do you think? Any better alternatives to the NRA?
I am a staunch 2nd Amendment advocate and after spending some time living in DC I recognize how restrictive gun laws are in some places. I don't agree with the NRA on everything. I personally have no problem with gun dealers being required to do background checks in order to ensure they aren't selling to someone on probation or parole. And I do hear criticisms that the NRA is more concerned with the desires of the gun manufacturers than its membership. But I also recognize that many of the liberties I do have in regards to gun rights are owed in large part to the pressure put on politicians by organizations like the NRA.

I am already a member of the ACLU and I feel joining the NRA would round things out nicely. What do you think? Any better alternatives to the NRA?

I am a life member of the NRA and a higher level member of the SAF. GOA is also a decent group as is Jews for the Preservation of the 2nd Amendment (they have changed names a couple times)

I tell people to join the NRA even though its less than perfect because it has the biggest voice and it does lots of good in training areas. as senator friend of mine noted, if half the gun owners in the USA joined the NRA, Chuck Schumer would be calling Wayne LaPierre asking for his consent or advice on any bill that might remotely impact firearms owners.
I am a staunch 2nd Amendment advocate and after spending some time living in DC I recognize how restrictive gun laws are in some places. I don't agree with the NRA on everything. I personally have no problem with gun dealers being required to do background checks in order to ensure they aren't selling to someone on probation or parole. And I do hear criticisms that the NRA is more concerned with the desires of the gun manufacturers than its membership. But I also recognize that many of the liberties I do have in regards to gun rights are owed in large part to the pressure put on politicians by organizations like the NRA.

I am already a member of the ACLU and I feel joining the NRA would round things out nicely. What do you think? Any better alternatives to the NRA?

You might consider the Gun Owners of America. Personally I prefer them over the NRA, whom I consider to be somewhat malleable, which I consider a negative.
I am a life member of the NRA and a higher level member of the SAF. GOA is also a decent group as is Jews for the Preservation of the 2nd Amendment (they have changed names a couple times)

I tell people to join the NRA even though its less than perfect because it has the biggest voice and it does lots of good in training areas. as senator friend of mine noted, if half the gun owners in the USA joined the NRA, Chuck Schumer would be calling Wayne LaPierre asking for his consent or advice on any bill that might remotely impact firearms owners.

Not true the NRA cannot translate membership into votes. Makes no effort to politically educated is members into the importance of not supporting gun control no matter who proposes it. Such things take effort and expertise the NRA simply does not have when that should be it's most important function. Self-defence for an organisation is a primary objective. The NRA thinks it is a sporting training body that can trade the 2A for government relief and table scraps.

GOA is good and Larry Pratt has his head screwed on correctly. Who did not see him take the moron Morgan apart. GOA also protect their rights as do Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership JPFO who have a very strong rights stance and some excellent material.

Join the NRA and change it to an organisation that protects its reason for existence and hoes members rights sacrosanct. Without that you have an organisation that wants to fight in GOVERNMENTS courts were you cannot win and negotiate rights.
I am a staunch 2nd Amendment advocate and after spending some time living in DC I recognize how restrictive gun laws are in some places. I don't agree with the NRA on everything. I personally have no problem with gun dealers being required to do background checks in order to ensure they aren't selling to someone on probation or parole. And I do hear criticisms that the NRA is more concerned with the desires of the gun manufacturers than its membership. But I also recognize that many of the liberties I do have in regards to gun rights are owed in large part to the pressure put on politicians by organizations like the NRA.

I am already a member of the ACLU and I feel joining the NRA would round things out nicely. What do you think? Any better alternatives to the NRA?

The facts of life are that people hold the power and the NRA exco does not. Apparently the NRA cannot figure that out and arrogance dictates the leaders must BARGAIN with politicians. Instead of the massive lever that gun control uses of people pressure on politicians the NRA figures it does not need people and the exco can handle it. It is not possible to call on people who have no idea why they are doing something or motivation to do it. Phoning your political rep does nothing. You political rep who sees 10,000 of his constituents yelling at him sure as heck gets the message. Why? Because people who feel strongly enough to get off their bums will also not vote for what they are demonstrating against and the political rep can count on that happening.

What people are really complaining about is the NRA does not support them. They perceive that support is elsewhere.

Anyone know a political rep who wants to lose even 100 votes? When gun control demonstrates they are promising VOTES loud and clear. Best make sure public opinion is never against you. Anyone see the NRA doing anything about public opinion on a large scale like gun control

More than 50% of firearm owners now support gun control and growing. There is no excuse on this earth the NRA can make for that situation. It's not to late for them to wake up. Only members will get that change by addressing it with the NRA.

Why do you support gun control?
Not true the NRA cannot translate membership into votes. Makes no effort to politically educated is members into the importance of not supporting gun control no matter who proposes it. Such things take effort and expertise the NRA simply does not have when that should be it's most important function. Self-defence for an organisation is a primary objective. The NRA thinks it is a sporting training body that can trade the 2A for government relief and table scraps.

GOA is good and Larry Pratt has his head screwed on correctly. Who did not see him take the moron Morgan apart. GOA also protect their rights as do Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership JPFO who have a very strong rights stance and some excellent material.

Join the NRA and change it to an organisation that protects its reason for existence and hoes members rights sacrosanct. Without that you have an organisation that wants to fight in GOVERNMENTS courts were you cannot win and negotiate rights.

Opinion not shared to some extent
Opinion not shared to some extent

I would be interested to know what I claimed was not valid if you don't mind. My option was based on observation and may well be wrong. I'd like to correct it.

Imagine a gun control advocate asking that :)
I would be interested to know what I claimed was not valid if you don't mind. My option was based on observation and may well be wrong. I'd like to correct it.

Imagine a gun control advocate asking that :)

I think the cause of gun owners would be far better off if every gun owner joined the NRA
I think the cause of gun owners would be far better off if every gun owner joined the NRA

On that I would agree with you but must add two important things. Number of members is a useless statistic to government. The NRA at present are totally incapable of using any number of members.

Let me expand on that so my reasoning is clear.

Every American could join an organisation and that organisation would be powerless to negotiate with government if it does not hold any power.

What is power? It is the only currency of politics. There is no other. Why would an organisation that had every American as a member be powerless in the eyes of government? Because unless it is willing to DEMONSTRATE the power it holds it has no power to change or threaten anything and that includes votes and political positions.

How does the NRA demonstrate it has power? Does the NRA organise protest when bad laws are discussed or being promoted? Yet every law has a period of time for the public to contribute and that can be in any form, agreement, disagreement and suggestions. In fact this is a civil duty. Why is the NRA not using this to inform politicians of the mistakes they are making and motivating members and keeping them informed? If ignored it is the right of everybody to object and demonstrate that objection if need be. It s the public's responsibility to see that good laws are made and the bad one never see the light of day. It is never to late to remove bad laws either.

How many members does gun control have? How come gun control is seen as the power and firearm owners are not? Why is this?

Defending our rights is not politics it is SURVIVAL and the NRA had better learn to appreciate our rights are not at it's disposal if it wants to act as a leader. It has a first mandate to protect those rights for its own survival as well as members. Which NRA official has a mandate from members that our rights can be negotiated or removed? The NRA has not learnt that or abdicates this duty.
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I am a staunch 2nd Amendment advocate and after spending some time living in DC I recognize how restrictive gun laws are in some places. I don't agree with the NRA on everything. I personally have no problem with gun dealers being required to do background checks in order to ensure they aren't selling to someone on probation or parole. And I do hear criticisms that the NRA is more concerned with the desires of the gun manufacturers than its membership. But I also recognize that many of the liberties I do have in regards to gun rights are owed in large part to the pressure put on politicians by organizations like the NRA.

I am already a member of the ACLU and I feel joining the NRA would round things out nicely. What do you think? Any better alternatives to the NRA?

What the gun control disease lacks is a capable opposition. Virtually all opposition to gun control is at the unorganised grass roots level. People like us who see how wrong it is to toss our rights to safety, self-defence and freedom on the trash pile for a promise of non-existent government aid.

Which person here is willing to subcontract their safety and that of their family to government?

I wish the NRA did actually put pressure on politicians. Instead they cannot deliver a single vote, threaten any politicians or political parties position or popularity. You cannot buy politicians with campaign funds. You cannot persuade a politician that it is the right thing to do in the face of that politician losing power, popularity or votes. All of these trump money. The NRA is currently politically stupid and probably advised by idiots who believe all sorts of formal rubbish that politics is complicated.
I became a life member of the NRA in 2008 when Hillary ran for POTUS the first time.

Bill's crime bill was a massive infringement on the 2nd Amendment in the name of a feel good, ineffective law that did nothing to alter crime.

The slimy politicians who voted for it got booted when their term was up.

Think the NRA wasn't a major factor in that outcome then I have a bridge to sell you...cheap.
<- member, NRA, GOA, State grassroots org.

NRA for size and influence, GOA for principle.
Sure, join the nra if you want to be dominated by a bunch of thugs who want to tell you how you should live and how you should vote and only want your money.
Sure, join the nra if you want to be dominated by a bunch of thugs who want to tell you how you should live and how you should vote and only want your money.

I never had the NRA contact me and tell me to do anything. I have had plenty of anti gun thugs tell me what to do though!
Sure, join the nra if you want to be dominated by a bunch of thugs who want to tell you how you should live and how you should vote and only want your money.

the real thugs are the Democrat scum bags in office who want to disarm honest people for several reasons-none of which have anything to do with controlling a Democrat party constituency-black street criminals

Gun haters come in several types from criminal apologists and actual criminals to some easily offended gays and animal rights extremists who think banning guns will punish people who don't buy into their leftwing agendas
What do you think? Any better alternatives to the NRA?

I would not join the NRA at this point, I am almost sorry that I did as a lifetime member so many years ago.

There are other organizations to look at as others have posted. I would start there.
I never had the NRA contact me and tell me to do anything. I have had plenty of anti gun thugs tell me what to do though!

That's funny. I wondered why they left you out of the loop. When I was an nra member, I got lots of phone calls pressuring me to vote for certain candidates and tons of literature mailed to me pressuring me to vote for certain candidates. If you receive one of their magazines then you have been told. I was really turned off by the nra when I saw Wayne LaP on a late night tv ad for the nra holding up a Remington 1100 shotgun while calling it a pump gun. He doesn't know one gun from another. He doesn't care anything about you or about guns. He is just another scum bag lawyer only interested in taking your money so that he can buy more $4000 suits.
Sure, join the nra if you want to be dominated by a bunch of thugs who want to tell you how you should live and how you should vote and only want your money.

It's a hell of a lot better than joining a cult that will indoctrinate you with fear and hatred.
Been a gun owner all my life and have never been a member of the NRA. That said I may have to reconsider, that gun bag they will give me for joining looks pretty good. Never been one to join clubs, only thing I ever joined was The United States Army, but if what the NRA does will help keep the banners from getting their way I may seriously reconsider that position of mine, I believe I am seeing more and more Americans start to see that same light.
the real thugs are the Democrat scum bags in office who want to disarm honest people for several reasons-none of which have anything to do with controlling a Democrat party constituency-black street criminals

Gun haters come in several types from criminal apologists and actual criminals to some easily offended gays and animal rights extremists who think banning guns will punish people who don't buy into their leftwing agendas

So why are you now picking on gays? My life partner and I are both offended.
I never had the NRA contact me and tell me to do anything. I have had plenty of anti gun thugs tell me what to do though!

The NRA should not be contacting people at all unless it was an emergency like gun control trying to sneak stuff in.

What the NRA should be doing is teaching people that their rights are only as safe as they want them to be and not to cry after they have been removed if you could not be bothered to lift a finger in protecting them.

I can never figure why people expect the NRA to protect their rights from politicians, government and many millions of cult members who have made it their lifes work to deprive others. The NRA is not superman the members are but not one of them will make much effort unless they know why it is being done. What they will lose by watching with vague interest as laws are made. Laws that are eventually going to strip them of their rights. Pontifically aware of gun control and how important it is they use their power and vote for the safety of their rights.

Right now many NRA members think they can actually help gun control and there are no consequences, the cost will be negligible, they can live with it. Only an idiot thinks rights are divisible. Only an idiot thinks rights can be infringed if some excuse can be found. For the good of the people..... Would any one of them give their little finger for the good of the people. Rights are no different. The NRA has yet to appreciate that. It is not a rights organisation but a sporting body more interested in control. People need to know what role they play and why it is important.

How many NRA members think background checks and/or registration and/or mag limits or some other gun control lunacy is OK? It that a problem? YES becasue they are drinking gun controls poison and sucking it in believing it will do some good. It will not for firearm owners. Gun control oh! yes. More laws more converts.
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So why are you now picking on gays? My life partner and I are both offended.

Why do you pick on firearm owners. I am offended.
Quite a read, this thread.

I just joined recently and this is only my second post (the first was in a thread about defining conservatism, which segues to this thread
for me a bit).

I joined the NRA a long time ago, decades ago, but let the membership expire due to what I consider very unreasonable policies coming
from that organisation.

I do feel that the NRA is protecting my gun ownership and carrying rights. If it were not for them the CC laws around the country would
probably not have come about (not sure of that). I like the CC laws (concealed carry laws) because I'm a law abiding citizen and I feel
that those laws separate me out from creeps/criminals who also carry and who I must defend myself against.

But the NRA won't make a statement about all this, except to say that no laws are needed. I sure disagree with that. We need registration
and the ability to trace weapons (and ammo!) from their use at a crime scene all the way to the makers. We have the technology to have
the manufacturers include a unique identifier on each bullet, cheaply. That should be done.

The 2nd amendment is fine, but I feel that gun ownership and public carrying should be a high privilege not a "right." I feel that the NRA
is ideological to a fault about this, and just wants everyone to have guns. Imagine the chaos if cars and trucks were treated that way and
we had no training and licensing for their use. It's bad enough now with thousands of injuries and deaths per year, imagine if driving
had no training, licensing and registration at all. It would be total mayhem.

The NRA needs to rethink this and apply some common sense.

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