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Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador? (1 Viewer)

Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?

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Land by the Gulf Stream
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Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?
Me- NFL - Not Freaking Likely
No experience, limited knowledge, a FOX news personality
Now I do expect hard core Trump supporters to support her
Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?
Me- NFL - Not Freaking Likely
No experience, limited knowledge, a FOX news personality
Now I do expect hard core Trump supporters to support her

We expect hardcore Trump haters to say no.
Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?
Me- NFL - Not Freaking Likely
No experience, limited knowledge, a FOX news personality
Now I do expect hard core Trump supporters to support her

We might as well post a poll for every highly appointed nominee appointed by Trump because the fact is every pick will be given resistance by the anti-trump.

Even when Trump selected the Mooch, a hardcore lefty, they still found a way to attack him.
Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?

Why not?

You expect more from a Trump nominee?

Is anyone who is more qualified throwing their hat in the ring to serve? Anyone with qualifications has a whole lot better things to do with their lives than have them dragged down into the muck and abuse that they would face as part of Trump's team. Sure, some decent people showed willingness to serve in the beginning, but that was before the nation was shown how bad things could be for those who made the mistake of saying yes to Trump.
Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?

Why not?

You expect more from a Trump nominee?

Is anyone who is more qualified throwing their hat in the ring to serve? Anyone with qualifications has a whole lot better things to do with their lives than have them dragged down into the muck and abuse that they would face as part of Trump's team.

Larry Kudlow has done a good job, but I remember when he had a heart attack during around the same time as the NK summit. I remember specifically on this board anti-trumpers rooting for Kudlow to die. That's sick.
Uggg...a Fox News Personality as our UN Ambassador. I don't know why Trump is so insistent in embarrassing us on the global stage.
No 2.
We expect hardcore Trump haters to say no.
No 3
We might as well post a poll for every highly appointed nominee appointed by Trump because the fact is every pick will be given resistance by the anti-trump.

Even when Trump selected the Mooch, a hardcore lefty, they still found a way to attack him.
You defending Mooch? Man was an asshole
Experience: fox news personality.

No 2.

No 3

You defending Mooch? Man was an asshole

Trump's staff is/was filled with leftys - The Mooch, Gary Cohn, Ivanka Trump, Jarrod Kushner etc.... yet the anti-trumpers found a way to attack all of them.
Nominee is 4 to 3 agin. Trump Acolytes out in force
Trump's staff is/was filled with leftys - The Mooch, Gary Cohn, Ivanka Trump, Jarrod Kushner etc.... yet the anti-trumpers found a way to attack all of them.

How about you start a thread defending the bolded. I will be more than willing to come into that thread and rip some new ones for them
An old saying about putting up, can ya do it?
I am rooting fer ya
How about you start a thread defending the bolded. I will be more than willing to come into that thread and rip some new ones for them
An old saying about putting up, can ya do it?
I am rooting fer ya

I am pretty close to the forum's max thread limit so I cannot do that.
I am pretty close to the forum's max thread limit so I cannot do that.

As usual, you just post dishonest comments. There is a reason you have a horrible reputation here.
Which means ... no Senate confirmation necessary ... correct?!? (grin)

No, still necessary. Just means the job is not on the same level as it was when Haley was in.
No, still necessary. Just means the job is not on the same level as it was when Haley was in.

What a shame ... (sigh). However, the level of that position was up- and down-graded various times during the Bush/Clinton/Obama years, so it doesn't really matter at all.
Insofar as the POTUS is a foreign policy and diplomacy novice, his UN Ambassador, along with every other individual he expressly appoints to a State Dept. role, should have deep and wide experience foreign policy and diplomacy and a proven track record of successfully analyzing, coordinating, designing, developing and executing policy and processes in both those disciplines. Additionally, a UN ambassador should have material experience as a "terminal" principal...EVP or higher in a large international organization (IBM, the Red Cross, DuPont, Prudential, etc...something where she's responsible for understanding and successfully managing people and processes across several national cultures), governor, director of a large organization, etc.

Ms. Nauert has no such background, not even close, and being thus bereft, she cannot serve any substantively useful role and has no business being thrust into a principal's role such as UN Ambassador. Hopefully she also lacks the hubris of thinking she is well suited to that job.

Though one, "any idiot," may obtain enough popularity to be elected to a given office such as POTUS or Senator, one gets appointed to "this or that" position on account of one's professional qualifications and fitness for the position.

It's probably worth noting too that sage leaders appoint lieutenants who can "make up for" the leader's own weakness. Ms. Nauert simply hasn't the skillset to be, as UN Ambassador, such a person for Trump.
Last edited:
A pretty face, but limited State Department/government experience.
Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?
Me- NFL - Not Freaking Likely
No experience, limited knowledge, a FOX news personality
Now I do expect hard core Trump supporters to support her
But there are no rumors of her committing sexual assault in high school - the only criterion Dems care about.
Should Heather Nauert be confirmed as UN Ambassador?
Me- NFL - Not Freaking Likely
No experience, limited knowledge, a FOX news personality
Now I do expect hard core Trump supporters to support her

As though Obama's UN Ambassadors weren't embarrassing to this country right to our very core.
Susan Rice & Samantha Powers, what a dynamic duo those two were, good grief. Anyone even Nicki
Haley was an upgrade compared to Rice & Powers. Complain about something else.

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