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Should Eurotrash be permitted to enter the United States? (1 Viewer)

Should Eurotrash be permitted in the United States?

  • No. Immigration should set a minimum of two showers per week for admittance.

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Yes. The values of liberty and freedom need to be spread at any price.

    Votes: 6 50.0%

  • Total voters
ludahai said:
Well, since one hateful poll was allowed, here is another.

How did the other topic have to do with Europeans if they were not muslim? We ae were talking about if it would be necesary to not let possible threats into america.
Of course I voted no.
Why should any self respecting Europeans want to go there, apart from to make a killing on bargains now your **** poor dollar's even weaker. But, no, keep the Europeans away. We won't come and support your economy.
This is an offensive poll. I, am insulted, as an European. Of course, not all the europeans are good and honest people.
So I want to ask: Should american trash be permitted to enter Europe?
The answer is no. Stay in the USA. Do not come to Europe to destroy our culture.
Do we really want to let these cheese eating surrender monkeys in? :2razz:
fam said:
This is an offensive poll. I, am insulted, as an European. Of course, not all the europeans are good and honest people.
So I want to ask: Should american trash be permitted to enter Europe?
The answer is no. Stay in the USA. Do not come to Europe to destroy our culture.

Not a problem. I have no intentions of wasting my time or money. But if I came over maybe I could create some commerce so people could get a job...:2razz:
FinnMacCool said:
Whoever started this poll is an idiot. .. how is this still allowed up?

Please refer to the poll..."Should the moderators exercise their ability to remove polls made to insult?"

Post #1...It was in direct reference to this thread...
Calm2Chaos said:
Not a problem. I have no intentions of wasting my time or money. But if I came over maybe I could create some commerce so people could get a job...:2razz:

You think you are funny. You are pathetic. Your words are a typical american idiocy. You have so limited views.You think your nation is the greatest all over the world. Europeans are open-minded, hospitable, sophisticated. Europe has a glorious history and culture.All americans can do is to cram with a fast food, to watch stupid actions.You don't even know where is situated Malta, for example.
fam said:
You think you are funny. You are pathetic. Your words are a typical american idiocy. You have so limited views.You think your nation is the greatest all over the world. Europeans are open-minded, hospitable, sophisticated. Europe has a glorious history and culture.All americans can do is to cram with a fast food, to watch stupid actions.You don't even know where is situated Malta, for example.

First: I think what you mean to say is where Malta is situated.

Second: Knock off the personal attacks. This is not the basement.

Third: This kind of stereotyping is not good for either side. You are defending yourself by engaging in the same actions that he was. That does not make your argument very convincing.

Fourth: I am an American. I do not like fast food or action movies, and I know where Malta is. Now what? Your entire statement is untrue, and offensive to the Americans that appreciate most Europeans.
fam said:
You think you are funny. You are pathetic. Your words are a typical american idiocy. You have so limited views.You think your nation is the greatest all over the world. Europeans are open-minded, hospitable, sophisticated. Europe has a glorious history and culture.All americans can do is to cram with a fast food, to watch stupid actions.You don't even know where is situated Malta, for example.

Should american trash be permitted to enter Europe?
The answer is no. Stay in the USA. Do not come to Europe to destroy our culture.

Hmmm limited views? idocy? Wow sounds like your the one demeaning an entire country worth of people. Really open minded. I feel a lot of wannabe elitist getting charged up. course that great culture of yours would have been sold on the german ebay if not for us. But you keep pitching your open minded fit. You live off of our technology and our trade. Your life as you know it wouldn't be anything similar if it weren't for us. But you keep on with your holier then though attitude. We will let you keep it:2razz:

By the way isn't Malta in the Med sea below sicily?
Kelzie said:
First: I think what you mean to say is where Malta is situated.

Second: Knock off the personal attacks. This is not the basement.

Third: This kind of stereotyping is not good for either side. You are defending yourself by engaging in the same actions that he was. That does not make your argument very convincing.

Fourth: I am an American. I do not like fast food or action movies, and I know where Malta is. Now what? Your entire statement is untrue, and offensive to the Americans that appreciate most Europeans.

OK I accept your opinion. And I know that not all american are the same. But he begins the attaks and I confess ,I acted a little bit emotionally. I'm glad to talk with americans like you.
Finally, the poll is stupid and offensive.:2razz:
Calm2Chaos said:
Hmmm limited views? idocy? Wow sounds like your the one demeaning an entire country worth of people. Really open minded. I feel a lot of wannabe elitist getting charged up. course that great culture of yours would have been sold on the german ebay if not for us. But you keep pitching your open minded fit. You live off of our technology and our trade. Your life as you know it wouldn't be anything similar if it weren't for us. But you keep on with your holier then though attitude. We will let you keep it:2razz:

By the way isn't Malta in the Med sea below sicily?

This part with my life and your help?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't you want to say that you liberated me from the turkish yoke and the communism?
fam said:
OK I accept your opinion. And I know that not all american are the same. But he begins the attaks and I confess ,I acted a little bit emotionally. I'm glad to talk with americans like you.
Finally, the poll is stupid and offensive.:2razz:

Kind of makes you no better then you claim us to be eh...... I really never attacked the entire EU either. So I think you owe me an apology. And an apology to every single American out there. We would appreciate a written one on nice card stock with pretty designs :rofl
Calm2Chaos said:
Kind of makes you no better then you claim us to be eh...... I really never attacked the entire EU either. So I think you owe me an apology. And an apology to every single American out there. We would appreciate a written one on nice card stock with pretty designs :rofl

I'm not afraid of an apology. Iapologise to you as an American, but you owe me an apology, too, as an European. I'm waiting for it.
fam said:
OK I accept your opinion. And I know that not all american are the same. But he begins the attaks and I confess ,I acted a little bit emotionally. I'm glad to talk with americans like you.
Finally, the poll is stupid and offensive.:2razz:

You're right. This poll is stupid and offensive. It was actually created as a spoof against another poll called "Should Americans be allowed in the Middle East", or something like that, which was created in response to the poll "Should Muslims be Allowed in America", which was a serious poll, but I believe just as offensive as any of the ones I just listed.
fam said:
I'm not afraid of an apology. Iapologise to you as an American, but you owe me an apology, too, as an European. I'm waiting for it.

I actually never insulted the entire EU. So you would have to tell me where you come from so I know If I insulted you. The cheese eating surrender monky crack was more of a french thing. :rofl
Calm2Chaos said:
I actually never insulted the entire EU. So you would have to tell me where you come from so I know If I insulted you. The cheese eating surrender monky crack was more of a french thing.

I'm from Bulgaria but I feel myself as a part of the European community. First I'm Bulgarian and second, I'm European.
Default Should Eurotrash be permitted to enter the United States?
Well, since one hateful poll was allowed, here is another.

Define Eurotrash and I will vote.

Should Eurotrash be permitted to enter the United States?

What in the sam hill kinda poll is this? If I even knew what euro trash was mabe I would think about voting on this poll once in a decade.

Let me guess what the next poll will be.

Should we allow people that make dumb polls to never post again?



Lets see if I am right. However, I will laugh histarically if thats the next poll. :lol:
Kelzie said:
You're right. This poll is stupid and offensive. It was actually created as a spoof against another poll called "Should Americans be allowed in the Middle East", or something like that, which was created in response to the poll "Should Muslims be Allowed in America", which was a serious poll, but I believe just as offensive as any of the ones I just listed.

Finally, some light. THat is EXACTLY WHY this thread was created. I was simply trying to point out the idiocy of an anti-American poll posted by one of our anti-American denizens.

This poll was posted in response to this poll by our resident anti-American denizen, Uretha Franklin. Look at the options to this poll and you tell me which is more offensive!

ludahai said:
This poll was posted in response to this poll by our resident anti-American denizen, Uretha Franklin. Look at the options to this poll and you tell me which is more offensive!


This poll was set up by resident hypocrite ludahai, who criticises others for name-calling but then has to be kept in check by the mods for name-calling himself.

My anti-US poll was set up in reponse to the "Should Moslems Be Allowed To Enter the US" poll, which was serious. And there's the rub: the fact that such an offensive poll should be posed in all seriousness speaks reams about the mentality behind it. That was the point of my poll, whereas the point of ludahai's poll was no more than sheer malice.
Urethra Franklin said:
This poll was set up by resident hypocrite ludahai, who criticises others for name-calling but then has to be kept in check by the mods for name-calling himself.

Wow! An admonition from the queen of name calling. I am so hurt! :2bigcry: NOT!

My anti-US poll was set up in reponse to the "Should Moslems Be Allowed To Enter the US" poll, which was serious. And there's the rub: the fact that such an offensive poll should be posed in all seriousness speaks reams about the mentality behind it. That was the point of my poll, whereas the point of ludahai's poll was no more than sheer malice.

The first poll was serious. It was a good question with appropriate choices to choose from. YOURS was deliberately offensive. Two choices, BOTH of them offensive. THAT was the context that I entered this poll in.

Uretha Franklin's poll said:
Should United Statesians Be Permitted To Enter Moslem Countries?
No, they're too loud and too fat
Yes, they help the local economy by being easy to rip off, usually being ignorant of other languages

Quite clearly MEANT to be offensive!

The original poll that started all of this discussion said:
Should Muslims be permitted within the United States?

Clearly different in nature.

Partial record of UF's insults. I stress, it is only a PARTIAL record:

Was your Taiwanese wife cheaper than a Thai one? Was she as you imagined when you saw her in the catalogue? Is she disappointed? Does she think the money was still worth it now she's stuck with a boring, opinionated, dull United Statesian? Does she give good head?

Your own home and social lives are obviously very desolate, hence you find the time to write that dreary blog. The world's insomniacs should be grateful - it's more effective than taking Stillnox.

Surely you don't refer to yourself as American? That would be an insult to my lovely friends from Mexico, Guiane, Brazil and Chile, who are also 'American' but fortunately nothing to do with the USA.

Funny, ususally the bride comes west once she's got the passport. And then starts looking for an interesting husband.

Yes, and let's hope they get it if only to put an end to our friend's dreary blog.

Though being United Statesian, nobody will ever expect the English language to be your forté.

The most I have ever been guilty of is calling her "anti-freedom" and "Eurotrash", both of which are arguably true.

Get off your high horse UF. You DO NOT have the moral high ground.

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