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Shooting at UCLA engineering building (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
ABC News....SWAT Team en route.......developing
Does not look good...

"(CNN)UCLA campus police are investigating a possible shooting on campus Wednesday, university spokesman Ricardo Vazquez said.

Police received reports of two victims down and an active shooter in or near the engineering building, Los Angeles Police Officer Tony Im said.

Officials put the campus on lockdown as authorities investigate the incident at Boelter Hall."

UCLA police investigate possible shooting on campus - CNN.com
ABC News....SWAT Team en route.......developing

Horrible. I hope the students and faculty find cover. God speed to the brave men and women who will be hunting the shooter.
Target motive or random?

Student or outsider?

Islamic terrorism or not?
Reminds me of the UC Merced stabbing last year. The man who did it was Muslim, and immediately the sheriff said terrorism wasn't involved. Then several months later, they had to say oops we goofed, he was in contact with Isis. No one even paid attention to that story.
Target motive or random?

Student or outsider?

Islamic terrorism or not?

The no fatalities reported yet and shooter on the run doesn't scream active shooter to me. Maybe targeted
It is and Gun Free Zones are a Green Light for bad guys!

Shooter at large...

I wouldn't say gun free zone, CA law does not prohibit guns in colleges, so one with a CCW license (which are issued easily in most counties surrounding Los Angeles) could legally carry
yes. That is exactly what the motive was. Gun free zone. :roll:

Nope...not the motive....but a causation.

Reminds me of the UC Merced stabbing last year. The man who did it was Muslim, and immediately the sheriff said terrorism wasn't involved. Then several months later, they had to say oops we goofed, he was in contact with Isis. No one even paid attention to that story.

The obama Regime and MSM go overboard, to deflect anything they can from Muslim involvement.

The no fatalities reported yet and shooter on the run doesn't scream active shooter to me. Maybe targeted

Unconfirmed as of now...that two are dead.

I wouldn't say gun free zone, CA law does not prohibit guns in colleges, so one with a CCW license (which are issued easily in most counties surrounding Los Angeles) could legally carry

Carrying Concealed Weapons permits are not easy to get at all. Out of 58 counties in Calif., very few Sheriff's allow CC.

While the California Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995 (626.9Cal PC) generally prohibits guns in schools, it has an exemption, located in PC 626.9(l), for Peace Officers, retired Peace Officers, and licensed CCW holders.
It is and Gun Free Zones are a Green Light for bad guys!

Shooter at large...

Don't let any bodies get cold before exploiting it...
Nope...not the motive....but a causation.

The obama Regime and MSM go overboard, to deflect anything they can from Muslim involvement.

Unconfirmed as of now...that two are dead.

Carrying Concealed Weapons permits are not easy to get at all. Out of 58 counties in Calif., very few Sheriff's allow CC.

The news report I read said two victim status unknown, another said injury
Don't let any bodies get cold before exploiting it...

I am not now....and NEVER have ......exploited anything of this nature.

I merely state the facts!

And historically, you Can't Handle the Facts!
Concentration is on the Math Building at this time....it is unknown if this is a clearing process, or a suspect has been located.

FBI tactical on scene.
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I am not now....and NEVER have ......exploited anything of this nature.

I merely state the facts!

And historically, you Can't Handle the Facts!

You did in this very thread. Sorry, but the facts show that you jumped at the chance to exploit this tragedy.

And can you show, "historically", where I have ever been unable to handle facts? Bet you can't...

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