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Sex education in schools (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jul 21, 2004
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Re: Change of description. [Warning, possibly offensive subjects]

This is one of the most frustrating things for me.

There are people out there that think that we will somehow be able to make the whole problem go away by teaching abstinance. This is simply not true.

We need to have open, honest discussions with our young about sex and the consequences (by they possitive or negative).

These days, we have children running around thinking that oral sex doesn't break abstinance and that it's less harmful. Something is terribly wrong with this mindset.

And education about contraceptives and profolactics isn't just about what's out there, it's also about the caveats of sex and different choices. It helps with informed decisions.

For those that would say that safe sex education should be handled in the home, I would agree except that the AIDS problem is pandemic and is contagious through other means aside from sexual activity, therefore we need to mitigate as many avenues of transmission as possible. It has been shown that education is the strongest tool we have against AIDS. By enforcing a policy against open sex education, we effectively remove this tool from our tool box.
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Re: Change of description.

For example, did I read in USA Today recently that text books Texas will only be allowed to teach abstinence for birth control.

Yep, because (I believe) the other teaching method said that sex is OK. In the 5th grade homo, hetero, or any type of sexual is good - should not be taught. It should not be taught that it is ok to give tommy a blow job- as long as he has a condom on - which is what was new in the books and thrown out. There was a teacher that showed 3rd graders how to give head to a banana with a condom on it!! (heard on the radio - cannot back up that claim)

How does one confer to teach sex without saying it is ok?

If we could teach our children about sex and not tell them that it is fun and good to do - I am all for it. Because, yes kids do have a brain and a choice.
Re: Change of description.

Regardless of it being ok or not, sexual ignorance is literally killing our children and robbing them of their childhoods.

We need to work on your question. How do we teach children about protecting themselves without glamorizing sex more than our own hormones do? The answer is criticle.

The only answer I can come up with is to be open and honest with them. Tell them that sex can kill. Tell them that condoms break. Tell them that diseases can and are transmitted through oral contact.

By teaching abstinance and not fully disclosing the entire truth, we leave a vacuum that will be filled with ideas that Glad Wrap and a rubber band is a safe precaution.

What you don't know can not only hurt you, but also kill you.
Re: Change of description.

Why is sex a bad idea? It's part of our natural instincts. Civilization and time has caused our society to move towards "controlling" our natural instincts. Personally, as long as the kids know the consquences of getting someone pregnant or even STDs and their effect, hell show um a few picture of what herpes does, that'll be a good one-two punch. Abstinance, for the most part, will be ignored. Teens nowadays (trust me I hear this crap from my friends everyday) think that this is the time of their life to "experiment" whether it be for drugs or sex. As long as you make sure the kids know what can happen, good and bad, and know that if they do decide to do it, that they be safe.

Sure promote abstiance, it can't hurt, but don't try to shelter kids, it ends up biting you in the ass.
Re: Change of description.

And let's not forget the emotional impact of sex.
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Sure, I see nothing wrong with sex for fun though ;-)
Re: Change of description.

But tell me this. . .Are you fully aware of the emotional, physical, ecominc etc. consequences? (I've already assumed you are.)
Re: Change of description.

Yuppers. I disapprove of sex being shown only in a negative light however.
Re: Change of description.

I think I know where you are coming from here.

Anyway, Joe, what was your sex education like and what did you take away from it?
Re: Change of description.

Well, I had sex ed in 4th or 5th grade. All I can really remember are pictures of the human bodies. Other than that I can't remember anything. I was in private school for middle school, so I don't know if they had anything during then. And in private school I only had drug talks.
Re: Change of description.

Yep, this topic of "paternal rights" needs to be split. :rofl
Re: Change of description.

vauge said:
For example, did I read in USA Today recently that text books Texas will only be allowed to teach abstinence for birth control.

Yep, because (I believe) the other teaching method said that sex is OK. In the 5th grade homo, hetero, or any type of sexual is good - should not be taught. It should not be taught that it is ok to give tommy a blow job- as long as he has a condom on - which is what was new in the books and thrown out. There was a teacher that showed 3rd graders how to give head to a banana with a condom on it!! (heard on the radio - cannot back up that claim)

How does one confer to teach sex without saying it is ok?

If we could teach our children about sex and not tell them that it is fun and good to do - I am all for it. Because, yes kids do have a brain and a choice.
Am I reading this right? There was a book that taught that it was OK to give Tommy a blow job as long as he had a condom on? And there was seriously a chance a 3rd grade teacher was showing students how to perform oral sex. Third graders are like 8 and 9 year olds! If that happend that teacher should be shown the door and fast. Sex Ed. should be something taught in health class at a late Jr. high early high school level. But it should be taught with real answers to real questions. Not just glossed over with "sex, it's bad for you- don't do it until your married."
Re: Change of description.

Am I reading this right? There was a book that taught that it was OK to give Tommy a blow job as long as he had a condom on? And there was seriously a chance a 3rd grade teacher was showing students how to perform oral sex. Third graders are like 8 and 9 year olds! If that happend that teacher should be shown the door and fast.

Sex Ed. should be something taught in health class at a late Jr. high early high school level. But it should be taught with real answers to real questions. Not just glossed over with "sex, it's bad for you- don't do it until your married."
I agree, but I'm not sure on the timing.
Re: Change of description.

Am I reading this right? There was a book that taught that it was OK to give Tommy a blow job as long as he had a condom on? And there was seriously a chance a 3rd grade teacher was showing students how to perform oral sex. Third graders are like 8 and 9 year olds! If that happend that teacher should be shown the door and fast. Sex Ed. should be something taught in health class at a late Jr. high early high school level. But it should be taught with real answers to real questions. Not just glossed over with "sex, it's bad for you- don't do it until your married.

According to the radio, it was said that the teacher was banned from Sex ed. but could go back to teaching English. The book did not neccesarily say that it was ok, but it did explain HOW to do it "appropriately". This is nothing that 3rd graders should be seeing. It went on to talk about "King and King" - as noted in the books to ban thread.

Now that I think about it, my wife, a Junior Art High teacher, told me that kids are asking the sex ed teacher how to perform "fisting" correctly. How do you answer that?
Re: Change of description.

You would answer that the same way a gynocologist would.

The vagina is not designed to accomidate something as large as a human fist.
Fisting can be extremely detrimental to your health. From there. I would go into the possible side effects of using unusually large objects in a sexual fashion.

The more I think about it, the more this question seems like the "How do lesbians have sex" question that came up when I was in school. The sole purpose of the question was to rattle the teacher or if the student didn't know what fisting was, then the opportunity to warn a student away from potentially damaging practices was presented.
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Re: Change of description.

vauge said:
Now that I think about it, my wife, a Junior Art High teacher, told me that kids are asking the sex ed teacher how to perform "fisting" correctly. How do you answer that?
Well I'd begin by telling them that I like to use live bait. I've always found that lures and manmade baits don't have nearly the same..err...Oh! FISTING! now that's completely different!

Honestly, If a teenager approached me with such a question I'd tell them that it was a completely inappropriate topic for us to discuss. I might ask them why they wanted to talk about such an odd thing. Just to "feel" them out, to see if they were just trying to push my buttons or really wanted info. If I thought they were truely looking for info I'd tell them I wasn't comfrontable talking about it and that I thought it was not normal sexual behavior.
Re: Change of description.

I was working under the assumption this was in a sex-ed class.
Re: Change of description.

I think even if I were teaching a sex ed. class I'm not sure I'd go into a subject such as fisting anymore then I would discuss scat (defecating on someone for sexual enjoyment.)
Re: Change of description.

Silence is a bad idea in that case. I beleive it would be best to adress the question as clinically as possible and make it known that fisting is a hazardous behavior. (not to mention the girls in the class would make it clear that they don't want anyone trying it.)
Re: Change of description.

The vagina is not designed to accomidate something as large as a human fist.

Who said the question came from a girl?
Re: Change of description.

LiberalFINGER said:
Silence is a bad idea in that case. I beleive it would be best to adress the question as clinically as possible and make it known that fisting is a hazardous behavior. (not to mention the girls in the class would make it clear that they don't want anyone trying it.)
How do you know the girls would make it known they wouldn't want anything to do with it? Maybe they'd love it. It might be their idea. Or it might be the guy who wants to be "fisted." I just think in a public school setting I'd stick to teaching basic sex ed. There'd most likely be topics concerning hetro, oral, homo etc.. but depending on the school board I doubt there'd be much outside the lines of that. But I could be wrong. I guess you could end up talking scat, golden showers, bestiality and the whole gamit, but I don't think so.
Re: Change of description.

Who said the question came from a girl?
I didn't. Nor did I imply that it did.

How do you know the girls would make it known they wouldn't want anything to do with it? Maybe they'd love it. It might be their idea. Or it might be the guy who wants to be "fisted." I just think in a public school setting I'd stick to teaching basic sex ed. There'd most likely be topics concerning hetro, oral, homo etc.. but depending on the school board I doubt there'd be much outside the lines of that. But I could be wrong. I guess you could end up talking scat, golden showers, bestiality and the whole gamit, but I don't think so.

I've actually been in a sex ed class where girls have made it known that certain behaviors would not be acceptable, but that's not really the point.

Kids will say/ask the darndest things. To allow questions to drop without giving fact based, honest answers is to invite speculation. Speculation has no place in something as serious as reproductive health.
I guess I'll have to chime in on an obviously liberal duscussion. You dudes make me sick. Fisting and crapping on each other, only a liberal could get off on such a tangent. The original issue was sex education. The issue should be dealt with at home. From the time a girl is able to control her own emotions and bodily functions she should be taught self dignity, self confidence, and self reliance. She should be taught that her body is under her control and no one elses. Anyone that violates that will be guilty of rape and will surely die of lead poisoning. She should know the tendencies of nature and the proper time for response, ie: when she feels a mutual love and respect for the other person. Hopefully her upbringing will lead her to an "after marriage" decision. Fisting and crapping on each other is not a natural tendency.

As for boys, they should be taught a respect for the opposite sex. They should be taught what a young woman has to go through, face it guys...we've got it easy. They should, believe it or not, be taught manners, how to treat a woman. If they find a woman that wants to be fisted or crapped on, they should know to RUN LIKE HELL!! As for the school system, they should be reponsible for teaching anatomy of the human body, the reproductive process, and the consequences of unprotected sex, leave it there. We learned that in Health, 9th grade. Anything else is a sick teacher trying to get off. Maybe it's OK to make condoms accessible, but if the kids are screwing, they know how to use it.

And heyjoeo, sex is fun I'll admit. You are obviously a young liberal. When you have a 14 year old daughter, let's see how you react to a teacher showing her how to blow a banana. Better yet teach her that it's fun!
I guess I'll have to chime in on an obviously liberal duscussion. You dudes make me sick. Fisting and crapping on each other, only a liberal could get off on such a tangent.
Don't assume it was a liberal who brought it up.

Vauge brought up fisting. . . he's "conservative".

Pacridge brought up fecal matter. . . he has not declared a position on the spectrum.

On this, you are WRONG.

I contend that kids will bring up the damndest things to dumbfound their teachers and when it happens, it has to be dealt with in as professional a manner as possible while at the same time, warning them that such behavior can be detrimental.

As for the school system, they should be reponsible for teaching anatomy of the human body, the reproductive process, and the consequences of unprotected sex, leave it there. We learned that in Health, 9th grade. Anything else is a sick teacher trying to get off. Maybe it's OK to make condoms accessible, but if the kids are screwing, they know how to use it.
It is here that we agree completely. The school should not be teaching morality, but should be teaching cold hard facts.
Rainman, that's a pretty naive way of looking at the situation. You can't expect teenagers to accept that because the nagging question of "I wonder what this feels like?" will come up and they will not know the consquences of their actions, they will just do it.

Also, who says a man can't respect a girl by showing her love and affection in sexual behaviors? Some may argue that's the best way to bolster a relationship. And how is sex "not respecting one's body?" That's ridiculous, many people argue that sex is enlightening and you get to know your body better through it.

Oh and the daughter comment, I will not tell her its immoral for sexual acts, but I will advise her to use safe precautions if she decides (of her own volition (sp?)) to engage in those, and to choose wisely (Harry the Heroin Addict probably should be avoided ;-)).

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