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Sessions: ‘You Don’t Have a Constitutional Right to Come to America’ (1 Viewer)

He's not wrong.

Much as I hate to agree with anything from the Breitbart Report, he's not wrong.
Then clearly you have not been paying attention to the mindset of the left.

https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=immigration is a right

And on the very top of the page of the search you suggested? An article by LIBERTARIAN rag reason.com - "Immigration is a natural right".

And your political lean is? Ah, yes - LIBERTARIAN.

And for the rest, I have yet to see ANY liberal site claim that immigration is a constitutional right. AGAIN, strawman much?
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Tell that to open borders/immigration factions.

Did anyone here read the post?

As a libertarian I believe people have the right to free travel and artificial lines in the sand created by the state should not stop them.

Just sayin'.
And on the very top of the page of the search you suggested? An article by LIBERTARIAN rag reason.com - "Immigration is a natural right".

And your political lean is? Ah, yes - LIBERTARIAN.

And for the rest, I have yet to see ANY liberal site claim that immigration is a constitutional right. AGAIN, strawman much?

RIGHT leaning Libertarian, you can read cant you?

We believe nationhood, culture, and genes play a part for Liberty and the "blank slate" view is factual dishonest and egalitarianism is mental sickness.
As a libertarian I believe people have the right to free travel and artificial lines in the sand created by the state should not stop them.

Just sayin'.

So can anyone walk into your home? If not then why? Your lines are artificial.
RIGHT leaning Libertarian, you can read cant you?

We believe nationhood, culture, and genes play a part for Liberty and the "blank slate" view is factual dishonest and egalitarianism is mental sickness.

Right leaning libertarians are commonly for open borders. And ahem...not all right leaning libertarians are statists.

I also know of no libertarian that speaks of genes in that context.
So can anyone walk into your home? If not then why? Your lines are artificial.

There is a difference between a man's home and an entire country.
Right leaning libertarians are commonly for open borders. And ahem...not all right leaning libertarians are statists.

I also know of no libertarian that speaks of genes in that context.

No, we are not. You clearly do know what we stand for.

To you the state doing anything is "statism", just stop it already.

Well we do now.
No, we are not. You clearly do know what we stand for.

To you the state doing anything is "statism", just stop it already.

Well we do now.

Anyone that believes in the state is a statist by definition.
There is a difference between a man's home and an entire country.

Nope, what makes one line any more real then the other to you? Is it because you are more effected when your line is costed 30 ft away rather then miles away?

The logic is inescapable. A big border protects a lot of smaller entities within the territory it rings. Abolish the big border, and small borders will organically arise to protect the smaller entities that were once protected as a whole behind one big umbrella border. Abolish the small replacement borders, and still smaller borders will be formed to protect the integrity of the multiplying units of partitioned entities and territories.

For real life examples of this phenomenon in action, see any gated community, school with metal detectors, or bulletproof glass-enclosed 7-Eleven check-out counter. If you remove the national border, the citizens will respond to their unwelcome vulnerability by erecting borders around that to which they can still control entry.

Open borders libertardians like Cheap Chalupas either are too stupid to understand this or, more likely, are too disingenuous to bother understanding. Perhaps for them, ensconced in the swaddle of their own leafy, 95% White, high trust suburban borders, the recursively multiplying, mitotically dividing, expanding universe of atomized borders and supporting Surveillance State machinery necessary in a Diversitopia are a feature instead of a bug. If that’s how they think, then here’s to hoping their cushioned principles are put to the test the best possible way: with swift and unremitting exposure to the reality of the borderless world they champion.

Anyone that believes in the state is a statist by definition.

Well stop paying taxes and obeying their laws...See where that gets you.

Hey run back home and tell them they can not cross an artificial line.
RIGHT leaning Libertarian, you can read cant you?

We believe nationhood, culture, and genes play a part for Liberty and the "blank slate" view is factual dishonest and egalitarianism is mental sickness.

I fixed the link in my previous comment.

Anyway, right-leaning, left-leaning, still libertarian...and I've seen nothing indicating that reason.com is officially a left-leaning mag. What's more, just because YOU disagree with your fellow libertarians doesn't mean that you officially speak for all right-leaning libertarians.

Don't get me wrong - I do understand what you're trying to say - remember "blue dog democrats", the strongly conservative Democrats? But even then, the comparison doesn't really work...because they - like most libertarians - support either Gary Johnson or {whoever the Republicans happen to send up} for president. It's always been that way.
Nope, what makes one line any more real then the other to you? Is it because you are more effected when your line is costed 30 ft away rather then miles away?

It's because I actually own my home and my claims are soundly founded on consent.
Well stop paying taxes and obeying their laws...See where that gets you.

Hey run back home and tell them they can not cross an artificial line.


Nothing you said speaks to the definition of the word statist.
I fixed the link in my previous comment.

Anyway, right-leaning, left-leaning, still libertarian...and I've seen nothing indicating that reason.com is officially a left-leaning mag. What's more, just because YOU disagree with your fellow libertarians doesn't mean that you officially speak for all right-leaning libertarians.

Don't get me wrong - I do understand what you're trying to say - remember "blue dog democrats", the strongly conservative Democrats? But even then, the comparison doesn't really work...because they - like most libertarians - support either Gary Johnson or {whoever the Republicans happen to send up} for president. It's always been that way.

Open border=Left as they reject cultural value with cultural relativism.

And remember what happened to them? The party culled them in order to move to the far left.
They'll never admit it. They'll play semantic games and if that doesn't work they'll go with every tactic in their quiver to tell you how stupid and wrong you are. If that fails, well, you'll be called a racist.

Open border=Left as they reject cultural value with cultural relativism.

And remember what happened to them? The party culled them in order to move to the far left.

Huh? You're really not paying attention, are you? For instance, which president has deported more illegals than any other? Let me know when you find out.

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