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School Voucher Debate Thread (1 Viewer)

Aren't you afraid the tutors will indoctrinate the child ?

Kids can get indoctrinated no matter where they are taught.
We want to allow parents and students to get best education possible, which is not in public schools.

If government run schools are so much better, why not compete?
We'll see how far Paul Ryan gets with his vouchers--Ryan being part of that GOP Elite you tore apart earlier tonight--the vast majority of the parents in this country love their public schools--just as they keep sending the same people back to DC--vouchers cut the tax base, raising taxes on people who aren't freeloaders--where alternative charter schools are available, they are an absolute disaster--parents coming back to publics in droves .
You have no proof that charter schools for profit are better than public schools. We do know they are politically connected through donations to the GOP .

(Charter =/= Private. But apparently I'm the one who doesn't know what they're talking about lol)

Private schools aren't better?

For one, the cost per student is less than in public schools (in 2010 it was $11,749 vs $7,848 according to the Statistical Abstract of the United States)

Also this study found that private school kids schools scored higher than ones in public schools and were statistically significant (NAEP Studies - 2006461: Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling)

Even if you don't accept that private schools are better education, you can't deny that they cost less per student and aren't subject to the bureaucracy that public ones are.

You and the OP want to end public schools. I submit you don't know what yer talking about concerning said topic. Just repeating GOP talking points from wherever you came from. Blanket statements about something being a wreck are moronic nonsense .

I don't know what I'm talking about? Whatever makes you sleep better.

GOP talking points? You just can't form a sentence without adding a fallacy in. I weep for our education system.

And you think the school system isn't a mess? We increase our spending and employment, yet the results are not improving. We've been doing that same thing for decades too! That's insanity for you.
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We'll see how far Paul Ryan gets with his vouchers--Ryan being part of that GOP Elite you tore apart earlier tonight--the vast majority of the parents in this country love their public schools--just as they keep sending the same people back to DC--vouchers cut the tax base, raising taxes on people who aren't freeloaders--where alternative charter schools are available, they are an absolute disaster--parents coming back to publics in droves .

he is not "elite" he is a Neo Con and they are on the hit list, hell Boner will not survive Texas Rep. Gohmert challenge has he should not.

So why are record number of people home schooling/demanding vouchers?

Did you not see the election results?

But hey please keep talking.
Private schools publicly funded--no separation of church and state learning went on here.

And we all know private, elitist schools are available all over this great Nation.

Just more of the new separate but unequal updated GOP .
he is not "elite" he is a Neo Con and they are on the hit list, hell Boner will not survive Texas Rep. Gohmert challenge has he should not.

So why are record number of people home schooling/demanding vouchers?

Did you not see the election results?

But hey please keep talking.

So Gohmert's going to beat Boehner huh? :lamo. You just gave yourself up to the whole board. Gohmert is right there with Michelle Bachmann. So please, keep talking. You hate all DEMs and have an admitted GOP hit list--too funny .
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Private schools publicly funded--no separation of church and state learning went on here.

And we all know private, elitist schools are available all over this great Nation.

Just more of the new separate but unequal updated GOP .

They could be if for vouchers, and we are not the ones standing in the way of students going to a great school.

You are Bull Conner standing the way of poor students..
We'll see how far Paul Ryan gets with his vouchers--Ryan being part of that GOP Elite you tore apart earlier tonight--the vast majority of the parents in this country love their public schools--just as they keep sending the same people back to DC--vouchers cut the tax base, raising taxes on people who aren't freeloaders--where alternative charter schools are available, they are an absolute disaster--parents coming back to publics in droves .

We in Wisconsin might not see vouchers in a referendum or on a ballot card, remember that the Wisconsin legislature makeup is a majority of republicans. When a certain party is in control, they can just about do what they wish.
So Gohmert's going to beat Boehner huh? :lamo. You just gave yourself up to the whole board. Gohmert is right there with Michelle Bachmann. So please, keep talking. You hate all DEMs and have an admitted GOP hit list--too funny .

Did David Brat not bet Eric Cantor?

You really do not study current events namely elections do you?
We in Wisconsin might not see vouchers in a referendum or on a ballot card, remember that the Wisconsin legislature makeup is a majority of republicans. When a certain party is in control, they can just about do what they wish.

But let me guess its O.K when your party does it right?
We in Wisconsin might not see vouchers in a referendum or on a ballot card, remember that the Wisconsin legislature makeup is a majority of republicans. When a certain party is in control, they can just about do what they wish.

We've got a couple of newbie live ones here. They love Walker, Gohmert, guns, hate DEMS and GOP elites and neocons--and did I mention they cant stand lefties or teacher unions? Chase down the OP's gun stuff when you get s chance. Makes TD look moderate .
Did David Brat not bet Eric Cantor?

You really do not study current events namely elections do you?

The TEA party was smeared by the ELITES last year. Walker's man Priebus took you guys out but good . :lamo
We've got a couple of newbie live ones here. They love Walker, Gohmert, guns, hate DEMS and GOP elites and neocons--and did I mention they cant stand lefties or teacher unions? Chase down the OP's gun stuff when you get s chance. Makes TD look moderate .

More ad hominems, false accusations, and lack of any coherent argument. I'm not holding my breath that your next post will be any different
They probably just went to a public school View attachment 67178343

Cantor benefitted like all of your GOP CROOKS--with a multi-million dollar Wall Street payoff. He still pulls Boehner's strings. :lamo. Say, how's your KKK boy Scalise? He's a TEAt. And look for McConnell to neuter Cruz at the first sign of trouble from him .
More ad hominems, false accusations, and lack of any coherent argument. I'm not holding my breath that your next post will be any different

After 80 posts, you'd be an authority of content free posts--since you just sent me one. I was hoping TEAt candidates would win Senate primaries. This is why DEMs lost the Senate, they didn't, for those TEA novices still learning .
We've got a couple of newbie live ones here. They love Walker, Gohmert, guns, hate DEMS and GOP elites and neocons--and did I mention they cant stand lefties or teacher unions? Chase down the OP's gun stuff when you get s chance. Makes TD look moderate .

Not Walker, he did not crack the whip......
Not Walker, he did not crack the whip......

Walker's RNC chief Priebus destroyed your TEA party in the primaries. 2016 should be fun watching you guys implode again as in 2012 also .
The TEA party was smeared by the ELITES last year. Walker's man Priebus took you guys out but good . :lamo

The Election results say other wise, then again you can not win every race all the time.
After 80 posts, you'd be an authority of content free posts--since you just sent me one. I was hoping TEAt candidates would win Senate primaries. This is why DEMs lost the Senate, they didn't, for those TEA novices still learning .

Content free, huh? I've referenced 3 different studies in my posts in this thread to provide evidence for my stance. You have addressed none of them. Instead you find it prudent to say my points are derived from GOP propaganda, which is ridiculous and unfounded. All you have to do is turn your head slightly to the left to see that I do not even identify with that party. But that's aside from the point. You've still failed to address anything I've said.
Walker's RNC chief Priebus destroyed your TEA party in the primaries. 2016 should be fun watching you guys implode again as in 2012 also .

Really? Warren? Clinton? I would worry about you guys..

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