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School shooting this morning . . . (1 Viewer)

I just reject the silly attempts to justify the Democratic Party's attempts to harass law abiding gun owners with stuff that the founders would have hung people like Biden for

The Founders said no such thing.
I like using definitions that existed at the time, not the definitions you think will get your agenda completed.

Yes, I use the definitions that were in use at the time.
Yes, I use the definitions that were in use at the time.

No, I have seen what you do with this argument of yours before and there is nothing about it that resembles a basic understanding of the definitions you're using.
I doubt it. My shepherds might have taken his arm off.

So what's the difference between us having more than 8 rounds for protection and you promoting violence against people with dogs?
No, I have seen what you do with this argument of yours before and there is nothing about it that resembles a basic understanding of the definitions you're using.

Obviously if you have seen the definitions I presented from that era, something is preventing you from accepting them.
Because - as you hsve been educated upon repeatedly and often - you know that the Second Amendment does not mention INFRINGEMENTS but rather prohibits the right to keep and bear arms from being INFRINGED.

another drive-by...................
Your most likely correct. But I'm not arguing most have them. Only that they are a valid and often better option.

Better options like, say more than 10 rounds. How is your options any better? As you have admitted your option is as or more destructive. What happens when your dog, after taking down an intruder, goes after the cops when they show up?
Obviously if you have seen the definitions I presented from that era, something is preventing you from accepting them.

mainly he understands what the founders intended as do most of us and it was not to allow INFRINGEMENTS of a natural right

your definition of "infringed" is not valid
mainly he understands what the founders intended as do most of us and it was not to allow INFRINGEMENTS of a natural right

your definition of "infringed" is not valid

Then they should have used the word INFRINGEMENTS. But they did NOT.
Then they should have used the word INFRINGEMENTS. But they did NOT.

yeah I guess they could not contemplate that there were going to be anti gun operatives who wanted to try to change what their words really meant in order to allow dishonest politicians to infringe on rights the founders assumed no one would question
I find it is a usual SOP of the anti gun posters to try to take evasive positions and then claim that the most logical interpretation of what you said really wasn't what you said

your post was hilarious-you don't need more rounds because its hard to hit a bad guy with a pistol

last question of the night

you have admitted you don't need a gun and don't carry one

where do you get off trying to argue about gun issues with those of us who do and have clearly demonstrated we really understand the issue?

Good night

As a citizen, I can speak on anything I like. That's where I get off. Now, explain why I haven't paid for it?
That is like saying a man that defends his family would never do so if he thought he could die. As it is with the robber it is with the protector of property and life.

Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.

There is nothing about having courage that calls for your tasks to be noble or worth doing. You simply must have the foresight to know the danger and have the bravery to face it.

The criminal is not protecting anything, though far less motivated. They overwhelming tend to take the easiest route. So, you seem to be missing the point.
So what's the difference between us having more than 8 rounds for protection and you promoting violence against people with dogs?

I don't need 17 dogs. I can do the job with. Two if I want overkill. You don't need 17 as you can do the job with seven easy enough. The point us no violence, but what us required to the job.
Better options like, say more than 10 rounds. How is your options any better? As you have admitted your option is as or more destructive. What happens when your dog, after taking down an intruder, goes after the cops when they show up?

A well trained dog won't. I'm still trying to find a situation where you can't do the job with seven rounds.
yeah I guess they could not contemplate that there were going to be anti gun operatives who wanted to try to change what their words really meant in order to allow dishonest politicians to infringe on rights the founders assumed no one would question

NO. They said what the wanted to say and used the words they used. Period.

If you do not like it you should advocate the use of Article V of the Constitution rather than to pervert the actual Second Amendment.
And we STILL dont know the identity of the shooter. Money says he is not a white male student from an upper middle income family.

Some reports indicate that he may have been inspired to bring the gun to school due to an anti-bullying video shown in the school a few days prior where a female student brought a gun to school and confronted her bullies and they backed off. We'll see....

So another day in America?
I did predict they would come more often. in a thread called "a mentally ill person walks into a gun store oh you heard that one."

I 'm sure all the poster boys of the NRA have showed up with phrases like "MY COLD DEAD HANDS", or "I GOT MA RIGHTS YA KNOW" or " I KNOW I HAVE 10 GUNS ALREADY I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WAIT OR GO THROUGH ANY RED TAPE TO BUY MORE", all the same old same old .
While innocent victims lie dead
No big deal it was only a few it's worth it for me to keep my rights ya know
They could use this goody so there was a shooting ,innocent people are dead investigate the killer and the victims and move on nothing to see here , just another day in America where people get shot and killed at schools, colleges and movie theaters and navy yards move on.:peace
Those sane people who are opposing gun violence and the obvious fact that guns need to be much more strictily controlled and limited, are not taking a tough enough position against the gungoons and their insane attitudes. The US will never be able to rise above this problem and make their citizens reasonably safe against gun violence until a tougher stand is taken. The will is just not there to stop it and until you Americans do your children and loved ones will continue to be slaughtered.

When is enough, enough? Do real people who aren't carrying guns around and pretending they are needed for protection, have rights too? Do pretend macho gungoons have a right to endanger the lives of others in order to satisfy what is mostly their feelings of inadequacy if they don't have a gun to back them up?
Those sane people who are opposing gun violence and the obvious fact that guns need to be much more strictily controlled and limited, are not taking a tough enough position against the gungoons and their insane attitudes. The US will never be able to rise above this problem and make their citizens reasonably safe against gun violence until a tougher stand is taken. The will is just not there to stop it and until you Americans do your children and loved ones will continue to be slaughtered.

When is enough, enough? Do real people who aren't carrying guns around and pretending they are needed for protection, have rights too? Do pretend macho gungoons have a right to endanger the lives of others in order to satisfy what is mostly their feelings of inadequacy if they don't have a gun to back them up?

there would have to be something on the level of the Newtown school massacre every month for a year or two to change the politics now firmly on the side of the gun lobby. And nobody wants that.
there would have to be something on the level of the Newtown school massacre every month for a year or two to change the politics now firmly on the side of the gun lobby. And nobody wants that.

Just another excuse to not solve the problem. You need to recognize the gungoon element that is responsible. You most likely will when the teabagger movement dies it's natural death when Obama's term is over and they have no further reason to be 'out of the closet' racists anymore. I would suggest that will be when some of the more rabid ones in their midst will start acting out their ugliness and hate with their guns. Reading the hate and vitriol they spew on this forum makes it plainly obvious they are on the edge and needing to resort to violence.

Listen to them and watch them froth at the mouth but beware! They are a danger to your very society!
Just another excuse to not solve the problem. You need to recognize the gungoon element that is responsible. You most likely will when the teabagger movement dies it's natural death when Obama's term is over and they have no further reason to be 'out of the closet' racists anymore. I would suggest that will be when some of the more rabid ones in their midst will start acting out their ugliness and hate with their guns. Reading the hate and vitriol they spew on this forum makes it plainly obvious they are on the edge and needing to resort to violence.

Listen to them and watch them froth at the mouth but beware! They are a danger to your very society!

You've posted in several topics and all you do is rant on tea partiers. Is someone paying you to post such things? I hope so, because the alternative explanations for your behavior is even worse than being paid to troll people.
Just another excuse to not solve the problem. You need to recognize the gungoon element that is responsible. You most likely will when the teabagger movement dies it's natural death when Obama's term is over and they have no further reason to be 'out of the closet' racists anymore. I would suggest that will be when some of the more rabid ones in their midst will start acting out their ugliness and hate with their guns. Reading the hate and vitriol they spew on this forum makes it plainly obvious they are on the edge and needing to resort to violence.

Listen to them and watch them froth at the mouth but beware! They are a danger to your very society!

The vast vast majority of American gun owners are responsible people who are no threat to anyone. There are some extremists who attempt to politicize the issue fortheir own radical agenda - and some of that involves guns - but they are the exception.

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