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Scarborough: 'Screw' GOP if they kick me out for defending mosque (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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At least two prominent Republicans are going against the bulk of their party to say that Muslims have every right to build an Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero.

Monday morning, conservative MSNBC host Joe Scarborough found himself agreeing with former Bush advisor Mark McKinnon that Muslims have a right to build the controversial mosque.

Politics can be certainly confusing. On one side, you have Bush advisor Mark McKinnon, Joe Scarborough, and President Obama. On the other side, you have Harry Reid and Dick Cheney. The expression "Politics makes strange bedfellows" is certainly an understatement here.

On the other hand, why should it be confusing at all? Why not just use the guide that we have successfully been following for well over 200 years? I, of course, am talking about the Constitution of the United States of America.

Article is here.
Politics can be certainly confusing. On one side, you have Bush advisor Mark McKinnon, Joe Scarborough, and President Obama. On the other side, you have Harry Reid and Dick Cheney. The expression "Politics makes strange bedfellows" is certainly an understatement here.

On the other hand, why should it be confusing at all? Why not just use the guide that we have successfully been following for well over 200 years? I, of course, am talking about the Constitution of the United States of America.

Article is here.

And every single one of the people you listed agrees that the Constitution guarantees their right to build the mosque. :roll: There's nothing "confusing" about that at all, much as people try to confuse it anyway.
Joe has the right to back the Right-wing Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero.

But what he refuses to do - along with everyone else is FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL:

* Where is the money coming from?
* Where is Imam Rauf? He is currently in the ME, but cant be found.
* Why does Rauf have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? CAIR? (A 9-11 unindicted co-conspirator).
* Why does the Islamic Mosque have ties to AMIR, ASAF and other anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas, pro-FATAH links?
* Why will the Islamic Mosque house a homophobic, anti-gay "Islamic ex-gay ministry?"

Rep's and Dem's simply refuse to look BEHIND the talking points and ask bold questions.

Mr. Scarborough has the right to support the Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero.

We, as Americans have the right to ask questions and protest anti-Semitism, hatred, bigotry, racism and homophobia.
Joe has the right to back the Right-wing Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero.

But what he refuses to do - along with everyone else is FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL:

* Where is the money coming from?
* Where is Imam Rauf? He is currently in the ME, but cant be found.
* Why does Rauf have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? CAIR? (A 9-11 unindicted co-conspirator).
* Why does the Islamic Mosque have ties to AMIR, ASAF and other anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas, pro-FATAH links?
* Why will the Islamic Mosque house a homophobic, anti-gay "Islamic ex-gay ministry?"

Rep's and Dem's simply refuse to look BEHIND the talking points and ask bold questions.

Mr. Scarborough has the right to support the Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero.

We, as Americans have the right to ask questions and protest anti-Semitism, hatred, bigotry, racism and homophobia.

Actually, I am pretty sure they think this: It's none of our damn business. If they are not breaking the law, then they have a right to build the mosque. None of that **** matters one bit as to whether they have a right to build it, or even whether they should build it(which is solely their decision).
Scarborough loves this since there is no other way he can stay relevant. After all, it's not like anyone on the right really cares what a schmuck on MSNBC has to say.
Joe has the right to back the Right-wing Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero.

But what he refuses to do - along with everyone else is FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL:

* Where is the money coming from?
* Where is Imam Rauf? He is currently in the ME, but cant be found.
* Why does Rauf have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood? CAIR? (A 9-11 unindicted co-conspirator).
* Why does the Islamic Mosque have ties to AMIR, ASAF and other anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas, pro-FATAH links?
* Why will the Islamic Mosque house a homophobic, anti-gay "Islamic ex-gay ministry?"

Rep's and Dem's simply refuse to look BEHIND the talking points and ask bold questions.

Mr. Scarborough has the right to support the Islamic Mosque at Ground Zero.

We, as Americans have the right to ask questions and protest anti-Semitism, hatred, bigotry, racism and homophobia.

do we deny someone their constitutional rights based on innuendo? has these people been charged or convicted of anything? i don't like the idea of this mosque AT ALL, but that doesn't mean they don't have a right to build it.
And are there any quotes from Harry Reid or Dick Cheney saying they don't have the right to do this?

I would be particularly interested in seeing danarhea answer.
Goof Noodle,

I think your correct.

He's a politically correct Republican ... because he is on MSNBC!

As a homo, I understand one thing: Sharia Law means DEATH to me and my boyfriend. Right now 7 homosexuals await beheading in Saudi Arabia, 2 in Lebanon and 3 in Iran, which hung two gay men in 2005 to great applause and fanfare. Our own gay rights organizations are *SILENT*. Since Obama is *silent*.


I stand AGAINST the Ground Zero Mosque not because I hate Muslims, but I know what *Sharia Law* means to me personally, to the gay community in general. As a student of history I know that Islam has a very bad human rights record regarding Jews, Israel, and Chrisitanity. Christians today are not only persecuted *all across the Middle East* but these throatcutting barbarians still stone people to death.

I stand AGAINST hatred, barbarity, homophobia, throatcutting, beheading, racism, bigotry and anti-Semitism because its the right thing to do.

Scarborough schmoozes with left-wing hypocrites because it keeps him in a paycheck.

The left in New York dont know what a Trojan Horse they are buying in the GZ Mosque.

Thank GOD I live in Texas.

I may be a homosexual, but I am an *armed* homosexual.

This homosexual will *NEVER* submit to *Sharia Law* or the pedophile Mohammed.

Take that and STICK IT in your Qu'ran.
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And are there any quotes from Harry Reid or Dick Cheney saying they don't have the right to do this?

I would be particularly interested in seeing danarhea answer.

Not to my knowledge actually. As best I understand their position, it is that the people should not build the mosque, not that they cannot. You are actually 100 % correct as best I know.
Scarborough has moved to the left. I believe to keep his job at MSNBC
Scarborough has moved to the left. I believe to keep his job at MSNBC

Defending the First Amendment is not evidence of "moving left."
Not to my knowledge actually. As best I understand their position, it is that the people should not build the mosque, not that they cannot. You are actually 100 % correct as best I know.

Then the point of the OP is moot.
Another thread started over the false premise that the argument is over whether they CAN build the mosque.

That's not an issue, hasn't been an issue, it's a BS argument. Of course they CAN.

The issue is whether or not they SHOULD build it.
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I think you should view the video at the link in the OP.

I think you should explain specifically how they contradict me.
Defending the First Amendment is not evidence of "moving left."

His move to the left has been seen since he left for supposed back problems and came back less conservative and more left leaning.
What's your excuse for Pat Buchanan being on MSNBC?

A right wing whacko that nobody takes seriously good point
Anyone want to count the number of amendments to the constitution the republicans want to change so far this year? :roll:
What's your excuse for Pat Buchanan being on MSNBC?

Buchanan is there to provide historical reference as it applied to the Nixon era. Scarborough is the token RINO over at MSNBC -- the only one I believe that's still there, and his role is to provide historical reference between 1994-2001, when he resigned in 2001 after one of his aide's was found dead in his office, amid conspiracy theories stating said aid had skull fractures from the autopsy. The way Joe's Website describes his "retirement" from Congress...

Scarborough Country said:
In May, 2001, Joe retired from Congress to spend more time with his children, practice law, and launch a cable news program.

The controversy stems from the aide fainting and hitting her head on his desk and dying, to the aid had a heart attack, fainted, and hit her head on the way down and died from possibly both... to the autopsy showing it was a heart attack. The aide, Lori Klausutis, had her Wiki page deleted apparently. Be that as it may... Scarborough is plays patty cake with the uber liberals for a nice amount of pay, and gives MSNBC a shred of unbiasness politically. In reality - the man's a hack and always has been. He's not however, stupid. He knows where his bread is buttered and of course he plays patty cake well with the best of the liberals at MSNBC.
Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas apparently mentioned the incident - which got him banned from MSNBC.
Anyone want to count the number of amendments to the constitution the republicans want to change so far this year? :roll:

How many official bills are in committee for constitutional amendments? Can you post the links?
Here's the key to the mosque argument: Time/Place/Manner, it is the most standard test to whether expression is protected or not. The Time - A generation in which the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil claimed the life of nearly 3k civilians, an attack carried out by Islamic(i.e. not moderate muslim) extremists. The Place - two blocks away from the epicenter of said attack. The Manner - this is speculative, is it outreach? Perhaps. Is it a way of rubbing salt in the wound of a city victimized by the aforementioned attack? Also perhaps.

It is an ill advised time and place and the manner is questionable, especially given that the cleric in charge of the effort is of dubious motive and has said inflamatory things including but not limited to partially blaming our country for the attack and stating that we should be Sharia compliant. These are things that should raise questions and would apply equally to any religious movement in which an attrocity was attributed, had the Phelps clan been violent I would fully understand a movement to deny a christian church within a close proximity of said attack, as I would wince at anything that would likewise qualify.

So can they build that mosque? Probably. Is it offensive? Depends upon the person I quess(I am offended because of the specific players). Should they build it there? Uh, no.

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