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SC woman 1 escaped convict 0 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2016
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Political Leaning

A South Carolina woman woke up to find an escaped convict armed with a knife outside her bedroom door. Luckily she was armed and all it took was one round to the intruders head to permanently neutralize the threat. Thank god for the right this woman had to defend herself instead of being another defenseless victim.
Good news, indeed.
Definitely a close call for her. Good for her composure to protect herself.

I don't know the numbers but got to think you are more likely to be attacked in your own home more than you would outside it. With that said , I keep my pistol in combination safe next to my head every night.

Too bad for poor individual in Dallas didn't have a gun to protect himself when his apartment was invaded.
And she did it with a head shot.
And she did it with a head shot.

That's what got me. I consider myself a better than average shot and tip my hat. One shot fired and it's is a head shot out of a sleep. Probably a mixture of practice and luck but still damn good shooting
Good job. Glad she had a weapon to protect herself. A side benefit is tax payers no longer have to pay the incarceration of the escaped convict.

A South Carolina woman woke up to find an escaped convict armed with a knife outside her bedroom door. Luckily she was armed and all it took was one round to the intruders head to permanently neutralize the threat. Thank god for the right this woman had to defend herself instead of being another defenseless victim.

For every criminal shot by a gun owner I can give you 5 of these....

This happened yesterday...almost every day some kid get shot by a gun their parents own

4-year-old girl dies after being accidentally shot by 3-year-old brother

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says

A gun in your home is just far more likely to shoot you or your family members than an intruder.

Solution? Get a dog.

A South Carolina woman woke up to find an escaped convict armed with a knife outside her bedroom door. Luckily she was armed and all it took was one round to the intruders head to permanently neutralize the threat. Thank god for the right this woman had to defend herself instead of being another defenseless victim.

I love a story with a happy ending!

woman shootung bad guy.jpg

good guys with guns.jpg
Why didn’t she just subdue him with jiu-jitsu?

Definitely a close call for her. Good for her composure to protect herself.

I don't know the numbers but got to think you are more likely to be attacked in your own home more than you would outside it. With that said , I keep my pistol in combination safe next to my head every night.

Too bad for poor individual in Dallas didn't have a gun to protect himself when his apartment was invaded.

Hopefully the bad guy(s)) will let you call "times" to open your safe. I'm sure they are interested in "being fair"....
Hopefully the bad guy(s)) will let you call "times" to open your safe. I'm sure they are interested in "being fair"....

Gun safes are different than regular safes. I can push 3 buttons with my eyes closed and out pops a loaded 357.
As for "times", my German Shepherd will give me adequate "time".

I don't like the idea of having a loaded weapon just laying on the dresser.
For every criminal shot by a gun owner I can give you 5 of these....

This happened yesterday...almost every day some kid get shot by a gun their parents own

4-year-old girl dies after being accidentally shot by 3-year-old brother

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year, study says

A gun in your home is just far more likely to shoot you or your family members than an intruder.

Solution? Get a dog.

Again with limiting defensive gun uses to where the badguy was shot and killed. Or in this case, just shot.
Gun safes are different than regular safes. I can push 3 buttons with my eyes closed and out pops a loaded 357.
As for "times", my German Shepherd will give me adequate "time".

I don't like the idea of having a loaded weapon just laying on the dresser.

Yep, same here. Loaded and in a quick release safe I can open one handed, in the dark, and in about 2 seconds. Awesome inventions.
I have great respect for this woman to arouse from sleep and be able to think like that.
I was lucky my 2 120lb dogs took care of the guy/woman whatever it was that intruded. I never had to get the gun, kids never awoke. I did have $1000 vet bill (big gash in my dogs head) that the vet waived after hearing what happened.
Damn almost 25 years later, I never saw an intruder and I can still feel the whole thing and I didn't get hurt nor did I hurt anyone.

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