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Sarah Palin endorses Star Parker for Congress (1 Viewer)

Southern Man

DP Veteran
Jan 7, 2009
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The Beautiful Yadkin Valley
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Very Conservative
Congressional Candidate Star Parker today announced former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has endorsed her campaign to represent the people of the 37th District in south Los Angeles County. On Thursday, Gov. Palin praised Star's 'incredible story' and 'passionate commitment to her community and our great nation.'

Highlighting Star's work to strengthen parents and families in Los Angeles and across the country, Gov. Palin said in her endorsement:

"I'm proud to endorse Star Parker for California's 37th Congressional District. Star has an incredible story and a passionate commitment to her community and our great nation. Rising up from being a single mom on welfare, Star worked hard to build a non-profit network that seeks to reduce poverty and create a brighter future for America by promoting free market solutions and personal responsibility.


Sarah Palin endorses Star Parker for Congress | Star Parker for Congress

You go girl! :cool:
I'm proud to endorse Star Parker for California's 37th Congressional District. Star has an incredible story and a passionate commitment to her community and our great nation. Rising up from being a single mom on welfare, Star worked hard to build a non-profit network that seeks to reduce poverty and create a brighter future for America by promoting free market solutions and personal responsibility.

You go girl!

Free markets are the problem not the solution. This woman is a danger to America.
let's see
she was on welfare, now she is against it being available
she had four abortions
now she is anti-abortion and against the use of contraceptives
yep, she is also opposed to same sex marriage
another opportunist ... no surprise, this is someone who received the palin 'endorsement'
let's see
she was on welfare, now she is against it being available
she had four abortions
now she is anti-abortion and against the use of contraceptives
yep, she is also opposed to same sex marriage
another opportunist ... no surprise, this is someone who received the palin 'endorsement'

Wow, people change their positions on things sometimes? Shocker!

Apparently she was a low-life criminal who cleaned up and made something of herself... what a hypocrite :roll:
Wow, people change their positions on things sometimes? Shocker!

Apparently she was a low-life criminal who cleaned up and made something of herself... what a hypocrite :roll:

Total baloney .

This woman gets not one but four abortions and now wants to take the high road. She further advocates again birth control just as Palin was doing when her teen daughter got pregnant.
I am against abortion but this is the last person to be telling others how to live. If anything she should be in prison for being a serial killer. Hows that?

She then benefits herself from welfare but now doesn't want anyone else to..

I am glad to see Palin in her camp. They are two of a kind. Congrats Republicans for another real find.
Total baloney .

This woman gets not one but four abortions and now wants to take the high road. She further advocates again birth control just as Palin was doing when her teen daughter got pregnant.
I am against abortion but this is the last person to be telling others how to live. If anything she should be in prison for being a serial killer. Hows that?

She then benefits herself from welfare but now doesn't want anyone else to..

I am glad to see Palin in her camp. They are two of a kind. Congrats Republicans for another real find.

People aren't allowed to regret past decisions, and try to get others to avoid making the same mistakes?
People aren't allowed to regret past decisions, and try to get others to avoid making the same mistakes?

So you are advocating against birth control to help decrease abortions?
So you are advocating against birth control to help decrease abortions?

No, I'm saying that the fact that she once did those things does not tie her down to any unchanging position on them. Lots of people have done things that they later consider to be mistakes. Actually, pretty much everyone.
No, I'm saying that the fact that she once did those things does not tie her down to any unchanging position on them. Lots of people have done things that they later consider to be mistakes. Actually, pretty much everyone.

So how is she helping others prevent them? She advocates against birth control because we are suppose to be fruitful and mulitply . Her own words.
Another do as I say not as I do BS artist. Once again how is she helping anyone?
So how is she helping others prevent them? She advocates against birth control because we are suppose to be fruitful and mulitply . Her own words.
Another do as I say not as I do BS artist. Once again how is she helping anyone?

You mean do as I say, not as I did. There is a big difference.

That you don't agree with her stances (I don't really either) is irrelevant to the fact that a change of heart is not the same thing as hypocrisy.
That you don't agree with her stances (I don't really either) is irrelevant to the fact that a change of heart is not the same thing as hypocrisy.

She got 4 abortions, and is now against it. Thats fair okay, but to be against contraceptives, thats hypocrisy. How do you expect to curb unwanted pregnancy's without contraceptives, you can't expect people to be abstinent.
She got 4 abortions, and is now against it. Thats fair okay, but to be against contraceptives, thats hypocrisy. How do you expect to curb unwanted pregnancy's without contraceptives, you can't expect people to be abstinent.

It is obvious why Palin is so drawn to this candidate with abstinence working so great in he own family.
With the upcoming Republican landslide in the elections perhaps they will push for a national ban on contraceptives.

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