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Russia has sanctioned 13 Americans (including ex-politicians/non-politicians). Donald Trump is not one. Nor are any Republicans. (1 Viewer)

Funny that.

Why is it that all you do here is post links to Twitter? Cant you think for yourself? Obviously not. If you could you would know that Putin has no reason to sanction Trump. Trump isnt president. Did you somehow miss the 2020 election?
Why is it that all you do here is post links to Twitter? Cant you think for yourself? Obviously not. If you could you would know that Putin has no reason to sanction Trump. Trump isnt president. Did you somehow miss the 2020 election?
Here comes another ass kisser to Trump's rescue.
Here comes another ass kisser to Trump's rescue.
Well thats stupid. Put your thinking cap on, if you have one, and explain to me why Trump would be sanctioned by Russia right now?
Why should Trump be sanctioned? He has no part in this current Ukraine/Russia mess. This is all the doing of the Dems.
And the third. You must be pissed you weren't the the first. Trump isn't going to let you lick his balls now.
Why is it that all you do here is post links to Twitter? Cant you think for yourself? Obviously not. If you could you would know that Putin has no reason to sanction Trump. Trump isnt president. Did you somehow miss the 2020 election?
Hillary Clinton is on the list
Why is it that all you do here is post links to Twitter? Cant you think for yourself? Obviously not. If you could you would know that Putin has no reason to sanction Trump. Trump isnt president. Did you somehow miss the 2020 election?
And the republicans are not in charge if anything in Washington. The democrats control all the power levers.
Just one more hack thread to attack republicans. But as usual it's a big fat fail.
I suspect this is just the first round of Russian sanctions on people in the US government. Next, they'll take aim at selected US Congressmen and women.

That's gonna hurt.
Hillary Clinton is on the list
Was Obama? Why is it you libs cant figure out that the sanctions are against the Biden administration because it was the Biden administration that sanctioned top Russians. Does literally everything have to be explained to you guys?

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