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Rush Limbaugh pulled himself up by his own bootstraps? (1 Viewer)

Rush Limbaugh pulled himself up by his own bootstraps?

  • Yes, Rush Limbaugh was a self made man who worked his way up from nothing.

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • No, he was given the opportunity

    Votes: 17 54.8%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters
Hmmmmm, money/education/connections vs a cheap assed electric guitar. Yep same thing exactly.
Wow! That went straight over your head didnt it. Look, I try to keep things simple enough for liberals to understand them. I guess I failed this time. Perhaps someone else on the right will come along and explain it better for you than I could.
the last three posts you have directed to posts I have made, make no sense, are missing words, or your translation software needs work.
I had a little something to celebtate yesterday, grade wise
(with drinks)... so I am sorry for some incoherancy....but don't be mean...it happens to the best of us!

Cheers...have a nice day, Sir!
Wow! That went straight over your head didnt it. Look, I try to keep things simple enough for liberals to understand them. I guess I failed this time. Perhaps someone else on the right will come along and explain it better for you than I could.

It says something when you fail at even "simple" explanations. Your complex ones must be doozies.
It says something when you fail at even "simple" explanations. Your complex ones must be doozies.
The comparison was self-explanatory. Limbaugh didnt achieve what he did because his dad got him into radio any more than Van Halen got where he did because his dad bought his first guitar. Both men achieved greatness in their fields because of their own hard work, skill and creativity. This really shouldnt have had to have been spelled out for you.
The comparison was self-explanatory. Limbaugh didnt achieve what he did because his dad got him into radio any more than Van Halen got where he did because his dad bought his first guitar. Both men achieved greatness in their fields because of their own hard work, skill and creativity. This really shouldnt have had to have been spelled out for you.

I don't dispute he used what he started with to good effect. But the ENORMOUS qualifier is the fact that daddy owned the platform of his success, That's kinda gigantic friggin' head start.
I don't dispute he used what he started with to good effect. But the ENORMOUS qualifier is the fact that daddy owned the platform of his success, That's kinda gigantic friggin' head start.
Not if you suck it isnt. And he got fired from numerous jobs along the way. The fact remains, that his daddy helping him get his start is irrelevant to what he became. Just as Van Halens daddy helping him get his start was irrelevant to what he became. Both men got to the top by their own effort and talent. Period.
Another conservative myth.
Generosity has not addressed the social problems to the extend that government policies have.

If that had been the case, the US (one of the wealthiest countries full of generous conservatives) would not have a bigger problem of extreme poverty compared to the developed "socialist countries."

Yet another socialism apologist who believes that our nation is founded on government programs. How did we become such a wealthy and prominent nation when social programs didn't exist? Nearly a hundred and fifty years of prospering citizens and not a Social Security program in sight.

How did we survive as a nation without such programs? My position - based on our history - is that they are not a requirement to thrive or to survive as a nation. The industrial age and the transition away from farming as the defacto lifestyle had far more to do with our growth as a nation than unemployment programs.

Try and prove that the cotton gin, the assembly line, or the airplane were the direct result of government. I dare you.
I appreciate that some of his ditto heads demand others respect the man upon his death. I could care less what his mob of listeners cares or thinks. I am thrilled that he is dead, loving every minute of it.

I am not demanding you do anything, just observing that you are trashing a dead man. A character flaw when done immediately after death, in my view.

Limbaugh donated A LOT to charity and as such most people would give the man after his death a level of respect. This sentiment was expressed by the left regarding McCain/Trump and now leftists from everywhere trample on the grave of a dead man.

You are behaving similarly to Trump regarding McCain, if that helps drive the point home for you.
I am not demanding you do anything, just observing that you are trashing a dead man. A character flaw when done immediately after death, in my view.

Limbaugh donated A LOT to charity and as such most people would give the man after his death a level of respect. This sentiment was expressed by the left regarding McCain/Trump and now leftists from everywhere trample on the grave of a dead man.

You are behaving similarly to Trump regarding McCain, if that helps drive the point home for you.

More nonsense, as previously stated, glad he is room temperature. In fact, I am glad so many people feel the same way as I do. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
All I can say is that being far older then you, he was one of the most influential people in the last 40 years that turned you into a hater of me. You may not know it but that is the truth.

You assume far too much. One of your assumptions is that I hate you - simply not the case. I don't like your government philosophy; your proscriptions for public policy are not to my liking. This is not the same thing as hating you as a person. I simply disagree with you on some issues. I want to defeat you at the ballot box, not defeat you as a human being.

And to be clear - Rush is not the one who created me. I listened to the man, and read his first book even, but my life experiences forged me and Rush is but a piece of that. I also listened to Air America back in the day - I listed to Rachael Maddow before she ever got a gig on TV. Ever hear of the Brunch with Bernie segment? Hint: it wasn't on Maddow's show.

I have intentionally expose myself to more than one way of thinking. I now use this website for that purpose. But at the end of the day leftists, Democrats, liberals, progressives all have one thing in common - poor public policy proscriptions that I philosophically oppose (for the most part). You simply happen to be a part of that grouping.
You assume far too much. One of your assumptions is that I hate you - simply not the case. I don't like your government philosophy; your proscriptions for public policy are not to my liking. This is not the same thing as hating you as a person. I simply disagree with you on some issues. I want to defeat you at the ballot box, not defeat you as a human being.

And to be clear - Rush is not the one who created me. I listened to the man, and read his first book even, but my life experiences forged me and Rush is but a piece of that. I also listened to Air America back in the day - I listed to Rachael Maddow before she ever got a gig on TV. Ever hear of the Brunch with Bernie segment? Hint: it wasn't on Maddow's show.

I have intentionally expose myself to more than one way of thinking. I now use this website for that purpose. But at the end of the day leftists, Democrats, liberals, progressives all have one thing in common - poor public policy proscriptions that I philosophically oppose (for the most part). You simply happen to be a part of that grouping.

Fine. Yet you likely vote with the block of voters that were influenced by Rush and the right wing media movement he ushered in which created the monstrosity that is the GOP today. Just because you personally do not feel as rabid about your political opponents as others does not excuse supporting a party that is dominated and run by people who do indeed hate half the nation based upon lies told them by Rush and others. You are judged by the company you keep, Trump defines any and all who voted for him, that is the truth. Now it could be that you did not vote for Trump, congratulations for being part of the rational party if true. Rush was a cancer upon our nation and his passing is cause for celebration, may he rot in hell.
and I bet you like trump

Got it! Know just who you are

I am faced with two choices every election cycle, regardless of how many candidates are on the ballot. Either the D or the R will win - all the others are losers before the contest even begins.

Knowing this, I have historically chosen the one group that is closest to my ideals. At times that means I must hold my nose and pull the lever for the lesser of two evils. There are many on this website who are from the right and believe my political theory is misguided, allowing less than ideal candidates like Trump to win office.

I still stand by my choice - Trump was better than Hillary in 2016. Trump was better than Biden in 2020.

(fill in the blank) will be better than Biden Harris in 2024.

Common ground. I will take it.

Yet you likely vote with the block of voters that were influenced by Rush and the right wing media movement he ushered in which created the monstrosity that is the GOP today.

Historically yes. The R party is the closest thing to my ideals that exists that can also win office. Your flamboyant mischaracterizations of Republicans aside.

Just because you personally do not feel as rabid about your political opponents as others does not excuse supporting a party that is dominated and run by people who do indeed hate half the nation based upon lies told them by Rush and others.

Flawed arguments based on assumptions that are simply not true. Rush did have wide influence, there is no doubt about that. As a member of my local Republican party I know that we don't hate like you proclaim we do - such assertions from those on the left is nothing more than a PR move to win support for Democrat causes - name calling to try and undermine a sound philosophy.

You are judged by the company you keep

More common ground. When faced with 2 choices, sometimes a little egg will land on my face. I have a macro outlook because of my limited choices.

Trump defines any and all who voted for him, that is the truth.

No, that is your assertion. Trump, Reagan, Limbaugh, Levine, Hannity, et al don't define me. They place their views in public view for any and all to hear. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I do not.

Now it could be that you did not vote for Trump

I did, twice, if that makes you feel better about branding a scarlet letter on my forehead.

congratulations for being part of the rational party if true.

Did you mean radical? I will accept rational because I believe it to be so, but I suspect that is a typo. Conservatism as embodied by the Republican Party is not radical - it is against massive government and socialistic values. I am not an anarchist, I simply want the Constitution to be the law of the land. I am tired of black robed tyrants determining every course of action that our nation takes. Or a 50%+1 vote determining what freedoms I will lose. Or one person in the executive branch pushing a pen to remove freedom.

Rush was a cancer upon our nation and his passing is cause for celebration, may he rot in hell.

Only to those from the political left - but that is because you must destroy people to win arguments. A tactic used by the left for many decades now.
Common ground. I will take it.

Historically yes. The R party is the closest thing to my ideals that exists that can also win office. Your flamboyant mischaracterizations of Republicans aside.

Flawed arguments based on assumptions that are simply not true. Rush did have wide influence, there is no doubt about that. As a member of my local Republican party I know that we don't hate like you proclaim we do - such assertions from those on the left is nothing more than a PR move to win support for Democrat causes - name calling to try and undermine a sound philosophy.

More common ground. When faced with 2 choices, sometimes a little egg will land on my face. I have a macro outlook because of my limited choices.

No, that is your assertion. Trump, Reagan, Limbaugh, Levine, Hannity, et al don't define me. They place their views in public view for any and all to hear. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I do not.

I did, twice, if that makes you feel better about branding a scarlet letter on my forehead.

Did you mean radical? I will accept rational because I believe it to be so, but I suspect that is a typo. Conservatism as embodied by the Republican Party is not radical - it is against massive government and socialistic values. I am not an anarchist, I simply want the Constitution to be the law of the land. I am tired of black robed tyrants determining every course of action that our nation takes. Or a 50%+1 vote determining what freedoms I will lose. Or one person in the executive branch pushing a pen to remove freedom.

Only to those from the political left - but that is because you must destroy people to win arguments. A tactic used by the left for many decades now.

For a guy who embraces the likes of Trump, Rush, Levin, Savage, Hannity, Ailes, Oreilly, Ingraham, Gohmert, Cruz, Mitch, Rubio, Inhofe and so many others, you sure seem a hell of a lot smarter and more reasonable then the party you belong to, perhaps you need to start considering being a Democrat. The party you once knew is gone, it has been replaced by the party of Trump. And yes, the GOP is now nothing but a party that either hates the left or finds erotic pleasure in pawning the left, policy means nothing anymore. Good luck trying to convince anyone that policy and conservative ideas drive the GOP in 2021. That ship sailed a long time ago.
Yet another socialism apologist who believes that our nation is founded on government programs. How did we become such a wealthy and prominent nation when social programs didn't exist? Nearly a hundred and fifty years of prospering citizens and not a Social Security program in sight.

How did we survive as a nation without such programs? My position - based on our history - is that they are not a requirement to thrive or to survive as a nation. The industrial age and the transition away from farming as the defacto lifestyle had far more to do with our growth as a nation than unemployment programs.

Try and prove that the cotton gin, the assembly line, or the airplane were the direct result of government. I dare you.

So, you are not aware that wealth in the US comes with the biggest inequalities in the western world. And you are not aware that the socialist programs came as a result of the need to provide help to vulnerable people, such as the elder.
Many conservatives say that poor people have to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps."

Did Rush Limbaugh, that paragon of conservative values, pull himself up by his own bootstraps?

Mark your response and click on the spoiler tag below for the answer.

Like many male conservative media figures he made a game of pretending to class sensitivity and implying he’d had to scrap his way up. The radio station where he got his start was co-owned by his father.

Rush Limbaugh’s Complicated Legacy - WSJ
Just saw this and this is how all the misconceptions about Rush start. Yes, your statement the radio station where Rush a job was co-owned by his father is rue and that's all the hating libs need to know, right?

That is what is called a half truth, it was not his first job and the half not mentioned is that the job was when he was 16 years old, working as a DJ for the local station. Far from his start in his radio career. At age 20 he tried to make a career in radio but he was fired from stations in Missouri and Pennsylvania, too controversial for them, after that he was a ticket salesman for Major League Baseball's Kansas City Royals. HIs real start in his radio career came five years later when he was hired as a commenter at KFBK in Sacramento, California where he became known as Sacramento's top radio host. The rest is history and yes, it was his own efforts that got him were he was.

As Paul Harvey used to say, now you know the rest of the story.
Sure he had contacts in the industry to start out, but I'd imagine after that he still had to work hard at what he did for a living - being a professional c**t - in order to be actually successful at it. Of course if you're handed a platform, enjoy being a c**t and millions of people enjoy hearing you do it, I'm not sure how much hard work comes into play. Is it fair to say the c**t never really held a real job?
The radio station where he got his start was co-owned by his father.
Ah! So that's why everyone, who starts out in his dad's little shop, ends up at the head of a huge trading empire... It's good to know.
So, you are not aware that wealth in the US comes with the biggest inequalities in the western world. And you are not aware that the socialist programs came as a result of the need to provide help to vulnerable people, such as the elder.

I am aware that many on the left call inequalities a tragedy, and yet the social programs they advocate for still result in inequality. How effective are the equalist principles of those programs, then? In other words if equality is your goal, the social programs that exist are epic failures.

We don't need more of these programs, we need less of them.
For a guy who embraces the likes of Trump, Rush, Levin, Savage, Hannity, Ailes, Oreilly, Ingraham, Gohmert, Cruz, Mitch, Rubio, Inhofe and so many others, you sure seem a hell of a lot smarter and more reasonable then the party you belong to, perhaps you need to start considering being a Democrat.

Not in a million years - freedom is the principle that is foremost in my desires, not government mandates and unequal application of laws.

The party you once knew is gone, it has been replaced by the party of Trump.

All parties change over time - as does the nation. Some change I oppose, some I support. And you are correct, Trump is still a major factor in politics today. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

And yes, the GOP is now nothing but a party that either hates the left or finds erotic pleasure in pawning the left, policy means nothing anymore. Good luck trying to convince anyone that policy and conservative ideas drive the GOP in 2021. That ship sailed a long time ago.

Demonstration of how false narratives presented across media sway the opinion of outsiders. Democrats have a fairly effective PR department - we call it the MSM on this website.
Many conservatives say that poor people have to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps."

Did Rush Limbaugh, that paragon of conservative values, pull himself up by his own bootstraps?

Mark your response and click on the spoiler tag below for the answer.

Like many male conservative media figures he made a game of pretending to class sensitivity and implying he’d had to scrap his way up. The radio station where he got his start was co-owned by his father.

Rush Limbaugh’s Complicated Legacy - WSJ

America is a fraction better because of his departure... it will be even better when the departure fate meets Hannity and Carlson, and other Right Wing Hate and Divisiveness promoters.
It's OK to be concerned about people who propogate so much hatred, lies, bigotry, fear, rage, and division in a country.
Where's your Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson/Rev Wright thread?
Many conservatives say that poor people have to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps."

Did Rush Limbaugh, that paragon of conservative values, pull himself up by his own bootstraps?

Mark your response and click on the spoiler tag below for the answer.

Like many male conservative media figures he made a game of pretending to class sensitivity and implying he’d had to scrap his way up. The radio station where he got his start was co-owned by his father.

Rush Limbaugh’s Complicated Legacy - WSJ

Yeah, which had about zero to do with the format he chose to pursue, and created an entire multi-million dollar industry out of. His father didn't save AM talk radio, he did. He got fired about 6 times for ending up with the show format that made him rich and famous. Your spoiler is spoiled.
Many conservatives say that poor people have to "pull themselves up by their own bootstraps."

Did Rush Limbaugh, that paragon of conservative values, pull himself up by his own bootstraps?

Mark your response and click on the spoiler tag below for the answer.

Like many male conservative media figures he made a game of pretending to class sensitivity and implying he’d had to scrap his way up. The radio station where he got his start was co-owned by his father.

Rush Limbaugh’s Complicated Legacy - WSJ

Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps means taking opportunity when you get it, and not letting it go to waste.

That's what he did. Instead of leeching off his father's estate, which he could have done, he turned his father's radio into a platform for his own career, and advanced it like no one else, becoming a house hold personality for families across the nation.

He wasn't just some local radio man, and there's thousands of those in every state. He destroyed the competition and became his own movement. No conservative radio host is ever going to hold a candle to him, and many have tried already.
Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps means taking opportunity when you get it, and not letting it go to waste.

That's what he did. Instead of leeching off his father's estate, which he could have done, he turned his father's radio into a platform for his own career, and advanced it like no one else, becoming a house hold personality for families across the nation.

He wasn't just some local radio man, and there's thousands of those in every state. He destroyed the competition and became his own movement. No conservative radio host is ever going to hold a candle to him, and many have tried already.
I personally could not stand listening to his nonsense, but I cannot disagree with your take in bold.

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