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Rudy Giuliani is the fool for our time (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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here are excerpts of that article, hopefully inducing you to read the rest:
... He had told CNN on Sunday that “no one signed” a letter of intent for Donald Trump to build a Moscow project. On Tuesday, CNN obtained the letter — signed by Trump.
Giuliani, asked by the New York Daily News to explain himself, said, “I don’t think I said nobody signed it.” Completing the reversal, he said “of course” Trump signed it: “How could you send it but nobody signed it?”

... The former New York mayor, 74, has long been a loose cannon, asserting that there had not been any “successful Islamic terrorist attacks” during the George W. Bush administration, saying Trump’s travel ban was a legal way to do a “Muslim ban,” and predicting a “pretty big surprise” right before Comey reopened the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

... He pivoted from describing Michael Cohen as “an honest, honorable lawyer” who is “not going to lie” to a “proven liar” who has “lied all his life.”

... days ago, he raised the possibility that associate Roger Stone gave Trump advance notice that WikiLeaks would release emails about Clinton stolen by Russia, saying “if” Stone had, “it’s not a crime.”
like herpes, julie annie is the 'gift' that keeps on giving
please president tRump, don't stop him from infecting us with insights
If it wasn't for 9/11 this man would have disappeared like leafs in the wind.

here are excerpts of that article, hopefully inducing you to read the rest:

like herpes, julie annie is the 'gift' that keeps on giving
please president tRump, don't stop him from infecting us with insights

Great article - thanks.

What's sad is what a great man Rudy once was. Great mayor - cleaned the Hell out of NYC and led it through the most tragic event imaginable. I used to think he was awesome. Now I look at him and see a caricature of the man he once was. A Trump stooge, embarrassing himself on a daily basis. It's pathetic.
Great article - thanks.

What's sad is what a great man Rudy once was. Great mayor - cleaned the Hell out of NYC and led it through the most tragic event imaginable. I used to think he was awesome. Now I look at him and see a caricature of the man he once was. A Trump stooge, embarrassing himself on a daily basis. It's pathetic.

You're so right, it's sad watching someone throw his good name away. He was so respected after 9/11, he could have retired with accolades and a stellar reputation. Now he'll go down in history as a political hack working for the most corrupt president in our lifetimes.

His family and friends must be horrified...
If it wasn't for 9/11 this man would have disappeared like leafs in the wind.

Deserved or not, he got SO much good cred from his handling of 9-11. The way he squandered that was some serious self destruction. In some ways he is the personification of how our country handled things. We had so much good will and support from around the world after 9-11 and we squandered it all.
Great article - thanks.

What's sad is what a great man Rudy once was. Great mayor - cleaned the Hell out of NYC and led it through the most tragic event imaginable. I used to think he was awesome. Now I look at him and see a caricature of the man he once was. A Trump stooge, embarrassing himself on a daily basis. It's pathetic.

I disagree. He did no such thing. He was a dictatorial fool , childish , and the only reason he got any staying power after he left being mayor was 9/11 and he spoke good in front of the camera.
I disagree. He did no such thing. He was a dictatorial fool , childish , and the only reason he got any staying power after he left being mayor was 9/11 and he spoke good in front of the camera.

I have a lot of family members who were NYPD during his term. He cleaned up NYC and there is no question about that.

I respectfully disagree.
What's sad is what a great man Rudy once was. Great mayor - cleaned the Hell out of NYC and led it through the most tragic event imaginable.

Rudy was the candidate who won the NYC Mayoralty (1994) on a Law & Order platform. Even small potato graffiti artists and window smashers were to go directly to jail.

And now? The 74 y.o. Rudy doesn't care an iota for the rule of law. He lies constantly and declares patently felony criminal activity to be harmless and a nothingburger.

Either Rudy is losing his mental acuity, or his multi-alimony payments are sucking all integrity from his Italian bones.
Rudy was the candidate who won the NYC Mayoralty (1994) on a Law & Order platform. Even small potato graffiti artists and window smashers were to go directly to jail.

And now? The 74 y.o. Rudy doesn't care an iota for the rule of law. He lies constantly and declares patently felony criminal activity to be harmless and a nothingburger.

Either Rudy is losing his mental acuity, or his multi-alimony payments are sucking all integrity from his Italian bones.

The Rudy now is a cardboard cutout of that Rudy. He's a joke, and not even a funny one. Rudy is a Trump stooge, and probably the biggest one in the world - and that's stacking him up against idiots like Sean Hannity and Mike Huckabee.
I have a lot of family members who were NYPD during his term. He cleaned up NYC and there is no question about that.

I respectfully disagree.

Don't take this the wrong way because we ARE on the same side, but the NAZIs cleaned up the Jewish ghettos too and Hitler wasn't a great man. Giuliani's policies were racist and draconian. Sure, he made Times Square safe for white people again. Yippee ****, he did it at the cost of American values.

I'll admit that there may have been no other way to "clean up" NYC, other than to be a dick-tator and oppress black people. That being said, he is no more a great man for the way he did it than Trump will be great if a wall to keep out the refugees helps our immigration woes. We have to resist the temptation to declare that results are more important than methods. To me, calling Giuliani great is a morality trap, of sorts, where we must ignore some really bad ****.

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