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Roy Moore campaign refuses to substantiate claims about accuser (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
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On an island. Not that one!
Political Leaning
The Moore campaign does appear to have some problems. Time and time again they have been caught making various claims which have then been refuted.

One more time with such a nice, polite response when asked to verify what they have said.

Roy Moore campaign refuses to substantiate claims about accuser

Senate candidate Roy Moore’s campaign refused Wednesday to substantiate a key claim it made as part of an effort to raise doubts about one of the Alabama candidate’s accusers.

The campaign has claimed to have found documents that show Leigh Corfman lived more than a mile from the intersection where she said Moore picked her up for dates in 1979, when she was 14 and he was 32. She says he took her to his house and touched her inappropriately. Moore has denied knowing Corfman.

(. . .)

The Post requested documentation to support DuPré’s description of another address on Tuesday, and a spokeswoman for the Moore campaign said she would try to respond. On Wednesday morning, after another request for the information, Brett Doster, a strategist for the Moore campaign, sent an email to The Post.
Just my opinion, but when a political campaign replies in the following manner - they got a problem and they know it.

“The Washington Post is a worthless piece of crap that has gone out of its way to railroad Roy Moore,” Doster wrote in an email he described as an “on the record” statement. “There is no need for anyone at the Washington Post to ever reach out to the Roy Moore campaign again because we will not respond to anyone from the Post now or in the future. Happy Thanksgiving.”
The Moore campaign does appear to have some problems. Time and time again they have been caught making various claims which have then been refuted.

One more time with such a nice, polite response when asked to verify what they have said.

Just my opinion, but when a political campaign replies in the following manner - they got a problem and they know it.

“The Washington Post is a worthless piece of crap that has gone out of its way to railroad Roy Moore,” Doster wrote in an email he described as an “on the record” statement. “There is no need for anyone at the Washington Post to ever reach out to the Roy Moore campaign again because we will not respond to anyone from the Post now or in the future. Happy Thanksgiving.”

I don't think they could have replied in any other manner -- without getting their tits deeper in the wringer.

The presented the case against the accuser, but in order to "prove" it, they'd have to give the Post personally identifying information about the accuser, and that would not bode well for the campaign. If it's true about the addresses, the Post can easily verify it. Old telephone books are kept at most public libraries.

Just the fact that they put out the case tells me that Moore is serious about defending his honor, which further tells me there's reason to suspect the stories of the accused.

This is getting more interesting by the day.

Jones, on the other hand, might have overstepped by actually putting out an ad with the women's names and their childhood pictures and making his own accusation. That might not go over well with the voters who were, up to this point, saying Jones was holding himself "above" the fray.

Yep, this is gonna be fun to watch.
I don't think they could have replied in any other manner -- without getting their tits deeper in the wringer.

The presented the case against the accuser, but in order to "prove" it, they'd have to give the Post personally identifying information about the accuser, and that would not bode well for the campaign. If it's true about the addresses, the Post can easily verify it. Old telephone books are kept at most public libraries.

Just the fact that they put out the case tells me that Moore is serious about defending his honor, which further tells me there's reason to suspect the stories of the accused.

This is getting more interesting by the day.

Jones, on the other hand, might have overstepped by actually putting out an ad with the women's names and their childhood pictures and making his own accusation. That might not go over well with the voters who were, up to this point, saying Jones was holding himself "above" the fray.

Yep, this is gonna be fun to watch.

Perhaps you should have read the entire article, then you would not have posted because the Post did verify the source's location
Nancy Corfman said she kept that address from 1974 until February 1981, when she relocated with her new husband to a house on Dogwood Circle in Gadsden, which is about a mile away across a major thoroughfare. A police report about property theft published in the Gadsden Times on March 31, 1980, listed Nancy Corfman’s address on Whittier Street.

It looks like the Moore campaign people aren't too good with reading dates in public records.
I ****ing hate all of you and I hope you live out the remainder of your days getting your genitalia caught in hot oven doors!!!

Happy thanksgiving!
I ****ing hate all of you and I hope you live out the remainder of your days getting your genitalia caught in hot oven doors!!!

Happy thanksgiving!

One should never open a hot oven unless one is wearing the appropriate garments.
Roy Moore will fit right in to the kakistocracy that Washington has become. Why is he being singled out? Why, let's by all means welcome him to the Senate.
Roy Moore will fit right in to the kakistocracy that Washington has become. Why is he being singled out? Why, let's by all means welcome him to the Senate.

If it hadn't been for republicans this year I'm not sure I ever would have learned the word, "kakocracy."
Roy Moore will fit right in to the kakistocracy that Washington has become. Why is he being singled out? Why, let's by all means welcome him to the Senate.

It is hard to justify keeping Roy Moore out of a body that contains John Conyers.
He's a representative, but I'm sure you could find an example in the Senate as well.

I realize one is in the House and the other a candidate for Senate. Both are bodies within the legislature. If Conyers gets to stick around then there is really no argument for keeping Moore out if he wins.
I ****ing hate all of you and I hope you live out the remainder of your days getting your genitalia caught in hot oven doors!!!

Happy thanksgiving!

Now I would pay extra for that !!
I realize one is in the House and the other a candidate for Senate. Both are bodies within the legislature. If Conyers gets to stick around then there is really no argument for keeping Moore out if he wins.

"Conyers is a bad person, ergo we must elect a child molester."
"Conyers is a bad person, ergo we must elect a child molester."

This being Thanksgiving, I would love to give thanks for you being honest at least one day a year. Alas, I cannot.
This being Thanksgiving, I would love to give thanks for you being honest at least one day a year. Alas, I cannot.

Happy Thanksgiving!
It is hard to justify keeping Roy Moore out of a body that contains John Conyers.

It's actually very easy to justify. Why should anyone deliberately double down on supporting bad behavior?

It's actually hard to justify continuing to support Roy Moore.
It's actually very easy to justify. Why should anyone deliberately double down on supporting bad behavior?

It's actually hard to justify continuing to support Roy Moore.

If its so easy to justify, then do so.
If its so easy to justify, then do so.

Just did buddy. Why should we deliberately elect known scumbags? The rationale that "well, there are other scumbags, so we need more scumbags" is just dumb.
Just did buddy. Why should we deliberately elect known scumbags? The rationale that "well, there are other scumbags, so we need more scumbags" is just dumb.

Too bad I didn't say that. Try responding to what I write not what you wish I had written.
Just did buddy. Why should we deliberately elect known scumbags? The rationale that "well, there are other scumbags, so we need more scumbags" is just dumb.

"We"???? Did you lie about your location too?
The Moore campaign does appear to have some problems. Time and time again they have been caught making various claims which have then been refuted.

One more time with such a nice, polite response when asked to verify what they have said.

Just my opinion, but when a political campaign replies in the following manner - they got a problem and they know it.

“The Washington Post is a worthless piece of crap that has gone out of its way to railroad Roy Moore,” Doster wrote in an email he described as an “on the record” statement. “There is no need for anyone at the Washington Post to ever reach out to the Roy Moore campaign again because we will not respond to anyone from the Post now or in the future. Happy Thanksgiving.”

That's because their accusation is pure bull**** sold to the idiots who still support them. Duh.
"We"???? Did you lie about your location too?

"We" as in Americans, genius. Wow. I knew you Trump supporters were desperate, but even for you that is pathetic.

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