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Roy Moore, Alabama Judge, Suspended Over Gay Marriage Stance (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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An Alabama judicial oversight body on Friday filed a formal complaint against Roy S. Moore, the chief justice of the state’s Supreme Court, charging that he had “flagrantly disregarded and abused his authority” in ordering the state’s probate judges to refuse applications for marriage licenses by same-sex couples.

As a result of the charges, Chief Justice Moore, 69, has been immediately suspended from the bench and is facing a potential hearing before the state’s Court of the Judiciary, a panel of judges, lawyers and other appointees. Among possible outcomes at such a hearing would be his removal from office.

Referring to a transgender activist in Alabama, Chief Justice Moore said the commission had “chosen to listen to people like Ambrosia Starling, a professed transvestite, and other gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals, as well as organizations which support their agenda.”

Ousted in 03- reelected in 2012
Wonder if this will be a repeat?
If wonder what will happen if he is ousted again. Do you think the fine folk of Alabama would elect him yet again??
If wonder what will happen if he is ousted again. Do you think the fine folk of Alabama would elect him yet again??

Yes they will.
Because they are idiots.
They will vote according to their religious beliefs on SSM, Now as to what type of Judge he is, I do not know.
I do know that this may be the 2nd time he is ousted, and if so, then he should be severely reprimanded, even forbidden to run for office, if that is possible.
They will vote according to their religious beliefs on SSM, Now as to what type of Judge he is, I do not know.
I do know that this may be the 2nd time he is ousted, and if so, then he should be severely reprimanded, even forbidden to run for office, if that is possible.

Yeah, there are many people who put their religious beliefs over the rights of others and the US constitution.
Yeah, there are many people who put their religious beliefs over the rights of others and the US constitution.

Yes, there is a massive civil rights battle ongoing in the US, State by State since SSM was legalized.
They will vote according to their religious beliefs on SSM, Now as to what type of Judge he is, I do not know.
I do know that this may be the 2nd time he is ousted, and if so, then he should be severely reprimanded, even forbidden to run for office, if that is possible.

Like I said, they are idiots. Anyone who lets primitive religious beliefs color their voting is a moron.
Like I said, they are idiots. Anyone who lets primitive religious beliefs color their voting is a moron.

Well those rights are guaranteed and protected.
Well those rights are guaranteed and protected.

That changes nothing about what I said. The right to be an idiot doesn't stop you from being an idiot.
That changes nothing about what I said. The right to be an idiot doesn't stop you from being an idiot.

I agree.
Reason I stated if found to in violation of his duties, he should be severely penalized. That would include fines and if possible, barred from running for all elected office. Except dog catcher.
That changes nothing about what I said. The right to be an idiot doesn't stop you from being an idiot.

Nor does it detract from mine. To you all people with a religious belief are idiots.
I agree.
Reason I stated if found to in violation of his duties, he should be severely penalized. That would include fines and if possible, barred from running for all elected office. Except dog catcher.

I don't know that I'd trust him as dog catcher either.
No religion there.

Anyone who can't be trusted to separate their religious beliefs from their secular government work can't be trusted to do anything.
They will vote according to their religious beliefs on SSM, Now as to what type of Judge he is, I do not know.
I do know that this may be the 2nd time he is ousted, and if so, then he should be severely reprimanded, even forbidden to run for office, if that is possible.

Hopefully it's not possible. Moore's a complete idiot but the people have an absolute right to elect any complete idiot that they want to.
I agree.
Reason I stated if found to in violation of his duties, he should be severely penalized. That would include fines and if possible, barred from running for all elected office. Except dog catcher.

It boils down to the level of repression one is willing to impose on the people of Alabama. There are 100 more just like him ready to take his place. To make this happen it would practically be necessary to take away local control and self-governance. The name for that is repression. If there too much imposition the people will start to rebel. Then it boils down to be willing to send in tanks and repress an entire armed state. I wonder if the culture wars will cause the Federal government to declare war on its on people.
It boils down to the level of repression one is willing to impose on the people of Alabama. There are 100 more just like him ready to take his place. To make this happen it would practically be necessary to take away local control and self-governance. The name for that is repression. If there too much imposition the people will start to rebel. Then it boils down to be willing to send in tanks and repress an entire armed state. I wonder if the culture wars will cause the Federal government to declare war on its on people.

Alabama is pretty repressed all on its own. They don't need any help.
It boils down to the level of repression one is willing to impose on the people of Alabama. There are 100 more just like him ready to take his place. To make this happen it would practically be necessary to take away local control and self-governance. The name for that is repression. If there too much imposition the people will start to rebel. Then it boils down to be willing to send in tanks and repress an entire armed state. I wonder if the culture wars will cause the Federal government to declare war on its on people.

That sort of thing worked after Brown v. Board of Ed. If a group wants to defy law and discriminate against citizens, they deserve what they get.
That sort of thing worked after Brown v. Board of Ed. If a group wants to defy law and discriminate against citizens, they deserve what they get.

Interesting: When it's the left "Four Dead In Ohio" is a great tragedy. When the Federal government want to put its boot on the neck of a state, hundreds dead would be A-OK. Of course there one difference between this and Brown. Unseating an elected official re-elected numerous time by his constituents.
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It boils down to the level of repression one is willing to impose on the people of Alabama. There are 100 more just like him ready to take his place. To make this happen it would practically be necessary to take away local control and self-governance. The name for that is repression. If there too much imposition the people will start to rebel. Then it boils down to be willing to send in tanks and repress an entire armed state. I wonder if the culture wars will cause the Federal government to declare war on its on people.

What? It doesn't require much at all. Recalcitrant judges will be removed, and thus far the bulk of Alabama judges have followed the law.
Interesting: When it's the left "Four Dead In Ohio" is a great tragedy. When the Federal government want to put its boot on the neck of a state, hundreds dead would be A-OK. Of course there one difference between this and Brown. Unseating an elected official re-elected numerous time by his constituents.

What? We dispatched troops to expressly curtail the powers of elected officials and you think the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission (a state institution) removing an Alabama judge for violating a Supreme Court decision is somehow 'worse'? Ludicrous.
Interesting: When it's the left "Four Dead In Ohio" is a great tragedy. When the Federal government want to put its boot on the neck of a state, hundreds dead would be A-OK.

False dichotomy. In one instance, students were killed during a protest... both sides have responsibility in the matter. In the instance we are discussing, a state is defying a law and practicing discrimination... the blame is totally on that state.

Of course there one difference between this and Brown. Unseating an elected official re-elected numerous time by his constituents.

And if he defies the law he should get unseated. And if his constituents are stupid and bigoted enough to re-elect someone who breaks the law and discriminates against some of his own constituents, they can do that. And he'll just be removed again.

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