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Require man to make descision (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Libertarian - Right
I believe that the product of conception is the responsibility of the MAN and the WOMAN. I would also condone actions to make it mandantory that the man be involved. Come judgement day I believe he will be there right beside her for allowing it to happen. Without the man - the incident wouldn't have taken place. How can the woman make that descision on her own when she is only the half owner?

Many ladies in our society want true equality but my guess is that they would shun the idea of requiring the male to be involved in this.

What do you think?
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vauge said:
I believe that the product of conception is the responsibility of the MAN and the WOMAN. I would also condone actions to make it mandantory that the man be involved. Come judgement day I believe he will be there right beside her for allowing it to happen. Without the man - the incident wouldn't have taken place. How can the woman make that descision on her own when she is only the half owner?

Many ladies in our society want true equality but my guess is that they would shun the idea of requiring the male to be involved in this.

What do you think?
How would you ever enforce any standards in a requirement like this? If the woman involved wanted an abortion wouldn't she just find some guy, any guy, to say he was the potential father and he approved of the abortion?
Simple, DNA testing of the ambiotic fluids. This is already being done as part of regular testing for hereditary deseases.

The more difficult it is for abortions, the less abortions there will be.
You keep forgetting that the woman, not the man has to nurse and let the baby grow inside of her. Plus, if the woman couldn't support the child and the man would not let her get an abortion, would that be fair to the woman? No.
heyjoeo said:
You keep forgetting that the woman, not the man has to nurse and let the baby grow inside of her. Plus, if the woman couldn't support the child and the man would not let her get an abortion, would that be fair to the woman? No.
but still in conseption the man and the woman had an equal role except in the case of rape. i dont think it is a practicle idea because in some cases the woman and man arnt going to have the same oppinion on what should be done and arnt going to be able to reach an agreement
First off, please learn how to spell/use the english language. I think that would be practicle....I mean practical...

Second, this issue of the man in abortion isn't an issue. The woman should make the choice. Period. There's no ifs ands or buts here.
heyjoeo said:
First off, please learn how to spell/use the english language. I think that would be practicle....I mean practical...

Second, this issue of the man in abortion isn't an issue. The woman should make the choice. Period. There's no ifs ands or buts here.

First off, as you like to say, I suspect there are readers who don't think his spelling deficiencies, which are more likely to be typographical errors than spelling errors, are as noteworthy as your apparent inability to correctly punctuate a sentence or form a contraction of two words. However, they are just too polite to make an issue of this seeming inadequacy.

Second, what's the difference who decides that the child deserves capital punishment? Once aborted, it will be just as dead, won't it?
heyjoeo said:
First off, please learn how to spell/use the english language. I think that would be practicle....I mean practical...

Second, this issue of the man in abortion isn't an issue. The woman should make the choice. Period. There's no ifs ands or buts here.

First off, as you like to say, I suspect there are readers who don't think his spelling deficiencies, which are more likely to be typographical errors than spelling errors, are as noteworthy as your apparent inability to correctly punctuate a sentence or form a proper contraction of two words. However, they are just too polite to make an issue of this seeming inadequacy.

Second, what's the difference who decides that the child deserves capital punishment? Once aborted, it will be just as dead, won't it?
You call it a child, I call it a fetus.

There is a difference between being lazy when you type, or having complete disregard of the english langauge. I'm lazy but I still type well.

but still in conseption the man and the woman had an equal role except in the case of rape. i dont think it is a practicle idea because in some cases the woman and man arnt going to have the same oppinion on what should be done and arnt going to be able to reach an agreement

Just look. No periods. No capitalization. Bad Spelling.
Looks like he failed his 1st grade english class.
heyjoeo said:
You call it a child, I call it a fetus.
So the expectant mother comes home from the visit to the doctor and tells her husband, "I am with fetus." The next day, he brags at the office, "My wife is pregnant with a fetus." When her girlfriends find out, they decide to give her a fetus shower. Her mother is all excited and wants to know whether its a boy fetus or a girl fetus.

Does it sound as silly to you as it does to me?

There is a difference between being lazy when you type, or having complete disregard of the english langauge. I'm lazy but I still type well.

but still in conseption the man and the woman had an equal role except in the case of rape. i dont think it is a practicle idea because in some cases the woman and man arnt going to have the same oppinion on what should be done and arnt going to be able to reach an agreement
Ya dun good.

Just look. No periods. No capitalization. Bad Spelling.
Looks like he failed his 1st grade english class.
Since you are obviously inviting me to critique your writing, I will. You wrote five incomplete sentences and missed the capitalization of a proper noun. I'll ignore the infraction of failing to spell out an ordinal number. That's probably a new record for errors in a seventeen word paragraph.
Yet again an example of laziness.

Call it a baby then. Doesn't mean that its alive yet.
heyjoeo said:
You call it a child, I call it a fetus.

There is a difference between being lazy when you type, or having complete disregard of the english langauge. I'm lazy but I still type well.

but still in conseption the man and the woman had an equal role except in the case of rape. i dont think it is a practicle idea because in some cases the woman and man arnt going to have the same oppinion on what should be done and arnt going to be able to reach an agreement

Just look. No periods. No capitalization. Bad Spelling.
Looks like he failed his 1st grade english class.
I absolutely agree with your opinion. BUT:

It's conception, not conseption! People who live in glass houses ..
heyjoeo said:
Yet again an example of laziness.

Call it a baby then. Doesn't mean that its alive yet.

Absolutely. It is NOT capital punishment. The choice about abortion should lie with the woman.
Thank-you Ms. Naughty. You've prefectly managed to capture my thoughts on the subject of trashing others posts based on their grammer and not their logic. Thank-you, thank-you and thank-you.
Naughty Nurse said:
Absolutely. It is NOT capital punishment. The choice about abortion should lie with the woman.
If, in fact, you are a nurse, then you know that every abortion takes a human life, don't you?
Let me ask you this, if a fetus is a human being why not when a woman has a miscarrage she dosen't have a funeral? These hard core anti-abortion people will tell you that life begins at fertilization, when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Every month when a womans body cleans itself her eggs are flushed and rinsed out of her body, and they are fertilized eggs! So they are telling me that any woman that has had more than one period is a serial killer! Pro life my a** They kill doctors, They will do anything for a fetus but if it grows up to be an abortion doctor they just might have to kill it? There is no consistency when dealing with these anti-abortion debates.

Not every ejaculation deserves a name. :boohoo:
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heyjoeo said:
First off, please learn how to spell/use the english language. I think that would be practicle....I mean practical...

Second, this issue of the man in abortion isn't an issue. The woman should make the choice. Period. There's no ifs ands or buts here.

I thought this was debate politics not debate grammer
MeChMAN said:
Let me ask you this, if a fetus is a human being why not when a woman has a miscarrage she dosen't have a funeral? These hard core anti-abortion people will tell you that life begins at fertilization, when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Every month when a womans body cleans itself her eggs are flushed and rinsed out of her body, and they are fertilized eggs! So they are telling me that any woman that has had more than one period is a serial killer! Pro life my a** They kill doctors, They will do anything for a fetus but if it grows up to be an abortion doctor they just might have to kill it? There is no consistency when dealing with these anti-abortion debates.

Not every ejaculation deserves a name. :boohoo:
Expectant parents mourn their loss in many different ways.

Ova are not fertilized unless and until penetrated by sperm. You are either making a facetious statement or else you do not have a correct understanding of the menstrual process. The next time you visit a doctor, why not ask a few questions.

In a country of nearly three hundred million persons, because a few misguided persons go beyond the norm in their zeal foes not change the fact that every abortion kills a living human child, does it?

That's the one thing about abortion that is consistent.
Pacridge said:
Thank-you Ms. Naughty. You've prefectly managed to capture my thoughts on the subject of trashing others posts based on their grammer and not their logic. Thank-you, thank-you and thank-you.

Thank you, Pacridge.

BTW - it's Mr Naughty.
Naughty Nurse said:
Thank you, Pacridge.

BTW - it's Mr Naughty.

Oops! Sorry 'bout that Governor. You know us Americans, our lack of tact and all. We're really not all that good at anything unless it involves blowing something...up.
Fantasea said:
If, in fact, you are a nurse, then you know that every abortion takes a human life, don't you?

No, I don't. When does a human life begin? At conception? I'm inclined to think not!

It definitely is a life at birth. Interesting that so many pro-lifers really don't give a damn about waht happens to babies once they are born (leave them in poor housing with inadequate nutrition etc.), but will go to extremes to prevent abortions.
Pacridge said:
Oops! Sorry 'bout that Governor. You know us Americans, our lack of tact and all. We're really not all that good at anything unless it involves blowing something...up.
LOL! Don'y put yourself down when there are lots of people willing to do it for you!
Fantasea said:
If, in fact, you are a nurse, then you know that every abortion takes a human life, don't you?

Just a wild guess here: but I'm guessing "Naughty Nurse" is more closely associated to the medical profession then "Fantasea" is ever going to be associated to anyone's fantasy. Just a guess mind you.
Naughty Nurse said:
No, I don't. When does a human life begin? At conception? I'm inclined to think not!

Perhaps you will tell us why you are inclined to think not.

It definitely is a life at birth.

As I've written before, even though the average birth weight at full term is the equvilent of nine cans of Coke, there are 'preemies' whose birth weight was the equivilent of less than a single can of Coke who are now attending school. Based upon this, when is it that you definitely believe that this life commences?

Interesting that so many pro-lifers really don't give a damn about waht happens to babies once they are born (leave them in poor housing with inadequate nutrition etc.), but will go to extremes to prevent abortions.
This argument is a red herring being dragged across the trail to confuse the issue.

The conditions you describe attach, in the main, to persons whose personal habits and/or addictions consume the food money. These folks are not ideal parents, but they're not interested in aborting their young who are often a source of income. In any event does this justify the current million and a half abortions, annually, in the US?

I personally feel that contraception is the real answer. However, I also feel that the only person who should decide if abortion is acceptable is the woman concerned.

I don't know at what point we should regard a fetus as being a life, and neither does anyone else. However, at conception we have a single cell, and for some time afterwards we have a tiny ball of undifferentiated cells. I do not believe this is a life.

And finally, the conditions I described apply to rich people, often fundamentalist Christians, who think they can speak out on abortion, but stay very silent when it comes to the gross inequalities in this world that affect people so terribly!

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