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Request for one rule change (1 Viewer)

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New Druid
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Dec 4, 2018
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Please develop a rule for posting of videos, particularly as thread starters. Each video should have a decent synopsis of the contents, with bullet points if possible. Too many "you should watch this video" threads. Case in point:

1.5 hour video with zero synopsis.
Please develop a rule for posting of videos, particularly as thread starters. Each video should have a decent synopsis of the contents, with bullet points if possible. Too many "you should watch this video" threads. Case in point:

1.5 hour video with zero synopsis.

Great idea! Absolutely great!
Opening posts not only with a video, should have an obligation to present a position and bring some knowledge. One particular poster is notorious for starting meaningless posts, just a stream of consciousness that is in all respects, void of anything but frustration and hate.
Please develop a rule for posting of videos, particularly as thread starters. Each video should have a decent synopsis of the contents, with bullet points if possible. Too many "you should watch this video" threads. Case in point:

1.5 hour video with zero synopsis.

If it's something like ten mins or less, I'll watch it or watch some of it.
I won't sit and stare at several hours of talking heads.

But there's no need for a rule or rule change, this forum is for people to debate and if idiots are too lazy to debate, I won't engage with them.
If it's something like ten mins or less, I'll watch it or watch some of it.
I won't sit and stare at several hours of talking heads.

But there's no need for a rule or rule change, this forum is for people to debate and if idiots are too lazy to debate, I won't engage with them.
That's fine, but if there is a rule for having a decent synopsis, it will likely reduce the number of "watch this video" threads because the lazy people will think twice. This is a debate forum, not Twitter.
Please develop a rule for posting of videos, particularly as thread starters. Each video should have a decent synopsis of the contents, with bullet points if possible. Too many "you should watch this video" threads. Case in point:

1.5 hour video with zero synopsis.
I don't know that yet another rule is required. My experience with people posting overly long video links, with no excerpted quotes to provide context, just get ignored until the OP disappears. I usually just ignore them.
I don't know that yet another rule is required. My experience with people posting overly long video links, with no excerpted quotes to provide context, just get ignored until the OP disappears. I usually just ignore them.
Maybe. I was at a previous board that had such a rule, and I got dinged for it. After that, I did a better job of presenting what was in the video. So it will either/or 1) reduce the number of "watch this video" threads 2) force some to get better with video synopses.
Please develop a rule for posting of videos, particularly as thread starters. Each video should have a decent synopsis of the contents, with bullet points if possible. Too many "you should watch this video" threads. Case in point:

1.5 hour video with zero synopsis.
Just move on if you're not interested.
Please develop a rule for posting of videos, particularly as thread starters. Each video should have a decent synopsis of the contents, with bullet points if possible. Too many "you should watch this video" threads. Case in point:

1.5 hour video with zero synopsis.
I agree. As I wrote in that thread, it's basically just pushing propaganda. Might as well post an ad for some other website to generate views....
There may be a forum rule that covers that, it's hard to tell.
I think they are spam/advertisements personally.
Just move on if you're not interested.
Threads occupy database space. I agree, space is cheap these days, but that's not a reason to become lazy.
That's fine, but if there is a rule for having a decent synopsis, it will likely reduce the number of "watch this video" threads because the lazy people will think twice. This is a debate forum, not Twitter.

Can't legislate stupidity out of existence.
I tend to not have patience for posts that start with videos

I don't mind just as long as they start with a kind of Siskel & Ebert condensation first, if the clip is longer than a few minutes.
Yes, it's when they just throw it at the wall and say "HERE, YOU MUST WATCH THIS!" and that's pretty much the entirety of the thread.

You know, it IS possible to RIGHT click on the video playback and use "SELECT URL AT CURRENT TIME" if there's a really good zinger in the video.
For instance, here is a 32 minute drag race video, okay?
I am selecting a location at 2:10 into the clip to take the viewer RIGHT TO the spot I want them to watch.


See? Takes you right TO the two minute ten mark.

Here's another, at 21:50...

So it is possible to post as many timestamps as you want or need, enabling the viewer to skip right to your specific points.
I ignore lengthy videos, would settle for thread titles to reflect what the discussion is about.
imho, that would cut down on multiple threads on the same topic.
Where I'm concerned it all falls under the crunch of the scroll wheel.
Please develop a rule for posting of videos, particularly as thread starters. Each video should have a decent synopsis of the contents, with bullet points if possible. Too many "you should watch this video" threads. Case in point:

1.5 hour video with zero synopsis.
I know exactly the frustration you have with OPs that are just a video, but I do not see at this time where we are going to implement a rule about it.

Moderator's Warning:
Question answered, closing this before the inevitable trolling begins.
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