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Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs ....... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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Republicans Enrage More Voters As Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs In New York
Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs In New York

………….“Donald Trump of the Nazi tactics who hates Muslims, Mexicans and women is now being treated to a taste of the same medicine as Ted Cruz uses anti-Semitic dog whistles to attack Trump.”………..

We have reached a point in the Republican primary where Donald Trump is being attacked by Ted Cruz (R-TX) with thinly veiled “anti-Semitic” dog whistles because he’s a New Yorker. Yes, Donald Trump of the Nazi tactics who hates Muslims, Mexicans and women is now being treated to a taste of the same medicine………….

………… “Let’s be honest. He said, New York values are about money and they’re about the media,” Toobin said. “That’s an anti-Semitic trope from 100 years, it’s been around for a very long time, everyone in the whole country understands what he was saying.” ………

………. Cruz’s full quote came from his attempt to explain his disparagement of New Yorker values, “Everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage, focus around money and the media.” ……..

…. Toobin pointed out, “Money and media is Jews. This is just an old-fashioned anti-Semitic stereotype, a derogatory term, and everyone understands it” …...

… Toobin was referring to the anti-Semitic cliché that “the Jews control the media.” So here we are with the two top Republican 2016 presidential candidates tossing slurs around like nobody’s business.”

Cruz’s comments/feelings/suggestions regarded as Anti-Semitic nay play to a certain group of folks in the boonies and dusty parts of Texas………. But is universally offensive in civilized parts of the United States ………. And in NYC where there is the highest concentration per capita of Jews in the world……
(Which indicates/infers/proves Mr. Cruz know little it anything of the Unites States (various ethnic) its culture and traditions………. Least knowledge of the rest of the world……. Just what we need as a President and Commander-in-Chief…….
Further ole Teddy boy also demonstrated his ignorance of the political maxim ……… once proved to be an anti-Semite………. look out ……. the so-called Jewish lobby will help end one’s political career……

The Immoral Minority: Joe Scarborough: "Ted Cruz will never be the nominee of the Republican Party."

Well Ted..........with your "New York values" and suggestively anti-sematic remarks............ you earned your self some intelligent hard working and connected folks all united who are committed to the end of your political career...........
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

I would suggest that the individual who equates "it's all about money and media" with antisemitism take a good, long look in the mirror.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

Looks like Ted Cruz and his "New York Values" slander is coming bak to bite him. It was a dirty and below the belt attack anyway, and Trump schooled him in the SC debate. I remember it well because Trump was having a terrible debate, even by his own standards. Then Cruz lobbed that attack and Trump knocked it out of the park. Common sense should have told him to lay off, but Cruz was right back at it a few weeks later.

It's delicious watching Cruz try to backtrack from that smear in a state where he need to stop Trump. I guess he never thought the New York primary would matter. Also if Trump wins NY by 50%+ then I think it assures him of the nomination. Not just because it means he gets all th delegates, but because he'd be the only person in the race to win their own home state by a large amount. Even Cruz didn't win Texas with 50%+.
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Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

I don't think this is a dog whistle against Jews. I think this is a rural v urban argument, which usually turns into a debate about what "real America" is. Populist conservatives start arguing that so-called "fly over" states are "real America" and everything that comes from or is emblematic of that, is "real America." And woe unto you if you don't identify with that.

That being said, I find Ted Cruz's statements annoying. Look, I don't have to enjoy rodeos, country music, and NASCAR to be a "real American." I grew up in fly over country, I generally like fly over country, but this appeal both misrepresents what it means to be an American, and frankly, Ted Cruz's cultural symbols generally often repulse me rather than pull me in.

I'm not particularly religious, but I think religion serves a utilitarian role. I am a proponent of gay rights, I am pro-choice, and I don't get all uncomfortable around 'book learnin'."
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

So essentially, context doesn't matter, personal history doesn't matter, if you say money and media on the same sentence you automatically really mean DA JOOZ!

Dog whistle, aka I don't like someone so I'm going to pretend they said something that they in no way said and treat it like absolute certain fact.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

I would suggest that the individual who equates "it's all about money and media" with antisemitism take a good, long look in the mirror.

You hit that one dead center.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

Republicans Enrage More Voters As Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs In New York
Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs In New York

………….“Donald Trump of the Nazi tactics who hates Muslims, Mexicans and women is now being treated to a taste of the same medicine as Ted Cruz uses anti-Semitic dog whistles to attack Trump.”………..

We have reached a point in the Republican primary where Donald Trump is being attacked by Ted Cruz (R-TX) with thinly veiled “anti-Semitic” dog whistles because he’s a New Yorker. Yes, Donald Trump of the Nazi tactics who hates Muslims, Mexicans and women is now being treated to a taste of the same medicine………….

………… “Let’s be honest. He said, New York values are about money and they’re about the media,” Toobin said. “That’s an anti-Semitic trope from 100 years, it’s been around for a very long time, everyone in the whole country understands what he was saying.” ………

………. Cruz’s full quote came from his attempt to explain his disparagement of New Yorker values, “Everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage, focus around money and the media.” ……..

…. Toobin pointed out, “Money and media is Jews. This is just an old-fashioned anti-Semitic stereotype, a derogatory term, and everyone understands it” …...

… Toobin was referring to the anti-Semitic cliché that “the Jews control the media.” So here we are with the two top Republican 2016 presidential candidates tossing slurs around like nobody’s business.”

Cruz’s comments/feelings/suggestions regarded as Anti-Semitic nay play to a certain group of folks in the boonies and dusty parts of Texas………. But is universally offensive in civilized parts of the United States ………. And in NYC where there is the highest concentration per capita of Jews in the world……
(Which indicates/infers/proves Mr. Cruz know little it anything of the Unites States (various ethnic) its culture and traditions………. Least knowledge of the rest of the world……. Just what we need as a President and Commander-in-Chief…….
Further ole Teddy boy also demonstrated his ignorance of the political maxim ……… once proved to be an anti-Semite………. look out ……. the so-called Jewish lobby will help end one’s political career……

The Immoral Minority: Joe Scarborough: "Ted Cruz will never be the nominee of the Republican Party."

Well Ted..........with your "New York values" and suggestively anti-sematic remarks............ you earned your self some intelligent hard working and connected folks all united who are committed to the end of your political career...........


I don't think this is a dog whistle against Jews. I think this is a rural v urban argument, which usually turns into a debate about what "real America" is. Populist conservatives start arguing that so-called "fly over" states are "real America" and everything that comes from or is emblematic of that, is "real America." And woe unto you if you don't identify with that.

That being said, I find Ted Cruz's statements annoying. Look, I don't have to enjoy rodeos, country music, and NASCAR to be a "real American." I grew up in fly over country, I generally like fly over country, but this appeal both misrepresents what it means to be an American, and frankly, Ted Cruz's cultural symbols generally often repulse me rather than pull me in.

I'm not particularly religious, but I think religion serves a utilitarian role. I am a proponent of gay rights, I am pro-choice, and I don't get all uncomfortable around 'book learnin'."

Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

Uh, no. There was nothing anti-semetic about what he said.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

What the actual ****...
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

I would suggest that the individual who equates "it's all about money and media" with antisemitism take a good, long look in the mirror.

How does that saying go???

Something like: It takes a dog to hear a dog whistle.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

I'm Jewish and I detected no anti-semitism in saying that New York values are about money and media...

I detected anti-NY-ism and anti-City-ism, with an implied smear on liberals. Par for the course with his ilk.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

Republicans Enrage More Voters As Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs In New York
Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs In New York

………….“Donald Trump of the Nazi tactics who hates Muslims, Mexicans and women is now being treated to a taste of the same medicine as Ted Cruz uses anti-Semitic dog whistles to attack Trump.”………..

We have reached a point in the Republican primary where Donald Trump is being attacked by Ted Cruz (R-TX) with thinly veiled “anti-Semitic” dog whistles because he’s a New Yorker. Yes, Donald Trump of the Nazi tactics who hates Muslims, Mexicans and women is now being treated to a taste of the same medicine………….

………… “Let’s be honest. He said, New York values are about money and they’re about the media,” Toobin said. “That’s an anti-Semitic trope from 100 years, it’s been around for a very long time, everyone in the whole country understands what he was saying.” ………

………. Cruz’s full quote came from his attempt to explain his disparagement of New Yorker values, “Everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage, focus around money and the media.” ……..

…. Toobin pointed out, “Money and media is Jews. This is just an old-fashioned anti-Semitic stereotype, a derogatory term, and everyone understands it” …...

… Toobin was referring to the anti-Semitic cliché that “the Jews control the media.” So here we are with the two top Republican 2016 presidential candidates tossing slurs around like nobody’s business.”

Cruz’s comments/feelings/suggestions regarded as Anti-Semitic nay play to a certain group of folks in the boonies and dusty parts of Texas………. But is universally offensive in civilized parts of the United States ………. And in NYC where there is the highest concentration per capita of Jews in the world……
(Which indicates/infers/proves Mr. Cruz know little it anything of the Unites States (various ethnic) its culture and traditions………. Least knowledge of the rest of the world……. Just what we need as a President and Commander-in-Chief…….
Further ole Teddy boy also demonstrated his ignorance of the political maxim ……… once proved to be an anti-Semite………. look out ……. the so-called Jewish lobby will help end one’s political career……

The Immoral Minority: Joe Scarborough: "Ted Cruz will never be the nominee of the Republican Party."

Well Ted..........with your "New York values" and suggestively anti-sematic remarks............ you earned your self some intelligent hard working and connected folks all united who are committed to the end of your political career...........

Ted Cruz is one of the most notorious Jew-worshipers in the country. The idea that he intended some slight against them is absolutely ludicrous. Then again, we all know that offensive intent has never been a requirement to be deemed "anti-semitic".

I would suggest that the individual who equates "it's all about money and media" with antisemitism take a good, long look in the mirror.

Which is also stupid. Claiming that the sort of paranoid monomaniac who would accuse Cruz of all people of "anti-semitism", is anything but fanatically devoted to the Jews, is almost as daft as saying that about Cruz.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

I don't think there's any shortage of legitimate things over which Cruz can be taken to task. This isn't one of them. Is today "lets make up news" day for Toobin?
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

Looks like Ted Cruz and his "New York Values" slander is coming bak to bite him. It was a dirty and below the belt attack anyway, and Trump schooled him in the SC debate. I remember it well because Trump was having a terrible debate, even by his own standards. Then Cruz lobbed that attack and Trump knocked it out of the park. Common sense should have told him to lay off, but Cruz was right back at it a few weeks later.

It's delicious watching Cruz try to backtrack from that smear in a state where he need to stop Trump. I guess he never thought the New York primary would matter. Also if Trump wins NY by 50%+ then I think it assures him of the nomination. Not just because it means he gets all th delegates, but because he'd be the only person in the race to win their own home state by a large amount. Even Cruz didn't win Texas with 50%+.
Re: Republicans Enrage More Voters as Ted Cruz Tosses Around Anti-Semitic Slurs .....

I don't think this is a dog whistle against Jews. I think this is a rural v urban argument, which usually turns into a debate about what "real America" is. Populist conservatives start arguing that so-called "fly over" states are "real America" and everything that comes from or is emblematic of that, is "real America." And woe unto you if you don't identify with that.

That being said, I find Ted Cruz's statements annoying. Look, I don't have to enjoy rodeos, country music, and NASCAR to be a "real American." I grew up in fly over country, I generally like fly over country, but this appeal both misrepresents what it means to be an American, and frankly, Ted Cruz's cultural symbols generally often repulse me rather than pull me in.

I'm not particularly religious, but I think religion serves a utilitarian role. I am a proponent of gay rights, I am pro-choice, and I don't get all uncomfortable around 'book learnin'."

I don't think Cruz had any anti-Semitic intent, but it takes a bit of obtuseness to not recognize that the notion that "NY values are money and the media" has nothing to do with NYC's large Jewish population.

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