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Republicans denounce Trump (1 Viewer)

Are you a republican who'll vote against Trump?

  • Yes, I'm republican and will vote for Joe Biden

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Yes, I'm republican and will write someone in.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I'm republican, rich, and like the tax cuts

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • No, I'm republican, poor, and not very smart

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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“These former members of Congress cited Trump’s corruption, destruction of democracy, blatant disregard for moral decency, and urgent need to get the country back on course as a reason why they support Biden,” the Biden campaign said in its announcement. “These former members of Congress are supporting Joe Biden because they know what’s at stake in this election and that Trump’s failures as president have superseded partisanship.”

Jeff Flake, other former GOP Congress members endorse Biden ahead of RNC

Former senator Jeff Flake joins the list of republicans denouncing Trump.

John Bolton, Trump's National Security Advisor for a year, says Trump is an "empty suit" and when he votes, he'll write someone other than Trump in.

General Jim Mattis, Trump's Secretary of Defense for two years, says "Trump is a threat to the Constitution."

Are you a republican who'll vote against Trump?
Being against Trump means actually having principles, means actually living up to the lofty proclamations And endless ramblings during the Obama Era about sliding into tyranny.

So most won’t.
Being against Trump means actually having principles, means actually living up to the lofty proclamations And endless ramblings during the Obama Era about sliding into tyranny.

So most won’t.

Imagine being a pre-Tea Party Republican and watching White Supremacists, fascists and Qanon take over your party.
Imagine being a pre-Tea Party Republican and watching White Supremacists, fascists and Qanon take over your party.

It’s just...

I dunno man...

A lot of people who voted for this guy, who voted for Republicans are about to get slapped with a heavy dose of reality and they still won’t actually get it.

Mark my words, in the next 1-4 weeks, evictions are about to become the next phase of this campaign and the next hot button issue, it’s going to reach biblical proportions and many of those people, are still going to believe Trumpism And Republicans are the answer.
It’s just...

I dunno man...

A lot of people who voted for this guy, who voted for Republicans are about to get slapped with a heavy dose of reality and they still won’t actually get it.

Mark my words, in the next 1-4 weeks, evictions are about to become the next phase of this campaign and the next hot button issue, it’s going to reach biblical proportions and many of those people, are still going to believe Trumpism And Republicans are the answer.

"A thousand people are dying every day. There is anarchy in the streets. Millions of people are out of work. Millions more are now homeless. The Post Office no longer works. Trump 2020."
Former senator Jeff Flake joins the list of republicans denouncing Trump.

John Bolton, Trump's National Security Advisor for a year, says Trump is an "empty suit" and when he votes, he'll write someone other than Trump in.

General Jim Mattis, Trump's Secretary of Defense for two years, says "Trump is a threat to the Constitution."

Are you a republican who'll vote against Trump?

When a decorated, true American Patriot such as Jim Mattis comes forth and tells Americans that " Trump is a threat to the Constitution", only a fool would dismiss such dire and important words.
Former senator Jeff Flake joins the list of republicans denouncing Trump.

John Bolton, Trump's National Security Advisor for a year, says Trump is an "empty suit" and when he votes, he'll write someone other than Trump in.

General Jim Mattis, Trump's Secretary of Defense for two years, says "Trump is a threat to the Constitution."

Are you a republican who'll vote against Trump?

Funny how for years anytime one of these RINOs was called out for being a fake republican we were told that we should vote for that RINO because its better to get 50%, 60% or 70% of what you want than nothing at all and that no candidate is pure and that we were extremist for expecting a perfect republican canidate to vote for. And now these **** sucking fake republicans are showing their true colors by voting for Biden.No actual republican is voting for Biden because a vote for Biden is a vote for every law Biden is going to enact that republicans hate. A vote for Biden is a vote for every judge he is going to appoint that is going to uphold laws republicans hate and strike down laws republican like.
Funny how for years anytime one of these RINOs was called out for being a fake republican we were told that we should vote for that RINO because its better to get 50%, 60% or 70% of what you want than nothing at all and that no candidate is pure and that we were extremist for expecting a perfect republican canidate to vote for. And now these **** sucking fake republicans are showing their true colors by voting for Biden.No actual republican is voting for Biden because a vote for Biden is a vote for every law Biden is going to enact that republicans hate. A vote for Biden is a vote for every judge he is going to appoint that is going to uphold laws republicans hate and strike down laws republican like.

Trump is not a conservative he is the ultimate RINO.
Trump is not a conservative he is the ultimate RINO.

ANd RINOs were telling us for years that we should vote for them while leftwingers were calling us extremist for pointing out that these are fake republicans. And now those same RINOs want us to vote for Someone they know for a fact is going to enact all the laws republicans hate as well has appoint judges who are going to uphold all the laws republicans hate and strike down all the laws republicans love.
ANd RINOs were telling us for years that we should vote for them while leftwingers were calling us extremist for pointing out that these are fake republicans. And now those same RINOs want us to vote for Someone they know for a fact is going to enact all the laws republicans hate as well has appoint judges who are going to uphold all the laws republicans hate and strike down all the laws republicans love.

So to avoid that vote Biden and not trump as he is the RINO trying to destroy the country and the constitution.
Former senator Jeff Flake joins the list of republicans denouncing Trump.

John Bolton, Trump's National Security Advisor for a year, says Trump is an "empty suit" and when he votes, he'll write someone other than Trump in.

General Jim Mattis, Trump's Secretary of Defense for two years, says "Trump is a threat to the Constitution."

Are you a republican who'll vote against Trump?

what a stupid selection of poll options: your bias could not be more obvious.
Trump is not a conservative he is the ultimate RINO.

He's a far better choice for real Republicans than a guy who has been part of the Democrat swamp for a half a century
Imagine being a pre-Tea Party Republican and watching White Supremacists, fascists and Qanon take over your party.

maybe that's all the Tea Party was.
Funny how for years anytime one of these RINOs was called out for being a fake republican we were told that we should vote for that RINO because its better to get 50%, 60% or 70% of what you want than nothing at all and that no candidate is pure and that we were extremist for expecting a perfect republican canidate to vote for. And now these **** sucking fake republicans are showing their true colors by voting for Biden.No actual republican is voting for Biden because a vote for Biden is a vote for every law Biden is going to enact that republicans hate. A vote for Biden is a vote for every judge he is going to appoint that is going to uphold laws republicans hate and strike down laws republican like.

The projection here is deafening.
maybe that's all the Tea Party was.

The Tea Party was downright lucid compared to Qanon. And it will get worse. Eventually Qanon will look upon the thing that comes after them and they're going to say, "Whoah, these guys be nuts."
So to avoid that vote Biden and not trump as he is the RINO trying to destroy the country and the constitution.
A vote for Biden is a vote to destroy the constitution and country. A vote for Biden is vote for everything the republicans are against. Trump isn't perfect and I don't think anyone said he was.
The Tea Party was downright lucid compared to Qanon. And it will get worse. Eventually Qanon will look upon the thing that comes after them and they're going to say, "Whoah, these guys be nuts."

were they?

What is a RINO?

Of course I would never recommend this for the general election, but if I was a Republican, I would have voted for Mitt Romney for one reason. You can all figure out why.

If I was a Republican, I also would still vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris anyway.
He's a far better choice for real Republicans than a guy who has been part of the Democrat swamp for a half a century

Trump was a Democrat all of those 50 years. Are you sure he is not a fake Republican?
Former senator Jeff Flake joins the list of republicans denouncing Trump.

John Bolton, Trump's National Security Advisor for a year, says Trump is an "empty suit" and when he votes, he'll write someone other than Trump in.

General Jim Mattis, Trump's Secretary of Defense for two years, says "Trump is a threat to the Constitution."

Are you a republican who'll vote against Trump?

I didn't see Romney on that list; did I just miss it or is NBC/Biden campaign slipping a bit? If Flake is the highest profile R that they can put in the headline, it doesn't really mean that much.
Former senator Jeff Flake joins the list of republicans denouncing Trump.

John Bolton, Trump's National Security Advisor for a year, says Trump is an "empty suit" and when he votes, he'll write someone other than Trump in.

General Jim Mattis, Trump's Secretary of Defense for two years, says "Trump is a threat to the Constitution."

Are you a republican who'll vote against Trump?

I'm not impressed with Flake. When he was in the senate, he'd hand-wring about how awful Trump was being, and then he'd vote for whatever Trump wanted regardless.
"A thousand people are dying every day.

This has been true for many, many, years. Death comes for us all. But hey, throw all the bovine feces on the wall, and see what sticks to Trump. Great strategy.

There is anarchy in the streets.

In Democrat run cities. HMMM... Blame Trump!

Millions of people are out of work.

Due to government mandated shutdowns. Mandated by local government officials. Blame Trump!

Millions more are now homeless.

Due to government mandated shutdowns. Mandated by local government officials. Blame Trump!

The Post Office no longer works.

I am getting my mail. And my mail is going out. False narrative, this one. Oh wait, that is your thing.

Trump 2020.

Hey - you got something right at the end. Good for you!
This has been true for many, many, years. Death comes for us all. But hey, throw all the bovine feces on the wall, and see what sticks to Trump. Great strategy.

In Democrat run cities. HMMM... Blame Trump!

Due to government mandated shutdowns. Mandated by local government officials. Blame Trump!

Due to government mandated shutdowns. Mandated by local government officials. Blame Trump!

I am getting my mail. And my mail is going out. False narrative, this one. Oh wait, that is your thing.

Hey - you got something right at the end. Good for you!

Trump made the decision to ignore the pandemic because he thought it was a blue state problem. That resulted in 180,000 people dying, the economy to crater, and the rest of the planet barring us from entering their countries.

Turns out that taking the duties of your office seriously actually matters.
Trump was a New York democrat up until recently.

He saw a path to the presidency and it required that he change to republican so he did.

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