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republican hopefuls in 08' (1 Viewer)

who will run/get nominated in 08'?

  • rudy gulianni NYC mayor

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • john mccain senator

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • ArNoLd! (cali govener)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • other i couldnt think of

    Votes: 8 34.8%

  • Total voters


who do you think will run for president on the republican ballot in 08'?
i personally would like to see rudy guilianni (N.Y for life!) john mccain is another options but i dont care for him maybe ArNoLd! if there is an amendment but he is centrist on social issue and UBER RIGHT on economic
I absolutely DESPISE Rudi Guilianni. He's publicized himself because he was conviently mayor of NY during 9/11. I would never even CONSIDER voting for that man.

I would consider voting for John McCain though.

Arnold should go back to molesting women and building his body. He has no place in politics.
well err.... the kennedy's would have a presence in the white house if arnold is elected :rofl

guilliani did alot of good for nyc and he was a great leader post 9-11 dont dis him for it you can that from a new yorker
What did Guilliani do?

Personally I can't think of anything. I can "dis" him all I want.
Excellent poll.

Guilliani - Would never make it due to his Pro-Choice position as well as his history with women. He would be mudd before the the Dems even added water.

Arnold - nope. He was not born in US. Even if they passed it to allow folks that are not native, I still would not vote him in. Besides, he is a Dem in sheeps clothing.

McCain - Propablly the best canidate you have listed. He is very moderate and attacts both sides of the isle. His gun lesiglation against gun shows I cannot swallow.

Rice would be an excellent canidate IMO.
guilianni cleaned up nyc while he was a prosecutor he took down the nyc mafia bosses and as mayor crime continued to be his focus his legislation against petty crimes made for a more hostile presence that assited in quashing larger crimes

yea his pro choice stance brings him down a notch imo as does arnold liberal social and enviromental ideas

what about john mccain i know little about except that he worked fairly extensivly w/ john kerry which kinda scares me but what are his ideas on social issues?
How about Bill Frist?

I think he appeals to the far right more then the other candidates mentioned. No matter what way you look at it, John McCain will be on the ticket. Prez or Vice Prez, either one, McCain will be there. So, the only question is, who will be the other candidate. Arnold is out of the question: there is this little thing called the constitution, that is blocking him. I think that they will look to the far right for the running mate. Maybe Bill Frist? I don't think that McCain will have a moderate like Guiliani.
pwo said:
How about Bill Frist?

I think he appeals to the far right more then the other candidates mentioned. No matter what way you look at it, John McCain will be on the ticket. Prez or Vice Prez, either one, McCain will be there. So, the only question is, who will be the other candidate. Arnold is out of the question: there is this little thing called the constitution, that is blocking him. I think that they will look to the far right for the running mate. Maybe Bill Frist? I don't think that McCain will have a moderate like Guiliani.

I like Bill Frist. His recent Texas "scandles" about redistricting will make BIG headlines and they will use that against him. If he can survive that and get to the convention he will be the Republican canidate. But, alas don't think he can survive it.
vauge's idea of rice seems appealing first woman AND minority for prez ..... that would be the potential for a landslide victory and possibly getting new voter territory in minorities for the republicans

only weakness i see is the republican southern power base could be exposed since there is still alot of racism in that area of country

but yes i would vote for her
Mccain for president, he would be great for thwe millatery, and i dare say even better than Bush. As vice president either Guilianni or Rice, Gilianni was good for New york during 9/11. Rice would be good for president but i thank the American people would except her more as vice president , than it would put her in a good posetion to run for president in 2016. :monkey
mccain and rice on the ticket would be a total slaughter in an election its a good balenced ticket as mccain appeals to people on both side of the political spectrum and rice would appeal to the far right, women, and minorities
vauge said:
I like Bill Frist. His recent Texas "scandles" about redistricting will make BIG headlines and they will use that against him. If he can survive that and get to the convention he will be the Republican canidate. But, alas don't think he can survive it.
Majority Leader Bill Frist is the senior senator from the State of Tennessee. Could you be confusing him with Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tom DeLay, a congressman from the State of Texas?
skabanger13 said:
Mccain for president, he would be great for thwe millatery, and i dare say even better than Bush. As vice president either Guilianni or Rice, Gilianni was good for New york during 9/11. Rice would be good for president but i thank the American people would except her more as vice president , than it would put her in a good posetion to run for president in 2016. :monkey
I imagine that a matchup of Condi and Hillary would be quite a cat fight. However, I don't believe either will be nominated so we won't see the fur fly. I don't think most Americans are ready to put a woman in the White House.

McCain, the actual war hero, and Kerry, the self-styled war hero and anti-war hero, would provide a good dust up. But, I don't think either will be nominated.

Giuliani has too much baggage to win in the primaries.

Senator Bill Frist, Governor Jeb Bush of Florida, and Governor George Pataki of New York are likely to throw their hats in the ring.
Bush will create a new law allowing for the Presidency to continue on indefinitely while in times of significant terrorist presence.

Then he will continue to rule, eventually crowning himself Lord-Protector in 2013, and will go on to use our police state to conquer all of the world while still saying he's working for the greater good. We will become an Imperial Empire ruled entirely by the police, where every movement is tracked and recorded. Anything not perfectly in line with the Lord-Protector's values will be against the law and under extreme punishment.

All the while, American citizens will still believe they are the most free nation in the world, and all of Bush's plans are for their perfect safety.

The facts about tremendous increase in crime rates and terrorism under Bush's rule as Lord-Protector will never surface as they will be crushed in the making. All media will have to bear the approval of the government.

Sorry, I got carried away.... :rolleyes:
:rofl although i dont agree well said gabo

kerry will never be nominated again, people didnt actually like him..... more so they just hated bush so how could he compete with someone likeable like mccain, or even someone like condi who would dig deep into democrat voter territory getting the minority vote?

i could see guilliani for vice president as a ticket balencer....... possibly in an attempt to win some of the northeastern states

what many democrats, well what many who are politicly minded dont understand is that there wouldnt most likely be a swing in women voters if a women ran for president, you must remember tht the majority of christian(mainly republican/swing voters) women dont want a woman in office, im dead serious i personally dont mind the idea of a women president (and i would happily vote for condi) but my mother and other women of like mind are kind of scared of the idea and they especially dont want womanhood to be represented by a super fem like hillary
hey maybe im wrong, maybe im being a male shovinist pig but from what i can tell of women many of them dont like the idea of women president

it would however, be amzing if it became a showdown of hillary vs condi
Just don't have Rice run for President.

1. You might as well just hand the election over to Clinton.
2. I can't support anyone who supports abortion.
3. I want Rudi or McCain. I think it would be an easy win for either of them
Gabo said:
Bush will create a new law allowing for the Presidency to continue on indefinitely while in times of significant terrorist presence.

Then he will continue to rule, eventually crowning himself Lord-Protector in 2013, and will go on to use our police state to conquer all of the world while still saying he's working for the greater good. We will become an Imperial Empire ruled entirely by the police, where every movement is tracked and recorded. Anything not perfectly in line with the Lord-Protector's values will be against the law and under extreme punishment.

All the while, American citizens will still believe they are the most free nation in the world, and all of Bush's plans are for their perfect safety.

The facts about tremendous increase in crime rates and terrorism under Bush's rule as Lord-Protector will never surface as they will be crushed in the making. All media will have to bear the approval of the government.

Sorry, I got carried away.... :rolleyes:

I would love to get hold of some of that hallucinogenic stuff you're smoking. I could use a good buzz.
Jufarius87 said:
what many democrats, well what many who are politicly minded dont understand is that there wouldnt most likely be a swing in women voters if a women ran for president, you must remember tht the majority of christian(mainly republican/swing voters) women dont want a woman in office, im dead serious i personally dont mind the idea of a women president (and i would happily vote for condi) but my mother and other women of like mind are kind of scared of the idea and they especially dont want womanhood to be represented by a super fem like hillary
hey maybe im wrong, maybe im being a male shovinist pig but from what i can tell of women many of them dont like the idea of women president
That's because they know what can happen if a woman has her finger on the nuclear panic button when a case of PMS kicks in.

There's growing talk of Senator George Allen of Virginia.

The obvious one are: Maj. Leader Bill Frist, Sen. Rick Santorum, Sen. John McCain, Gov. Jeb Bush, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Sec. Condi Rice, and Gov. George Pataki.

The GOP's dream ticket would be some combination of Giuliani, Rice, Bush, and McCain, in that order of preference.

Personally, I'd like to see Condi Rice and Rudy on the ticket.

Reality is, watch out for George Allen. George Allen for President, and either Bush, McCain, Guiliani, or Rice for Veep. That's gonna be the line up for the Republicans in 2008. George Allen's qualities are VERY similar to George W. Bush, just without the Bush last name. And if political junkies have learned anything about George W. Bush, it's that qualities like Bush equals a winning formula for the White House. Allen has them....
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I have been wondering if Newt might through his hat into the ring. He has been getting very cozy with Hillary, so it might be a political move to help discredit any attacks from her later. My favorite would be Condi though. She is a brilliant lady, and would be an excellent pick. McCain doesn't have the base behind him, so I don't think we will see him as a front runner.
If McCain is the nominee, then I will vote third party, that simple. McCain has no spine and will try too hard to build consensus, even if it means doing something that would not be in the country's best interest.
I voted Rudy Julliani, because he changed NYC from a tripled X theater city, to a growing city with many corporations. Also he helped his fellow NYC people through 9/11.

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