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Republican Challange! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 21, 2005
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I challange all of you self proclaimed Republicans to tell me and the other Democrats in this forum why George W. Bush makes a good president for our country.
and I challenge you to stop bickering about his ways and present ideas which would solve our problems.

I'm not for Bush, I'd rather see a capable President, but I am tired of seeing these battles between the partys. Cooperation between the partys is ideals, you're not going to get things done with split power, especially in congress.
It can be summed up in one word democratmaster:


BTW, Welcome to Debate Politics!
Arch Enemy said:
and I challenge you to stop bickering about his ways and present ideas which would solve our problems.

I'm not for Bush, I'd rather see a capable President, but I am tired of seeing these battles between the partys. Cooperation between the partys is ideals, you're not going to get things done with split power, especially in congress.

I absolutely agree with that. Stop claiming what a bad job he's doing and start coming up with solutions to our problems. Simply claiming what he's doing is stupid doesn't solve anything.
guns_God_glory said:
OR another word:


  1. Bush lies and yet claims to be Christian.
  2. He uses our Constitution for political gain. He swore to uphold it and yet he has no clue what it is for. Wanting to pass an amendment to prevent same-sex marriage is regulating the citizens. Our Constitution is a means to regulate the government. Obvious abuse.
  3. He sent our military out on a bogus war and then publicly made jokes about not finding weapons of mass destruction while our troops are there dying.
  4. When Congress rejected his Faith-Based Initiative, he signed an executive order that implemented most of it anyway.

This is not integrity


  1. Bush rarely spoke to the press in his first term because he feared them.
  2. He joined the coast guard to get out of serving his country in a war.

This is not courage.
alex said:
  1. Bush lies and yet claims to be Christian.
  2. He uses our Constitution for political gain. He swore to uphold it and yet he has no clue what it is for. Wanting to pass an amendment to prevent same-sex marriage is regulating the citizens. Our Constitution is a means to regulate the government. Obvious abuse.
  3. He sent our military out on a bogus war and then publicly made jokes about not finding weapons of mass destruction while our troops are there dying.
  4. When Congress rejected his Faith-Based Initiative, he signed an executive order that implemented most of it anyway.
This is not integrity

  1. Bush rarely spoke to the press in his first term because he feared them.
  2. He joined the coast guard to get out of serving his country in a war.
This is not courage.

When was he in the Coast Guard?
Pacridge said:
When was he in the Coast Guard?

You are right, that is a mistake. I meant National Guard.
alex said:
You are right, that is a mistake. I meant National Guard.

I'm not sure you can say why he joined the Air National Guard. Who's knows for sure? Plus when you say things like that it's kind of insulting to everyone who served in the National Guard. Do you seriously think every person who joined the National Guard did so to get out of Vietnam?
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Alex, I think this thread is for Republicans to say what they like about President Bush. We have several Bush bashing posts here, feel free to go vent and join the crowd. :yawn:
Squawker said:
Alex, I think this thread is for Republicans to say what they like about President Bush. We have several Bush bashing posts here, feel free to go vent and join the crowd. :yawn:

Counter arguments are all a part of debating. Get use to it or never debate again. If you can prove my argument wrong, then do it. Do not resort to telling me to go elsewhere.

Also, I am very interested in explanations for the replies of "integrity" and "courage". They were listed with nothing to back them up.
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Squawker said:
Alex, I think this thread is for Republicans to say what they like about President Bush. We have several Bush bashing posts here, feel free to go vent and join the crowd. :yawn:
Is Alex being censored? Is he being told NOT to post his opinion?

If it were a Pro-Democratic thread would you stop someone from bashing Clinton? I think not.....but I might be wrong.....
Perhaps I didn't word that well. I simply meant we should respect the question the author of this thread proposed, and not resort to insulting what the Republicans answer is. We are well aware of how the Democrats and Liberals feel regarding President Bush.
alex said:

[*]Bush lies and yet claims to be Christian.

What are you saying? That Bush isn't a Christian? Who are you to question someone elses religion? Or are you saying that nobody who lies can be a Christian, because that would bring world Christianity totals down from around 2 billion to, oh, zero?

[*]He uses our Constitution for political gain. He swore to uphold it and yet he has no clue what it is for. Wanting to pass an amendment to prevent same-sex marriage is regulating the citizens. Our Constitution is a means to regulate the government. Obvious abuse.

The constitution is a means to a lot of things, not just to regulate the government. It's also used as a strong form of law. While many may not agree with the end goal aimed at by the republicans in congress, they went about their goal in a completely legal and upfront manner.

Also, President Bush himself has stated that he doesn't think the amendment is a good idea. He personally is for the idea of civil unions, but is simply playing politics, a necessity for any leader.

[*]He sent our military out on a bogus war and then publicly made jokes about not finding weapons of mass destruction while our troops are there dying.

The "bogus war" claim has been debunked so thoroughly and so many times that there's no point in debating it here. You have your opinion, I have mine (and facts). As to him joking, does that personally offend you? All presidents should be humorless about everything?

[*]When Congress rejected his Faith-Based Initiative, he signed an executive order that implemented most of it anyway.

So? Who cares? Politicians do that all the time, and it doesnt mean it's an example of failing to have integrity. Let me ask you, Iowa gov Tom Vilsack just overrode the decision of his state and signed an executive order mandating that ex-felons will be able to vote, because he believed that once someone has paid their debt to society, they deserve another chance. To those felons, Vilsack is the very definition of integrity, yet by yours, he is a villian. What do you think?

This is not integrity


[*]Bush rarely spoke to the press in his first term because he feared them.

No, he rarely spoke to the press in his first term because he knew that the more he spoke, the more opportunities he presented to tangle his agenda up. As a result, he spent more time working on his goals, and achieved more.

[*]He joined the coast guard to get out of serving his country in a war.

No, he joined the National Guard, and who are you to say it wasn't dangerous.

He flew fighter jets. That's dangerous as hell. Can you fly a jet? Does that make you a coward?
RightatNYU said:
The "bogus war" claim has been debunked so thoroughly and so many times that there's no point in debating it here. You have your opinion, I have mine (and facts).
I cordially invite you to bring the facts and your opinion to this thread Team Bush and "Best Info Available @ the Time"

AFAICT, nothing in this thread has been debunked at all. I plainly show how Team Bush depended upon known mal-info to make the case for war with Iraq.

Perhaps you're using a definition of 'bogus' that excludes refutation.

I am a Republican. I have been for two decades now. I think that GWB & Team Bush are the biggest embarrassment in my lifetime. They are fundamentally un-American on a number of issues. In particular, they exhibit an exceptionally elitist attitude toward their employers- the American electorate.

I'll be glad when the slow turninhg wheels of justice catch up with them.
A President who isn't afraid to name the name of Jesus Christ... That's why I admire The President...
RightatNYU said:
What are you saying? That Bush isn't a Christian? Who are you to question someone elses religion? Or are you saying that nobody who lies can be a Christian, because that would bring world Christianity totals down from around 2 billion to, oh, zero?

I am not questioning anyone's religion. That is your misunderstanding. I am saying that someone who lies and calls themself a Christian has no integrity. That is a fact.

RightatNYU said:
The constitution is a means to a lot of things, not just to regulate the government. It's also used as a strong form of law. While many may not agree with the end goal aimed at by the republicans in congress, they went about their goal in a completely legal and upfront manner.

My point here was to say that any leader who abuses our Constitution has no integrity, and that is still a solid argument. Show me exactly where the Constitution is other than a means to regulate the government. Good luck.

RightatNYU said:
Also, President Bush himself has stated that he doesn't think the amendment is a good idea. He personally is for the idea of civil unions, but is simply playing politics, a necessity for any leader.

If he doesn't think an amendment is a good idea then why did he publicly say he supported it? He did it for political gain which means he abused the Constitution to get that gain. Again, that shows that he has no integrity.

RightatNYU said:
The "bogus war" claim has been debunked so thoroughly and so many times that there's no point in debating it here. You have your opinion, I have mine (and facts). As to him joking, does that personally offend you? All presidents should be humorless about everything?

Where are the weapons of mass destruction? It was a bogus war and he pushed for it. He lied to get it and that means he has no integrity. It does not offend me that he has a sense of humor. But when troops are dying because of what that humor is about, he has no integrity.

RightatNYU said:
So? Who cares? Politicians do that all the time, and it doesnt mean it's an example of failing to have integrity. Let me ask you, Iowa gov Tom Vilsack just overrode the decision of his state and signed an executive order mandating that ex-felons will be able to vote, because he believed that once someone has paid their debt to society, they deserve another chance. To those felons, Vilsack is the very definition of integrity, yet by yours, he is a villian. What do you think?

If the state lawmakers voted against this law and the governor signed an executive order to pass it, then yes he is wrong. That is giving one lawmaker far too much power.

RightatNYU said:
No, he rarely spoke to the press in his first term because he knew that the more he spoke, the more opportunities he presented to tangle his agenda up. As a result, he spent more time working on his goals, and achieved more.

He did not speak to the press out of fear that he would look stupid, which he did the few time he did speak to them.

RightatNYU said:
No, he joined the National Guard, and who are you to say it wasn't dangerous.

He flew fighter jets. That's dangerous as hell. Can you fly a jet? Does that make you a coward?

If someone wants to join the National Guard, then go ahead. I am not saying that is better or worse than anything. I am saying that someone cannot be said to have courage when they join to escape going to war.
alex said:
If someone wants to join the National Guard, then go ahead. I am not saying that is better or worse than anything. I am saying that someone cannot be said to have courage when they join to escape going to war.

And again I say you can't know what his reasons were for joining the Air National Guard. There's just no way of knowing why he joined. With his family ties it seems to me he could have easily "pulled a Cheney" and not served anywhere ever. I'm no fan of GW but when you say things like that I think it's insulting to everyone who served in the Guard. Those who serve our country, in any capacity, deserve our respect. IMO.
alex said:
I am not questioning anyone's religion. That is your misunderstanding. I am saying that someone who lies and calls themself a Christian has no integrity. That is a fact.

Don't obfusticate. You could have easily said that anyone who lies has no integrity. You threw in the Christianity for a reason, to imply that Bush either doesnt follow his religion or that he's manipulating it, two falsehoods.

My point here was to say that any leader who abuses our Constitution has no integrity, and that is still a solid argument. Show me exactly where the Constitution is other than a means to regulate the government. Good luck.

Where in the 16th, 18th, or 25th Amendments is the government being regulated? And those are only the ones that passed. There have been, literally, over 750 amendments proposed in the past 10 years. Amendments to:

prohibit burning the flag
give equal quality health care to everyone
declare that life begins at conception
end early release of convicted criminals
make English the official language
make housing a constitutional right
protect the environment

That's a short list. None of those "regulate the government," so by your definition, everyone who proposed or supported ANY of them has no integrity. Is that what you're trying to say?

If he doesn't think an amendment is a good idea then why did he publicly say he supported it? He did it for political gain which means he abused the Constitution to get that gain. Again, that shows that he has no integrity.

Or maybe it showed smart politicking, to say that he supported his party's efforts, but that he personally supported the idea of civil unions? Be honest, if you held every single politician to that same standard, not a damn one would have "integrity." In addition, the amendment and civil unions are not mutually exclusive. Read up.


Where are the weapons of mass destruction? It was a bogus war and he pushed for it. He lied to get it and that means he has no integrity. It does not offend me that he has a sense of humor. But when troops are dying because of what that humor is about, he has no integrity.

Right, it was a bogus war, and he (and every single other person in Washington, in every level of government) pushed for it. So it's his fault.

I'll make sure to remember that you said it's 100% his responsibility when 50 years from now teachers are teaching about the liberation of Afghanistan/Iraq as the turning point in the middle east, and John Kerry Jr. and all the other liberals are claiming that they supported President Bush 100% through all this.

If the state lawmakers voted against this law and the governor signed an executive order to pass it, then yes he is wrong. That is giving one lawmaker far too much power.

One flaw in your argument: Know how that lawmaker got all that power? By following state laws. It's not illegal to do something completely legal. He's doing what he feels is the right thing, using all the avenues that are legalla available to him. You can't fault him for doing something that's accepted as the norm. These things happen all the time, recess nominations and the such.

He did not speak to the press out of fear that he would look stupid, which he did the few time he did speak to them.

Okay, that's your opinion. The fact is, that by not speaking to the press too much, he avoided LOOKING stupid, and instead managed to accomplish nearly everything he wanted to in his first term, including winning reelection. You can't fault a winning strategy.

If someone wants to join the National Guard, then go ahead. I am not saying that is better or worse than anything. I am saying that someone cannot be said to have courage when they join to escape going to war.

As opposed to draft dodger clinton, or the millions who either a) avoided serving at all, or b) happened not to be called up?
"[*]Bush lies and yet claims to be Christian"

I thought liberals were adamant about the separation of Church and State, and yet you make a comment that completely contradicts that belief?
galenrox said:
So so far I've gotten three answers on why people voted for Bush. Because he wasn't afraid of saying the name of Jesus Christ, because he has courage, and because he has integrity. And not only that, that's all of the explanations that I've gotten. If you gave me these answers, please explain to me more, cause I still don't get why you think these things, and how they transfer to him being qualified to be president, and anyone else who likes him, tell me why, cause I really still don't get it.
Okay from me I never even really like Bush but would still vote for him anyways.
Reason why its a stupid one but hey its my vote.

I was on another forum, simply more Europeans than americans. I was attacked an attacked throughout for my right politcal beliefs and insulted excessively. So I played the sterotypical American and insulted them and they got pissed at it. I got tired of them bashing us poltically and calling us Fat I got thinking is this what hole Europe thinks? I didn't like Bush at the start either. I don't think he is great I just say he was okay. So I started to side with Bush more b/c I wanted them to get madd even more at me b/c I wanted them to stay out of American politics. Also because it was funny when they all got raged especially when I said I was going to Join the marines to go to Iraq. Another reason is I didn't like Kerry he was a weak leader in my opinion. Sorry just stating that.
Shadowlands said:
Okay from me I never even really like Bush but would still vote for him anyways.
Reason why its a stupid one but hey its my vote.

I was on another forum, simply more Europeans than americans. I was attacked an attacked throughout for my right politcal beliefs and insulted excessively. So I played the sterotypical American and insulted them and they got pissed at it. I got tired of them bashing us poltically and calling us Fat I got thinking is this what hole Europe thinks? I didn't like Bush at the start either. I don't think he is great I just say he was okay. So I started to side with Bush more b/c I wanted them to get madd even more at me b/c I wanted them to stay out of American politics. Also because it was funny when they all got raged especially when I said I was going to Join the marines to go to Iraq. Another reason is I didn't like Kerry he was a weak leader in my opinion. Sorry just stating that.

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Hey, it's your vote.
KARL ROVE, Bush's long-time political guru and White House advisor:
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans...
...unless they have too much education and vote Democratic,
which proves there can be too much of a good thing."

I thought you Republicans would like to see this quote or this one...

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents,
more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land
will reach their heart's desire at last and
the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

H.L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
galenrox said:
Yeah, I definately understand that, I almost voted for Bush just so I wouldn't vindicate the liberal elitests that I know, but then I decided that it was better to "throw my vote away" on Nader, as a statement that I am sick of the two party system, since it seems obvious to me that both sides suck.

I find it kinda funny that there's still yet to be a person with a full out explanation of why they like Bush though.
Too bad I can't vote.

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