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Remember, Obama said Russia was not a threat (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine when Obama was President.

Putin is going into Ukraine when Obama's Vice President is the President.

Obama's eight years of weak foreign policy and inability to police Russia has emboldened them.
...As opposed to the strong, muscular, very very masculine and tough foreign policy we had from 2017-2020 where the occupant of the Oval Office wanted to be best friends with Putin and weaken NATO?

And also condition aid to Ukraine on whether or not they would dig up imaginary dirt on his political opponents?
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Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine when Obama was President.

Putin is going into Ukraine when Obama's Vice President is the President.

Obama's eight years of weak foreign policy and inability to police Russia has emboldened them.

Indeed. And we went straight from Obama to Biden with no President in between.

Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine when Obama was President.

Putin is going into Ukraine when Obama's Vice President is the President.

Obama's eight years of weak foreign policy and inability to police Russia has emboldened them.

Yeah, and remember when Obama handed over all of our intelligence to Putin?
JFC you're shoveling a lot of dog crap today.
The world is laughing at America's weakness under Biden and Harris. They are both an embarrassment.

Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine when Obama was President.

Putin is going into Ukraine when Obama's Vice President is the President.

Obama's eight years of weak foreign policy and inability to police Russia has emboldened them.

At the time, he was right.
said 10 years ago. I know right wingers can't comprehend change , but the world moves on and changes.

This is just more pathetic rigth wing partisan hackery. It doesn't matter what biden does, the moronic hacks will whine. And the traitors are cheering on our enemies and sucking putin dick.

Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine when Obama was President.

Putin is going into Ukraine when Obama's Vice President is the President.

Obama's eight years of weak foreign policy and inability to police Russia has emboldened them.

Told Romney the 80's were calling. What a moron.
said 10 years ago. I know right wingers can't comprehend change , but the world moves on and changes.

This is just more pathetic rigth wing partisan hackery. It doesn't matter what biden does, the moronic hacks will whine. And the traitors are cheering on our enemies and sucking putin dick.
I thought 4 years after the video the Russians elected Trump?

Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea from Ukraine when Obama was President.

Putin is going into Ukraine when Obama's Vice President is the President.

Obama's eight years of weak foreign policy and inability to police Russia has emboldened them.

The world has barely survived the worst Presidents of the modern era each one worse than his predecessor, Bush 43, then Obama, then the Grand Poobah of bad Presidents, Mafia Donald Trump.

I have been left to ponder if Merkel would have abandoned Nuclear Energy to the degree that she had and as quickly as she had if she did not feel that she had what in effect was a green light from the US vis-a-vis Russia. Her example should not have been the United States in any event. Her example should have been France. That said, I think it unlikely that you could get a German to agree that a Frenchman has a good idea about anything.....and I do mean anything. Maybe Champagne.

Then whatever she thought the US was doing or supporting or would support went out the window with Donnie Boy. He went out of his way to antagonize her. She was done with Donnie Boy and she was done at that point caring what the US thought about Nord 2 or anything else for that matter. Atta' Boy Donnie, Putin's dream US President and the poster child for Russia-crats everywhere, not to mention run of the mill autocrats, despots and dictators.
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said 10 years ago. I know right wingers can't comprehend change , but the world moves on and changes.

This is just more pathetic rigth wing partisan hackery. It doesn't matter what biden does, the moronic hacks will whine. And the traitors are cheering on our enemies and sucking putin dick.


Democrats were wrong about Putin, they didn't view him as a serious threat until 2014.

Obama gets credit for going after low-hanging fruit in capturing Osama Bin Laden, he completely ignored Putin.
Isn't it the job of a good president to foresee what will happen in 2-4 years?

That is true. They should not have been so optimistic.

In a sense, it is still true that Russia isn't much more than a big gas station, but it does need to be kept in check with aggression toward its neighbors and its interference in the elections of democracies.

Democrats were wrong about Putin, they didn't view him as a serious threat until 2014.

Obama gets credit for going after low-hanging fruit in capturing Osama Bin Laden, he completely ignored Putin.

So how did the Trump approach Putin?
Isn't it the job of a good president to foresee what will happen in 2-4 years?

That would be 2014 or 2016.
In 2018, this happened:

At a news conference after the summit, President Trump was asked if he believed his own intelligence agencies or the Russian president when it came to the allegations of meddling in the elections.
"President Putin says it's not Russia. I don't see any reason why it would be"

In a strongly-worded statement, US House Speaker Paul Ryan said Mr Trump "must appreciate that Russia is not our ally".
"There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most basic values and ideals," he said, adding that there was "no question" Moscow had interfered in the 2016 election.

Sure, Obama should have predicted Trump throwing our own intelligence under the bus.
Turns out one of his fellow colleagues predicted some of this ...

MicrophoneWasDefective (2019_02_27 17_41_55 UTC).jpg

I'll reiterate, you seem to be shoveling a record amount of dog crap this morning.
Did Fido have tummy troubles last night?
Wow. That's horrible. I can't believe it is Obama's fault Ukraine is being invaded by Russia.

Oh my god. I can't believe it. George Bush engaged in diplomacy with Russia too?! CUUUUUURSE YOU BUUUUUUSH.
PRESIDENT BUSH: My administration seeks a new relationship with Russia based on cooperation and mutual interests, instead of confrontation and mutual vulnerability. We must truly and finally move beyond the Cold War. Today, after my third meeting with Vladimir Putin in five months, and after the events of the last five weeks, we can report progress toward that goal -- positive progress.
"The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington.

Throughout the campaign, Trump has been dismissive of calls for supporting the Ukraine government as it fights an ongoing Russian-led intervention. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, worked as a lobbyist for the Russian-backed former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych for more than a decade."

Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine
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...As opposed to the strong, muscular, very very masculine and tough foreign policy we had from 2017-2020 where the occupant of the Oval Office wanted to be best friends with Putin and weaken NATO?

And also condition aid to Ukraine on whether or not they would dig up imaginary dirt on his political opponents?

Beat down in post #2.

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