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Religious Tolerance (1 Viewer)

Dec 3, 2005
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St.gallen, Switzerland
Political Leaning
"In our Brotherhood, we live the great Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter as simply as we live the other days: we pray, meditate and sing. And even if we give special thought to the birth, death or resurrection of Christ, we do nothing exceptional. If this leaves some people dissatisfied, they are free to go and celebrate these festivals in their churches or their temples. Everyone must decide what form to give to his religious feelings, and he must allow others to do the same. The fact that they have different beliefs and rituals must never be a reason for people to attack each other. It is unwise to destroy the lives of others in the name of such and such a religious founder. Rather than provoking endless disorder and strife, people must embrace one another, help one another and fraternize with one another. In doing so they will demonstrate that they are followers of the one true religion, the universal religion of light and love, whose model is the sun. "
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Solve et Coagula said:
"In our Brotherhood, we live the great Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter as simply as we live the other days: we pray, meditate and sing. And even if we give special thought to the birth, death or resurrection of Christ, we do nothing exceptional. If this leaves some people dissatisfied, they are free to go and celebrate these festivals in their churches or their temples. Everyone must decide what form to give to his religious feelings, and he must allow others to do the same. The fact that they have different beliefs and rituals must never be a reason for people to attack each other. It is unwise to destroy the lives of others in the name of such and such a religious founder. Rather than provoking endless disorder and strife, people must embrace one another, help one another and fraternize with one another. In doing so they will demonstrate that they are followers of the one true religion, the universal religion of light and love, whose model is the sun. "
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Its called ' RESPECT " .We had it befor,multiculturaliam,diversity and all that other liberal babble.You learned it by being exposed to other beliefs not by hiding them under a rug.
JOHNYJ said:
Its called ' RESPECT " .We had it befor,multiculturaliam,diversity and all that other liberal babble.You learned it by being exposed to other beliefs not by hiding them under a rug.
Shouldn't there also be RESPECT for multiculturalism and diversity?
Diversity ,of late, has been used to attack christianity in this country.
JOHNYJ said:
Diversity ,of late, has been used to attack christianity in this country.
Please prove it.
shuamort said:
Please prove it.

Diversity was the alleged basis for this push for " Happy Holidays " replacing " MERRY CHRISTMAS ".
They couldn't admit it was an attack on Christianity !
JOHNYJ said:
Diversity was the alleged basis for this push for " Happy Holidays " replacing " MERRY CHRISTMAS ".
They couldn't admit it was an attack on Christianity !

...There is no attack on Christianity. Over 3/4 of the country is made up of Christians, and a vast majority of our congress and government as a whole is as well. The whole idea arises from an unjustified Christian persecution complex, unfounded in reality.
JOHNYJ said:
Diversity was the alleged basis for this push for " Happy Holidays " replacing " MERRY CHRISTMAS ".
They couldn't admit it was an attack on Christianity !

where did these replacements occur? In shopping malls and department stores? schools? where?
Engimo said:
...There is no attack on Christianity. Over 3/4 of the country is made up of Christians, and a vast majority of our congress and government as a whole is as well. The whole idea arises from an unjustified Christian persecution complex, unfounded in reality.
Actually there are some base points for these claims of attack. I believe that Christians are not so much being paranoid, but rather recognizing the potential of a seemingly growing politically correct awareness complex, that if permitted to go unchecked could/may result in traditional decline.
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Apostle13 said:
Actually there are some base points for these claims of attack. I believe that Christians are not so much being paranoid, but rather recognizing the potential of a seemingly growing politically correct awareness complex, that if permitted to go unchecked could/may result in traditional decline.

I personally wouldn't mind "traditional" decline. It is this dogmatic adherence to what is "traditional" that has kept us from progressing in the past, and continues to do so now. That's not to say I think we should start screwing animals and doing drugs all the time, but I think that saying that tradition is correct simply by virtue of the fact that it is tradition is flawed and problematic.

But, I do not think that the whole "P.C." is as big of a deal as people make it out to be - people honestly do not care except in isolated incidents
Engimo said:
I personally wouldn't mind "traditional" decline. It is this dogmatic adherence to what is "traditional" that has kept us from progressing in the past, and continues to do so now. That's not to say I think we should start screwing animals and doing drugs all the time, but I think that saying that tradition is correct simply by virtue of the fact that it is tradition is flawed and problematic.
It seems as though you are confusing traditional decline with moral decline. I was simply refering more so to Christmas and the recognition of it being of Christian origin inline with our country's heritage. Season's Greeting's / Happy Holiday's matters not so much to me as long as I can still say Merry Christmas without expecting to be spit on or arrested...lol
But, I do not think that the whole "P.C." is as big of a deal as people make it out to be - people honestly do not care except in isolated incidents
Apostle13 said:
It seems as though you are confusing traditional decline with moral decline. I was simply refering more so to Christmas and the recognition of it being of Christian origin inline with our country's heritage. Season's Greeting's / Happy Holiday's matters not so much to me as long as I can still say Merry Christmas without expecting to be spit on or arrested...lol

Ahh, I see what you mean. I wouldn't worry about that, I don't see it happening anytime soon. This country is still tremendously religious - and vocal about it.
Engimo said:
...There is no attack on Christianity. Over 3/4 of the country is made up of Christians, and a vast majority of our congress and government as a whole is as well. The whole idea arises from an unjustified Christian persecution complex, unfounded in reality.

It does not matter how many christians there are. It matters who controls the instruments of influence and power. Also our laws at times give a dispraportionate amount of power to small groups.
There are those in this country that want to remove all references to God and religion from the public square. They will even change hiostory to fit their PC agenda.
JOHNYJ said:
It does not matter how many christians there are. It matters who controls the instruments of influence and power. Also our laws at times give a dispraportionate amount of power to small groups.
There are those in this country that want to remove all references to God and religion from the public square. They will even change hiostory to fit their PC agenda.

I haven't seen it. All I have seen are groups that want to remove unconstitutional endorsements of religion by the federal government. No one is trying to get rid of religion or anything like that, they just aim to have the secular government that we're supposed to.
Engimo said:
I haven't seen it. All I have seen are groups that want to remove unconstitutional endorsements of religion by the federal government. No one is trying to get rid of religion or anything like that, they just aim to have the secular government that we're supposed to.

I always wanted this answered.What ' specific " religion are we talking about.
IN the original 13 colonies some were Anglican,one was Catholic, and some mixed. What 'religion ' does the govt. plot to support ?
JOHNYJ said:
I always wanted this answered.What ' specific " religion are we talking about.
IN the original 13 colonies some were Anglican,one was Catholic, and some mixed. What 'religion ' does the govt. plot to support ?

It's not a matter of specific religion. The government should not be advocating any religion. It should be religiously neutral.
Engimo said:
It's not a matter of specific religion. The government should not be advocating any religion. It should be religiously neutral.

The Constitution forbids " the establishment of a state religion " .What state religion are you fighting ? Geographicaly ,Alaska would be Russian Orthodox,the south west Catholic, the south east Anglican the northeast Catholic and Presbyterian .
What Religion is the govt. supporting ?
JOHNYJ said:
The Constitution forbids " the establishment of a state religion " .What state religion are you fighting ? Geographicaly ,Alaska would be Russian Orthodox,the south west Catholic, the south east Anglican the northeast Catholic and Presbyterian .
What Religion is the govt. supporting ?

What? We're talking about people fighting the unconstitutional endorsement of any religion. Having teacher-led prayer in classrooms, for example, would be an endorsement of religion. It doesn't matter what religion we're talking about, the government is not supposed to have any.
I agree with you completely, and I do mean to sound irreverent, but what does exist and what should exist rarely collide into reality. true, there should be no religion that represents our country, yet we still have oh so dramatic debates about ID or hanging the 10 commandments in public places, allowing prayer in schools etc. It can easily be seen that these disputes are based around the Christian religion. Notice though, that none of the disputes are based around the Celtic winter or spring fests, nor are they involved with any Shinto gods or worshiping. Books and shows and gay marriage in particular are opposed against Christian organizations as being untraditional. UsingChristianity as our moral standard in the U.S. supports further endows the major religion of America to be Christianity, despite the protection that the Constitution should provide against a religious monopoly.
JOHNYJ said:
Diversity was the alleged basis for this push for " Happy Holidays " replacing " MERRY CHRISTMAS ".
They couldn't admit it was an attack on Christianity !
Allegations do not make up proof.
Attack on Christmas (Or christians) is the biggest Bullcrap in the history of the United States.

Religion itself is intolerant (I can find it in the bible if you want me to), which is a strong basis of having it exempt from Government.

Even one very influential founding father, Benjamin Franklin, thought this way. As did Jefferson.

I'd say the idea is ahead of its time.
Attack on Christmas (Or christians) is the biggest Bullcrap in the history of the United States.
Agreed, its not war because someone says "Happy Holidays" and not "Merry Christmas. Also one also can also say that in effect, they are saying "Merry Christmas". "Holiday" is translated into "Holy Day", so they are saying "Happy Holy Days", Christmas being among them.
Religion itself is intolerant
Indeed it is.
I can find it in the bible if you want me to
I already know that, on more than several occasions, "God" killed or demanded that others be killed or tortured because they worshipped something else.
which is a strong basis of having it exempt from Government.
Agreed, govt. and religion don't mix. A politician is on "a mission from 'God'" to rule people.
I'd say the idea is ahead of its time.
Neh, many think like that, though however because they are not from "old-time" they have virtually no power to express their beliefs.
Comrade Brian said:
Agreed, its not war because someone says "Happy Holidays" and not "Merry Christmas. Also one also can also say that in effect, they are saying "Merry Christmas". "Holiday" is translated into "Holy Day", so they are saying "Happy Holy Days", Christmas being among them.

Indeed it is.

I already know that, on more than several occasions, "God" killed or demanded that others be killed or tortured because they worshipped something else.

Agreed, govt. and religion don't mix. A politician is on "a mission from 'God'" to rule people.

Neh, many think like that, though however because they are not from "old-time" they have virtually no power to express their beliefs.

this might be the first time I agree with a commie :lol:

Though, the idea may not be "new" per say, I think it was really the first time it was expressed on a wide scale.
hey, hate to be blunt, but no matter what religion, shoot, lets expand this, no matter what WORLDVIEW you have, you will be making yourself intolerant of some group. if you are a naturalist, you cut out both transcendentalism and theism. if you are a pantheist, you cut out the rest of transcendental beliefs, naturalism, and theism. lets face it, no matter what you say, you are not tolerant if you say you are, because, in my experience, the ones who claim to be most tolerant are usually the most intolerant. they yell any time Christianity is brought up. I want to know why they teach that your truth is true and my truth is true even though they conflict. get a grip, truth is truth, it is not different from person to person, it is universal. if one believes they can fly without the aid of a plane or other flying device, will that make it any more true? nope. it is still false. they teach that we shouldn't force our beliefs on others, but if they say that, then they are forcing their own beliefs on me. this is why I think the "tolerant" people are simply living oxymorons, with an emphasis on "morons."

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