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Red Fridays (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Some of our friends on the left seem to think our troops in harms way could care less about how we feel about them and the war here in the USA........If you disagree with that as I do pass this on....

RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV to reflect our message or our opinions.

Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar, will wear something red.

By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers. Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear some thing red every Friday.


Navy Pride said:
Some of our friends on the left seem to think our troops in harms way could care less about how we feel about them and the war here in the USA........If you disagree with that as I do pass this on....

RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV to reflect our message or our opinions.

Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar, will wear something red.

By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers. Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear some thing red every Friday.



Ummm...... so your saying that Athiests can't support our troops because they don't believe in god?
Caine said:
Ummm...... so your saying that Athiests can't support our troops because they don't believe in god?

Nope I am not saying that at all although I do believe there are no atheists in foxholes..........
Navy Pride said:
Nope I am not saying that at all although I do believe there are no atheists in foxholes..........

Well, your wrong.
When I was in Iraq, I was an Athiest.

Of course, im now converting to Judaism, but I was an athiest at the time....

Or at least Agnostic.....
Caine said:
Well, your wrong.
When I was in Iraq, I was an Athiest.

Of course, im now converting to Judaism, but I was an athiest at the time....

Or at least Agnostic.....

I did not make that saying up my friend..........If you were in the military and in Iraq I am sure you would have heard it on more then one occasion...........
Navy Pride said:
I did not make that saying up my friend..........If you were in the military and in Iraq I am sure you would have heard it on more then one occasion...........

I was there, and I never heard it.
Probably because the military is not made up of a bunch of punk ass biggots anymore.
Navy Pride said:
Some of our friends on the left seem to think our troops in harms way could care less about how we feel about them and the war here in the USA........If you disagree with that as I do pass this on....

RED FRIDAYS ----- Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority". We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home in record breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous or over-bearing. We get no liberal media coverage on TV to reflect our message or our opinions.

Many Americans, like you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast majority of America supports our troops. Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect starts this Friday -and continues each and every Friday until the troops all come home, sending a deafening message that.. Every red-blooded American who supports our men and women afar, will wear something red.

By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves this country will share this with acquaintances, co-workers, friends, and family. It will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent" majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media lets on.

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers. Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and wear some thing red every Friday.



Too bad! I ****ing hate the troops and I hope they die! As a member of the left, I am going to go to any extreme to make sure that they are put into more and more danger on a daily basis with the hope that they'll get shot or exploded. I hate America and I hate our troops.

There, is that what you wanted to hear? Honestly, if you think anyone doesn't support the troops, you've got to be a basket case. Nobody thinks like that, seriously - disagreeing with the war and supporting the troops are not mutually exclusive.
Oh yeah, by the way Navy Pride.

When I was a troop in Iraq.


I wasn't some whiny ass little baby who needed the people back home to all be sitting around in circles singing kumbaya and praising Jesus for my safe return. I didn't need that stupid ****. I don't care if there is disent back here in the US. It wasn't going to keep me from doing my job and staying alive.

And any soldier who says it made them act otherwise is a shitbag worthless piece of **** ***** ******, who I would have made beat his face for 3 hours until he realized what a queer he was being.
Caine said:
Oh yeah, by the way Navy Pride.

When I was a troop in Iraq.


I wasn't some whiny ass little baby who needed the people back home to all be sitting around in circles singing kumbaya and praising Jesus for my safe return. I didn't need that stupid ****. I don't care if there is disent back here in the US. It wasn't going to keep me from doing my job and staying alive.

And any soldier who says it made them act otherwise is a shitbag worthless piece of **** ***** ******, who I would have made beat his face for 3 hours until he realized what a queer he was being.

Ahhhh, you're my hero, Caine. :2bow: I totally agree with you. If I am fighting/standing up for something I believe in, NO ONE has the ability to take away the feeling of pride that I have.
aps said:
Ahhhh, you're my hero, Caine. :2bow: I totally agree with you. If I am fighting/standing up for something I believe in, NO ONE has the ability to take away the feeling of pride that I have.

Why Thank you!

I just think it is downright dishonest of someone to attempt to stop dissent by saying that your dissent is hurting the troops and keeping them from doing thier job. Its the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard.

What did we do in Iraq when we might have seen something about a protest on TV, or in the only paper we got, the Stars and Stripes?

NOT A DAMNED THING, we just said, "Ehh..." and cast it aside. Some people would say, "Those people are stupid." But, it didn't bother them more than just saying they are stupid. Its not like they were gonna go cry like a baby in the corner, "Waaahhhh! People in my country don't want me here! Waaahhhh!" What kinda ***** ass soldier would do that? Who would really let that keep them from doing what they are told, to the best of thier ability, in order to accomplish a mission or even keep themselves alive?


Im tired of Conservatives trying to act as if they speak for the troops. Trust me, they don't.

Nobody but the actual soldiers, not the ones who fought wayyy back when in Vietnam, but the soldiers of today are the only ones who can speak for the soldiers.
Origins: As with other schemes intended to create a demonstration of soldarity or support for a particular group through some type of visible display, there is no truth or falsity to be uncovered here. If people participate in the suggested activity, it's real — demonstrations need not be "officially" organized or sanctioned to be symbolic and meaningful.

The only question is how effective the proposed scheme is for its purpose, and one of the drawbacks to this type of display is that it involves something perhaps a bit too ordinary. Red clothing is not uncommon, so if the participation level is not high enough to create the suggested "sea of RED," how does one distinguish participants from those who have merely donned red garb by coincidence (or because they're Nebraska Cornhusker fans)? A better scheme might be to don something one wouldn't normally wear (such as a badge) or a distinctive color combination, although these methods might also have the shortcoming of being less visible at a distance. And for some people simply wearing red as a demonstration of support may be a source of satisfaction in itself, whether or not others recognize the gesture or do so as

Any demonstrative venture along these lines is, by nature, a symbolic one. There are also plenty of programs through which one can make a functional gesture of support for our troops by sending them supplies, books, or even encouraging messages. We hope that some of our readers might look into these programs as well.
The snopes article forgot to mention that red is the color one wears on Gay Day at Disney World. You go, girls!

As for support and prayers, remember this retarded gem?
US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush
US soldiers in Iraq asked to pray for Bush

They may be the ones facing danger on the battlefield, but US soldiers in Iraq are being asked to pray for President George W Bush.

Thousands of marines have been given a pamphlet called "A Christian's Duty," a mini prayer book which includes a tear-out section to be mailed to the White House pledging the soldier who sends it in has been praying for Bush.

"I have committed to pray for you, your family, your staff and our troops during this time of uncertainty and tumult. May God's peace be your guide," says the pledge, according to a journalist embedded with coalition forces.

The pamphlet, produced by a group called In Touch Ministries, offers a daily prayer to be made for the US president, a born-again Christian who likes to invoke his God in speeches.
Poor Bush can't handle criticism. Wannnnnnnnnnnhhhhh. What's funny is that not only are the troops the ones risking their lives while Bush is sitting comfortably at home, they have to PROVE that they did that by sending in a pledge form to the White House. :roll:
Caine said:
I was there, and I never heard it.
Probably because the military is not made up of a bunch of punk ass biggots anymore.

And when was the military made up of a bunch of biggots? WW2, Korea, Vietnam.......I will be waiting for you answer.................
Engimo said:
Too bad! I ****ing hate the troops and I hope they die! As a member of the left, I am going to go to any extreme to make sure that they are put into more and more danger on a daily basis with the hope that they'll get shot or exploded. I hate America and I hate our troops.

There, is that what you wanted to hear? Honestly, if you think anyone doesn't support the troops, you've got to be a basket case. Nobody thinks like that, seriously - disagreeing with the war and supporting the troops are not mutually exclusive.

Thank you for your honesty.........I guess you have not read a lot of statements by the leaders from the left like Durbin, Murtha and Dean.......They have a funny way of showing their support...........
Caine said:
Oh yeah, by the way Navy Pride.

When I was a troop in Iraq.


I wasn't some whiny ass little baby who needed the people back home to all be sitting around in circles singing kumbaya and praising Jesus for my safe return. I didn't need that stupid ****. I don't care if there is disent back here in the US. It wasn't going to keep me from doing my job and staying alive.

And any soldier who says it made them act otherwise is a shitbag worthless piece of **** ***** ******, who I would have made beat his face for 3 hours until he realized what a queer he was being.

I wonder if you would say that to their face or do you just have a lot of bravery sitting behind your computer.........
Navy Pride said:
I wonder if you would say that to their face or do you just have a lot of bravery sitting behind your computer.........
Do you go up to a woman who has had an abortion and call her a murderer? Do you call a bunch of liberals "weak" to their face?
Or do you do all of that behind a computer?
You know prior to the war beginning I attended many support the troops rallys......The ones I attended had signs reading support the troops and American flags flying and people singing patriotic songs.........

Then I watched the anti war rallys in San Francisco on CSPAN held by the left....They had signs and American flags to...Only their signs said things like we support the troops if they kill their officers and Bush is a Nazi, and Kill Bush and the American Flags they had they were burning and spitting on.........

Now I ask you which group really supports the troops?
shuamort said:
Do you go up to a woman who has had an abortion and call her a murderer? Do you call a bunch of liberals "weak" to their face?
Or do you do all of that behind a computer?

No, I think a woman said has and unnecessary abortion is a victums.........

No I have never called Liberals weak..........Misguided and wrong but not weak.....
I won't take part in something like this. It's just a chance for pro war hawks and sanctimonius pigs to mastrubate each other and show how much they "love" the troops. It's organized propaganda with the intent of showing how much they "love" the troops and how much we "hate" the troops. If they truely wished to honor the troops in someway, they should invite those who disagree with the war also without any subtelties.
FinnMacCool said:
I won't take part in something like this. It's just a chance for pro war hawks and sanctimonius pigs to mastrubate each other and show how much they "love" the troops. It's organized propaganda with the intent of showing how much they "love" the troops and how much we "hate" the troops. If they truely wished to honor the troops in someway, they should invite those who disagree with the war also without any subtelties.

stace, if you see this post it is a perfect example how some on the left put their hatred for this president and partisan politics above everything else.............

That is very sad........
Navy Pride said:
You know prior to the war beginning I attended many support the troops rallys......The ones I attended had signs reading support the troops and American flags flying and people singing patriotic songs.........

Then I watched the anti war rallys in San Francisco on CSPAN held by the left....They had signs and American flags to...Only their signs said things like we support the troops if they kill their officers and Bush is a Nazi, and Kill Bush and the American Flags they had they were burning and spitting on.........

Now I ask you which group really supports the troops?

Why is EVERYTHING partisan with you? How do you know that there aren't right wingers in the anti war crowds? How do you know that half of them even really give a hoot about politics enough to label themselves liberal or conservative?

We have this great thing called freedom of speech in our country....yes, many people find that doing things like burning on spitting on flags is a disgrace, but they have the right to do so if they feel it helps get their point across? Should they be looked down upon? No, because at least they are doing something to make their voice heard.
stace, if you see this post it is a perfect example how some on the left put their hatred for this president and partisan politics above everything else.............

That is very sad........

This is partisan politics though. . .

This is very, very, very partisan.

When they say "Support our Troops" what they really mean is "Support the War". I support the troops more because I say "bring them home!" And I don't need to run around with a yellow ribbon to prove that to anyone.
Navy Pride said:
stace, if you see this post it is a perfect example how some on the left put their hatred for this president and partisan politics above everything else.............

That is very sad........

How so? I think Finn's got a valid point. If people REALLY want to show support for the troops, they need to sign up with a program such as Soldiers' Angels and send letters and care packages to the troops. If they really want to show support, if they live near a military base, they need to organize something for the wives and children left behind, because they could use more support than anyone realizes (and believe me, I know....not only was I a troop myself, but I was also an Army wife who spent her first year of marriage alone thanks to Iraq.). If they really want to support the troops, they need to get together with local businesses and arrange to have items donated to troops and their families.

THAT'S how you show support, not by wearing a certain color on a certain day. Do something that the troops can SEE, do something that they and their families can benefit from, not crap that they MIGHT see on a news clip and just go "Oh, that's nice".
Stace said:
Why is EVERYTHING partisan with you? How do you know that there aren't right wingers in the anti war crowds? How do you know that half of them even really give a hoot about politics enough to label themselves liberal or conservative?

We have this great thing called freedom of speech in our country....yes, many people find that doing things like burning on spitting on flags is a disgrace, but they have the right to do so if they feel it helps get their point across? Should they be looked down upon? No, because at least they are doing something to make their voice heard.

Becasue people from the right support this president and our troops in the war on terror....Not all but a bunch of people from the left do not......

Yeah we have that great thing called freedom of speech and those wonderful guys in Iraq are fighting and dying so those scum from the left have the right to say those disgusting things and burn and mutilate the American flag.....

Think about it...........
FinnMacCool said:
This is partisan politics though. . .

This is very, very, very partisan.

When they say "Support our Troops" what they really mean is "Support the War". I support the troops more because I say "bring them home!" And I don't need to run around with a yellow ribbon to prove that to anyone.

Yous support the troops by this statement?:confused:

I won't take part in something like this. It's just a chance for pro war hawks and sanctimonius pigs to mastrubate each other and show how much they "love" the troops. It's organized propaganda with the intent of showing how much they "love" the troops and how much we "hate" the troops. If they truely wished to honor the troops in someway, they should invite those who disagree with the war also without any subtelties.
Navy Pride said:
Becasue people from the right support this president and our troops in the war on terror....Not all but a bunch of people from the left do not......

Yeah we have that great thing called freedom of speech and those wonderful guys in Iraq are fighting and dying so those scum from the left have the right to say those disgusting things and burn and mutilate the American flag.....

Think about it...........

What don't you get? It is NOT about the right or left. If you're on one side, you don't automatically agree or disagree with all of this. *shakes head*

My husband fought, and I had friends die, in Iraq. I fought every day here at home. And guess what? While I'll be the first to say that I was one of the ones defending someone's right to talk smack about me, I'd also be one of the first ones to respect them for having the courage to voice their opinion.

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