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reason # 16 to own an AR 15 (1 Viewer)

It's only a big deal because it's expensive. Firing LAWS came with very little, "you better not **** this up" and there were few hits.

That's absolutely true about the expense making it a big deal. I suppose there are training missiles that make it a little cheaper but this was a live, blow stuff up missile firing.

We fired the LAW in Basic with a training missile. Later I fired the successor to the LAW ( I forget, maybe AT4) with a training round. Which was a 9mm pistol cartridge. What an anti-climax to nearly a full day of training.

Training missiles have concrete to match what was explosives weight. But they were converted, to my understanding, and thus cost the same as a real one.

The difference between a LAW and an AT4 is one feels the back-blast of an AT4 like a sheet of plywood pushing from the back. The 9 mm Laws (or AT4, I think there was both) are funny but we occasionally (like at the Desert Warfare Training Center) got to fire real ones.
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as usual, that is a stupid response to what I have said. convicted felons -if their felony was violent, ought to be gator bait

So in your eyes a convicted felon, of a violent offense, is "damned for all time"

They surrender their right to defense

Curiously, do the families of released felons have to suffer this pariah status too...are they also "gator bait" ?
So in your eyes a convicted felon, of a violent offense, is "damned for all time"

They surrender their right to defense

Curiously, do the families of released felons have to suffer this pariah status too...are they also "gator bait" ?

that's a state police power issue. What is funny is that you don't trust honest people to own any guns and then pretend to take issue with me stating that violent felons lose the right to keep and bear arms. Hypocrisy much?
that's a state police power issue...

I'd say it was a national policy issue

I'd also say any felon that's been deemed fit for release is fit for defense and he/she should have the same defense as his neighbor.

I used to say a time served felon, but actually it should be anyone we deem fit to live amongst us...if they're unsafe to have a gun, they're unsafe to be released because in the USA, being a felon is no insurmountable barrier to getting a gun

What is funny is that you don't trust honest people to own any guns and then pretend to take issue with me stating that violent felons lose the right to keep and bear arms. Hypocrisy much?

I might trust you to own guns...I might trust myself or my neighbor, but I can't see a way of letting you have your guns without letting criminals and would be homicidal mass shooters.

So no hypocrisy, if there is any it's the people who condemn their neighbors to being "gator bait" because of something they did in their past.

You'd release felons on parole but leave them vulnerable?

Proving again you don't know what you are talking about.

Go price a glock and a decent 1911 or a Beretta. Then get back to us.
Proving again you don't know what you are talking about.

Go price a glock and a decent 1911 or a Beretta. Then get back to us.

Proving again that you say a lot but show little knowledge.

Glocks and SIGs are expensive - check out the prices and get back to us.
Proving again that you say a lot but show little knowledge.

Glocks and SIGs are expensive - check out the prices and get back to us.

Lol. You are ridiculous. Glock cost around 500. The Beretta will cost at least as much or more depending on options and a decent 1911 is going to cost closet to double that with top of the line 1911 costing a hell of a lot more.

A couple minutes on Google would have prevented you from looking so ignorant.

So Glocks cost around $500. I don't know about you but to me that's expensive.

A few seconds reading a post might make you look less ignorant. Nobody said the Beretta was cheaper - just that it's more complicated to use than a striker fired gun.

Hopefully this experience will lead you to read better in future.

So in a conversation comparing the pros and cons of different handguns you claim you the downside to striker fired pistols like the Glock is that they are expensive. So tell us smart guy how is it a down side if it's cheaper then the other pistols being talked about.

When comparing two items and you claim the down side of one is that it is expensive you are claiming it is more expensive then the other item. Otherwise it's not a downside.
The problem you are having is that because you post so much dishonest crap you can't keep it all straight.

Here let me help your memory.

You could avoid this embarrassment if you posted honestly and stooped talking about things you are clueless on.

But we both know that is not going to happen.
only people who are anti gun or don't have proper training with guns would shoot through a wall without ascertaining the nature or source of a threat.

There are quite a few people who don’t have proper training in my neck of the burbs. That said I still don’t think guns should be banned. I’m of the same mindset that ignorance isn’t an excuse for breaking the law so if someone shoots a round through a wall and kills an innocent it’s not a defense to say you were being attacked. There are many rounds you can buy to alleviate that issue as well.

Also this situation isn’t one that only an AR15 can solve. So it’s silly to use it as a defense of having an AR-15. Rather the defense for having an AR-15 should be because we can and it’s allowed. **** trying to defend a reason to have one. We should have one because we can.

I have one and I enjoy having it. I haven’t had any thoughts to kill someone I haven’t wanted to use it on anyone, I enjoy firing it.
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Only one???? :mrgreen:
You’ll be sorry when the alligator people get you.

This turtle avoids such places and when I have to go there, I am packing heat suitable for "wallets on the claw"
Only one???? :mrgreen:

Yeah I bought only one, I like different type of firearms so I go for having many different types rather than owning multiples of the same type. I really really enjoy firing them so I enjoy having different ones. Again, I simply cannot understand banning a particular type of firearm. I think it is the stupidest thing to demonize a firearm.

well I have two AR 15s that were purpose built for the National Service Rifle course of fire. I have several that are in 9mm for use in USPSA PCC and Steel events. I have a SIG MCX sitting right next to my desk for home defense-it has a flashlight on it and a military grade Aimpoint red dot sight. I have an AR 15 that has an Eotech NV compatible red dot and a ANSV military grade NV scope. We sometimes get coyotes screwing around with our dogs or horses and that is mainly for that. I have a couple JP Custom ARs set up for 3G competition and a Windam Arms Proctor signature carbine-got a great deal on it. And I have one I built on DPMS that is .223 only with a match bull barrel for long range varmint shooting. Finally, I have a Daniels Defense that's a back up for the SIG but has different sighting arrangement

Nice on the AR configurations. Mine are just basic, but I like the fact the recoil is next to nothing. I have many S&W firearms, although my favorite to fire is still the Desert Eagle .50. One thing I have found with the S&W is the .40 just doesn't seem as accurate as the S&W 9 mil or .45. I have the original S&W M&P 9 mil and .45 but I really like the grips of the .40 M&P 2.0 but the .40 just doesn't seem to have the same accuracy versus recoil as the 9 mil and .45 original versions.

Lots of pro level handgun shooters have found that to be true. I'll proffer some reasons on that in the near future.
Lots of pro level handgun shooters have found that to be true. I'll proffer some reasons on that in the near future.

Well I'd be interested to know on the S&W situation because I really like the S&P .45 and the S&P 9 mil but the S&P .40 is lacking on accuracy for the rapid fire compared to the other two.
I went on a helicopter ride a couple times with my Uncle just outside of Longview TX to shoot those friggin feral hogs when they were a problem out there. Good times! We were using AR-10's in 300 blackout. My Uncle said that the .223 and .556 weren't doing the job too well before that.
It's all about the user my friend. I'm more accurate with my .40 Shield than I am with either of my 9mm's or my Sig p238. Go figure...
It's all about the user my friend. I'm more accurate with my .40 Shield than I am with either of my 9mm's or my Sig p238. Go figure...

Same here, far more accurate with my Glock 22 than with either my G17 or G19, in fact I actually had to change the rear sights on the G19 because it was shooting way too high.
That said, if both are available a rifle is always the better choice if in a shootout, handguns are backups in such situations.
only people who are anti gun or don't have proper training with guns would shoot through a wall without ascertaining the nature or source of a threat.

Sure. But why do you need an AR 15 for that?

The most anyone needs for home defense is a small handgun. This is clearly not about that. The standard seems to be what you need to bring down the US government.

300 blackouts are built out of AR15s not AR10s. 300BO runs in 556 magazines so there would be no reason or benefit to using the larger frame AR.
Sure. But why do you need an AR 15 for that?

The most anyone needs for home defense is a small handgun. This is clearly not about that. The standard seems to be what you need to bring down the US government.

So what is your expertise in self defense and the use of firearms that asked you determine what if the best for everyone else's needs.

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