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reason # 16 to own an AR 15 (1 Viewer)

#17 If you're sleeping in your bed and you awake to a sound in the living room, you don't even have to get up and look.

.223 bullet will go right through the wall.

Why would you shoot through a wall because of a sound? Don't get a weapon please!
I miss those OU-Texas Red River showdowns. Had a lot of good times at those games, and Pops turned over a nice Airstream, 2 bedroom trailer house and a ski boat to me when I was 15 1/2 after I got my driver's permit....before there were lake cops. Lotta great stories I could share about those teen years! :lol:

We used to have killer parties on Thunderbird lake outside OKC.
We used to have killer parties on Thunderbird lake outside OKC.

I had a lot of fun at T-Bird while attending O.U. One of my hometown buddies had a nice place there, and we had some great parties there. I'd like to get back down there at least one more time. If you're familiar with Norman, do you remember a O'Connell's Pub, which was just outside of the FB stadium ? Best damn burgers I ever had. Spent a lot of time with Billy Sims, Kenny King, and Wayman Tisdel, as well as other high profile athletes in that bar. Actually used to write Billy's English Comp papers for extra football tickets, and he and Kenny liked to come to my apartment to take a swim, have a few brewskis, and partake of a bit of the Devil Weed. Those were glorious days, and I became good friends with Switzer also. He hooked me and a few others up at an after party where Willie Nelson and the Highway Men did a gig. Willie was/is one of the coolest, most down to earth people I've ever met. And he had the best smokes available, and was quick to share.
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I had a lot of fun at T-Bird while attending O.U. One of my hometown buddies had a nice place there, and we had some great parties there. I'd like to get back down there at least one more time. If you're familiar with Norman, do you remember a O'Connell's Pub, which was just outside of the FB stadium ? Best damn burgers I ever had. Spent a lot of time with Billy Sims, Kenny King, and Wayman Tisadle, as well as other high profile athlete's in that bar. Actually used to write Billy's English Comp papers for extra football tickets, and he and Kenny liked to come to my apartment to take a swim, have a few brewskis, and partake of a bit of the Devil Weed. Those were glorious days, and I bacame good friends with Switzer also. He hooked me and a few others up at an after party where Willie Nelson and the Highway Men did a gig. Willie was/is one of the coolest, most down to earth people I've ever met. And he had the best smokes available, and was quick to share.

I used to live in Norman and was in the Nasty Guard unit in Norman and went to college there. I grew up in Moore. Our commander would order us to go to OU football games and cheer instead of setting around while on duty. That was the 1980's, now I have no idea as I moved away from Okieland in the 1980's and never went back..
I used to live in Norman and was in the Nasty Guard unit in Norman and went to college there. I grew up in Moore. Our commander would order us to go to OU football games and cheer instead of setting around while on duty. That was the 1980's, now I have no idea as I moved away from Okieland in the 1980's and never went back..

Well, first, thank you for your service. I graduated in 1978, and immediately moved up here to Colorado. O'connell's was still kicking butt when I went down in 1993 on a business endeavor, and stopped by the campus to cruise the campus and reminisce.
Well, first, thank you for your service. I graduated in 1978, and immediately moved up here to Colorado. O'connell's was still kicking butt when I went down in 1993 on a business endeavor, and stopped by the campus to cruise the campus and reminisce.

I graduated in 1984 and went into the army full time because there were no jobs around during another great Republican economy and I had kids to raise. I don't go back to OKC much since my aunts, uncles and grandparents have died. I almost moved to Colorado twenty years ago but opted for 43 acres by the Elk River in SW Mizzouri. These people are screwy in Republican land but I don't have to deal with them much since I don't live in a town.
I could deal better with them with an M-60 machine gun, grenade launchers and a battery of missiles...

not if your goal is a nice pair of boots or some really slick belts.
not if your goal is a nice pair of boots or some really slick belts.

I stopped tanning hides thirty years ago and stopped living in wigwams also...Maybe during the next shyt hit the fan moment I will go back to the old ways..I learned from my half German/Delaware Indian uncle all those survivalist activities..
I graduated in 1984 and went into the army full time because there were no jobs around during another great Republican economy and I had kids to raise. I don't go back to OKC much since my aunts, uncles and grandparents have died. I almost moved to Colorado twenty years ago but opted for 43 acres by the Elk River in SW Mizzouri. These people are screwy in Republican land but I don't have to deal with them much since I don't live in a town.

You need to get one of those gold stars that shows you served on your screen page. I have family in Springfield, MO. Back in 68, I attended a pop festival in Sedalia, Mo. Three days of total chaos. They were expecting about 20,000 people, and close to 100,000 showed up. The promoters just threw in the towel and let anyone that didn't have ticket in free. It was in the dog days of summer, and the heat and humidity was brutal; but certainly not so bad to ruin an exceptional line of most of the best bands at the time. I remember Bob Seeger specifically bringing down the house.
I stopped tanning hides thirty years ago and stopped living in wigwams also...Maybe during the next shyt hit the fan moment I will go back to the old ways..I learned from my half German/Delaware Indian uncle all those survivalist activities..

you sound like you could have been the head of the Dept of Agriculture and farms if Liz had won the election!
you sound like you could have been the head of the Dept of Agriculture and farms if Liz had won the election!

I can easily give away public funds for capitalist anyday. Long gone are the days with farmers like my Grandparents who ran a farm that was totally self sufficient. Hell, in Missouri they don't even put fish in their ponds, they cut down wind breaks and never replace a tree they cut down. Why it's idiosyncratic gone lazy..
You need to get one of those gold stars that shows you served on your screen page. I have family in Springfield, MO. Back in 68, I attended a pop festival in Sedalia, Mo. Three days of total chaos. They were expecting about 20,000 people, and close to 100,000 showed up. The promoters just threw in the towel and let anyone that didn't have ticket in free. It was in the dog days of summer, and the heat and humidity was brutal; but certainly not so bad to ruin an exceptional line of most of the best bands at the time. I remember Bob Seeger specifically bringing down the house.

I never/ever advertise my service....I do love to go to concerts and smoke a bail of weed though.
I've got cousins that use a long knife or crossbow to hunt the wild pigs they like a challenge..
I could deal better with them with an M-60 machine gun, grenade launchers and a battery of missiles...

Ahhh, the good ol' pig, loved to use her, hated humping her through the brush! The M79/203 needs an arming distance of around 20 meters so might not be the best for gators, but there have been times I wished for one when a passel of feral hogs were at the feeder... ;)

Missiles- well ya might be splattered with more than gator guts... :mrgreen:
Ahhh, the good ol' pig, loved to use her, hated humping her through the brush! The M79/203 needs an arming distance of around 20 meters so might not be the best for gators, but there have been times I wished for one when a passel of feral hogs were at the feeder... ;)

Missiles- well ya might be splattered with more than gator guts... :mrgreen:

I care not I just like the stuff blowed up real good. I was a missile systems tech in the army for the TOW missile and I always got to fix them but never got to shoot any....Fortunes of war I suppose...
I care not I just like the stuff blowed up real good. I was a missile systems tech in the army for the TOW missile and I always got to fix them but never got to shoot any....Fortunes of war I suppose...

They're awesome. The tough part is for a couple seconds right after firing, there's no vision. Smoke clouds the optical sight and heat the thermal sight. Whichever sight one is using, gotta just hold the crosshairs exactly where they were when you fired the missile for a couple seconds. Then vision comes back and the target can be tracked.

I only fired them in training, and it was fun.
They're awesome. The tough part is for a couple seconds right after firing, there's no vision. Smoke clouds the optical sight and heat the thermal sight. Whichever sight one is using, gotta just hold the crosshairs exactly where they were when you fired the missile for a couple seconds. Then vision comes back and the target can be tracked.

I only fired them in training, and it was fun.

Do I remember right that the missile also drops right after firing in the split second between its launch boost and its flight motor igniting? I know a mistake could be made right after firing in the guy losing sight of the missile and trying to look for it with the optical tracker, which of course steers the missile and just makes things worse. These are vehicle mounted TOWs I'm referring to.
I care not I just like the stuff blowed up real good. I was a missile systems tech in the army for the TOW missile and I always got to fix them but never got to shoot any....Fortunes of war I suppose...

I worked on TOW launchers as a 45K. Specifically on the BFVS and the M901 ITV.
Do I remember right that the missile also drops right after firing in the split second between its launch boost and its flight motor igniting? I know a mistake could be made right after firing in the guy losing sight of the missile and trying to look for it with the optical tracker, which of course steers the missile and just makes things worse. These are vehicle mounted TOWs I'm referring to.

T'is so. Part of the waiting a second for vision was waiting for the missile to get into gear. We had Tows that could be dismounted from a humvee and fired via tripod. It was just a matter of carrying all the crap and putting the ring at the bottom of the U part on a tripod instead of a gun hatch mount.

I seen a guy do what you describe. Funny as hell. There's no recovering from it. The missile just flips out.
T'is so. Part of the waiting a second for vision was waiting for the missile to get into gear. We had Tows that could be dismounted from a humvee and fired via tripod. It was just a matter of carrying all the crap and putting the ring at the bottom of the U part on a tripod instead of a gun hatch mount.

I seen a guy do what you describe. Funny as hell. There's no recovering from it. The missile just flips out.

I was on the range one time to check out a track they were going to use to fire a live TOW. It was a pretty big deal and the Scout who was going to do the firing was getting a lecture from his Platoon Sgt. I remember he told him that it might look like the missile was going to miss, but under no circumstance try to steer it with the tracker. Just track the target and don't worry about the missile.
I was on the range one time to check out a track they were going to use to fire a live TOW. It was a pretty big deal and the Scout who was going to do the firing was getting a lecture from his Platoon Sgt. I remember he told him that it might look like the missile was going to miss, but under no circumstance try to steer it with the tracker. Just track the target and don't worry about the missile.

It's only a big deal because it's expensive. Firing LAWs came with relatively very little, "you better not **** this up" and there were few hits. Missing with Tow pulls the individual out of rotation for firing them.
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