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Rancher on horseback lassoes Walmart bike bandit (1 Viewer)

nota bene

DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2011
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From, oddly, The Guardian:

An attempted bicycle theft in a [Oregon] Walmart parking lot was foiled by a cattle rancher on horseback, who chased the thief down and lassoed him until the local police in southern Oregon could arrive. Rancher on horseback lassoes would-be bike bandit in Walmart parking lot | US news | The Guardian

That's right; this cowboy just got his horse out of the trailer, mounted, pursued, and lassoed the thief by the ankle. Pics available at the link.

Where I come from, this is called good bull. According to a witness, "'Best day of my life. I was laughing too hard to intervene,' he said. 'I’ve seen it all, but I’ve never seen anything like that in my entire life.'”
Never more true is the old statement A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

Up here in the Great Northwest we do things a little bit differently.
Good story. Readers should view the comments following the article. Believe it or not, some view the event as racially inspired.
From, oddly, The Guardian:

An attempted bicycle theft in a [Oregon] Walmart parking lot was foiled by a cattle rancher on horseback, who chased the thief down and lassoed him until the local police in southern Oregon could arrive. Rancher on horseback lassoes would-be bike bandit in Walmart parking lot | US news | The Guardian

That's right; this cowboy just got his horse out of the trailer, mounted, pursued, and lassoed the thief by the ankle. Pics available at the link.

Where I come from, this is called good bull. According to a witness, "'Best day of my life. I was laughing too hard to intervene,' he said. 'I’ve seen it all, but I’ve never seen anything like that in my entire life.'”

Good morning, Nota Bene. :2wave:

Excellent! :thumbs: Can you imagine the thief's thoughts - "WTH? A dude on horseback? How are I going to explain this to my friends?" :lamo
Good story. Readers should view the comments following the article. Believe it or not, some view the event as racially inspired.

Thanks for the heads-up. I read through only the first 3 pages, sigh, but I did find this gem:

So we have a hero 'rancher' and a villain 'bandit':

Ranchers regularly break the necks or legs of cows, they often severely and/or fatally injure the cows they enslave. No-one should be broken just so someone else can ride on their backs. Horses are very sensitive creatures who should be left alone by humans. I wonder if the leather used to subjugate the horse was the skin of individuals he'd personally herded. It takes a brutal and psychotic nature to be able to treat sentient individuals this way and threat them as something not someone.

Yet our society is so sick we think that someone who does spend his days and makes a profit from reducing living individuals to things to be used and killed as he sees fit as a hero for protecting someone else's inanimate property. The truth of it is that 'bandit' did no physical harm to anyone by stealing a bike, but that rancher will inflict physical harm to individuals everyday. Rancher on horseback lassoes would-be bike bandit in Walmart parking lot | US news | The Guardian

Now that is something I would love to have seen in person. Another hero, and the cowboy wasn't too bad either.
Thanks for the heads-up. I read through only the first 3 pages, sigh, but I did find this gem:

So we have a hero 'rancher' and a villain 'bandit':

Ranchers regularly break the necks or legs of cows, they often severely and/or fatally injure the cows they enslave. No-one should be broken just so someone else can ride on their backs. Horses are very sensitive creatures who should be left alone by humans. I wonder if the leather used to subjugate the horse was the skin of individuals he'd personally herded. It takes a brutal and psychotic nature to be able to treat sentient individuals this way and threat them as something not someone.

Yet our society is so sick we think that someone who does spend his days and makes a profit from reducing living individuals to things to be used and killed as he sees fit as a hero for protecting someone else's inanimate property. The truth of it is that 'bandit' did no physical harm to anyone by stealing a bike, but that rancher will inflict physical harm to individuals everyday. Rancher on horseback lassoes would-be bike bandit in Walmart parking lot | US news | The Guardian


Thanks for the heads-up. I read through only the first 3 pages, sigh, but I did find this gem:

So we have a hero 'rancher' and a villain 'bandit':

Ranchers regularly break the necks or legs of cows, they often severely and/or fatally injure the cows they enslave. No-one should be broken just so someone else can ride on their backs. Horses are very sensitive creatures who should be left alone by humans. I wonder if the leather used to subjugate the horse was the skin of individuals he'd personally herded. It takes a brutal and psychotic nature to be able to treat sentient individuals this way and threat them as something not someone.

Yet our society is so sick we think that someone who does spend his days and makes a profit from reducing living individuals to things to be used and killed as he sees fit as a hero for protecting someone else's inanimate property. The truth of it is that 'bandit' did no physical harm to anyone by stealing a bike, but that rancher will inflict physical harm to individuals everyday. Rancher on horseback lassoes would-be bike bandit in Walmart parking lot | US news | The Guardian


I sure hope this writer hasn't enslaved a dog or cat to be their pet.

What an asswipe. Not one word mentioned concerning the welfare of the owner of the bicycle.
Good story. Readers should view the comments following the article. Believe it or not, some view the event as racially inspired.


Good morning, Nota Bene. :2wave:

Excellent! :thumbs: Can you imagine the thief's thoughts - "WTH? A dude on horseback? How are I going to explain this to my friends?" :lamo

Assuming the scumbag has any.

Thanks for the heads-up. I read through only the first 3 pages, sigh, but I did find this gem:

So we have a hero 'rancher' and a villain 'bandit':

Ranchers regularly break the necks or legs of cows, they often severely and/or fatally injure the cows they enslave. No-one should be broken just so someone else can ride on their backs. Horses are very sensitive creatures who should be left alone by humans. I wonder if the leather used to subjugate the horse was the skin of individuals he'd personally herded. It takes a brutal and psychotic nature to be able to treat sentient individuals this way and threat them as something not someone.

Yet our society is so sick we think that someone who does spend his days and makes a profit from reducing living individuals to things to be used and killed as he sees fit as a hero for protecting someone else's inanimate property. The truth of it is that 'bandit' did no physical harm to anyone by stealing a bike, but that rancher will inflict physical harm to individuals everyday. Rancher on horseback lassoes would-be bike bandit in Walmart parking lot | US news | The Guardian


Typical liberal spin. Too afraid to ever get involved, but flex plenty of muscle at the keyboard!

More people need to get involved and stop crime.
I sure hope this writer hasn't enslaved a dog or cat to be their pet.

What an asswipe. Not one word mentioned concerning the welfare of the owner of the bicycle.

And that bike might be the girl's only means of transportation.

We have a big problem in the NW with Bike Crime. Portland Police Bureau has set up a special task force just for that! Some of these bikes costs hundreds or thousands of dollars and it's Theft I...or Grand Theft in some states! A Felony.

Nothing to be taken lightly any longer.
Thanks for the heads-up. I read through only the first 3 pages, sigh, but I did find this gem:

So we have a hero 'rancher' and a villain 'bandit':

Ranchers regularly break the necks or legs of cows, they often severely and/or fatally injure the cows they enslave. No-one should be broken just so someone else can ride on their backs. Horses are very sensitive creatures who should be left alone by humans. I wonder if the leather used to subjugate the horse was the skin of individuals he'd personally herded. It takes a brutal and psychotic nature to be able to treat sentient individuals this way and threat them as something not someone.

Yet our society is so sick we think that someone who does spend his days and makes a profit from reducing living individuals to things to be used and killed as he sees fit as a hero for protecting someone else's inanimate property. The truth of it is that 'bandit' did no physical harm to anyone by stealing a bike, but that rancher will inflict physical harm to individuals everyday. Rancher on horseback lassoes would-be bike bandit in Walmart parking lot | US news | The Guardian


Thanks. I didn't get that far, but the above really, really is a stand out. I just got back from taking care of the horses. I'll tell 'em tomorrow they're enslaved.
Thanks. I didn't get that far, but the above really, really is a stand out. I just got back from taking care of the horses. I'll tell 'em tomorrow they're enslaved.

I'll tell my young friend who runs cattle and who just rescued 400 from flooding the same. Some the cows are close to calving, so he's also enslaving the next generation. :mrgreen:

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