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Putin Stole His Super Bowl Ring (1 Viewer)

It couldn't have happened to a nicer team.
As they use to say.. in Soviet Russia you don't wear the t-shirt, the t-shirt wears you.
What got me was that the Bush WH told him to lie about it! I wonder if the Obama WH will tell him to shut up about it. :lol:

It makes me proud to know that one and possibly two American presidents are so scared of Putin that they can't find the balls to tell him to give the damned thing back, or they'll denounce the theft at the UN and show him up as the thieving thug that he is.
So do we call it the Lindsay Lohan Defense or the Vladimir Putin Defense now? "No, your Honor, they gave it to be because I am famous....."
Where would Putin go to wear that ring? Most of them wind up in pawn shops.
That's banter. Putin mugged u off son
After the story was reported, the Kraft Group clarified Robert Kraft's remarks. From ESPN:

A spokesman for the Kraft Group released a statement Sunday, clarifying Kraft's remarks, noting that Sandy Weill, who is the board of trustees chairman of Carnegie Hall, introduced Kraft on Thursday night and was with the Patriots owner on the trip to Russia in 2005.

"It's a humorous, anecdotal story that Robert re-tells for laughs. He loves that his ring is at the Kremlin and, as he stated back in 2005, he continues to have great respect for Russia and the leadership of President Putin," the statement said. "In particular, he credits President Putin for modernizing the Russian economy. An added benefit from the attention this story gathered eight years ago was the creation of some Patriots fan clubs in Russia.

Vladimir Putin denies stealing New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft Super Bowl ring - ESPN New York
What got me was that the Bush WH told him to lie about it! I wonder if the Obama WH will tell him to shut up about it. :lol:

It makes me proud to know that one and possibly two American presidents are so scared of Putin that they can't find the balls to tell him to give the damned thing back, or they'll denounce the theft at the UN and show him up as the thieving thug that he is.

Maybe Obama will send a drone over to collect the ring. :lol:
What got me was that the Bush WH told him to lie about it! I wonder if the Obama WH will tell him to shut up about it. :lol:

It makes me proud to know that one and possibly two American presidents are so scared of Putin that they can't find the balls to tell him to give the damned thing back, or they'll denounce the theft at the UN and show him up as the thieving thug that he is.

After the story was reported, the Kraft Group clarified Robert Kraft's remarks. From ESPN:

A spokesman for the Kraft Group released a statement Sunday, clarifying Kraft's remarks, noting that Sandy Weill, who is the board of trustees chairman of Carnegie Hall, introduced Kraft on Thursday night and was with the Patriots owner on the trip to Russia in 2005.

"It's a humorous, anecdotal story that Robert re-tells for laughs. He loves that his ring is at the Kremlin and, as he stated back in 2005, he continues to have great respect for Russia and the leadership of President Putin," the statement said. "In particular, he credits President Putin for modernizing the Russian economy. An added benefit from the attention this story gathered eight years ago was the creation of some Patriots fan clubs in Russia.

Vladimir Putin denies stealing New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft Super Bowl ring - ESPN New York

It would seem as if the Obama admin did tell them to shush.
It would seem as if the Obama admin did tell them to shush.

LOL, I know, right?? I just said to my husband this afternoon while watching the news and the "clarifying statement" was issued, "Damn, I'm bloody psychic! Obama DID tell him to shut-the-**** up!" :lol:
LOL, I know, right?? I just said to my husband this afternoon while watching the news and the "clarifying statement" was issued, "Damn, I'm bloody psychic! Obama DID tell him to shut-the-**** up!" :lol:

Or he doesn't want to eat a bowl of clam chowder laced with radioactive polonium-210.
Maybe Obama will send a drone over to collect the ring. :lol:

Don't joke ... I just saw McCain on T.V. urging Obama to send troops into Russia to get the ring back, that failing to do so may embolden the Russians to take more rings ...
they used to steal countries ... so let's not get too excited ...

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