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Putin´s GRU is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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GRU ( Wagner Group) is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters (based in Syria) to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World as early as next week.

I hope that Israel ´ll send the Drones to Ukrainian army to deal with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah gangs !

this time not only the Free world stands against Muscovite barbarity , the entire planet hate ivans

View attachment 67382352

Is that just the useless resolution expressing worthless pity for the Ukrainian humanitiarian crisis? Is that also why over half the world's population has not put sanctions on Russia?
GRU ( Wagner Group) is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters (based in Syria) to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World as early as next week.

I hope that Israel ´ll send the Drones to Ukrainian army to deal with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah gangs !

Since when was Hezbollah anti-Semitic ?
GRU ( Wagner Group) is negotiating with Terrorist antisemitic Hezbollah to send fighters (based in Syria) to join Moscow horde forces in their war against Ukraine/Free World as early as next week.
For pete's sake.
The longer this war goes on, the more pathetic Russia looks.

Russia: "Our army is terrible, let's hire mercenaries."
World: "Ha-ha-ha. How are you gonna pay them? What losers."

If Russia didn't have nukes, they would be completely ignored.
For pete's sake.
The longer this war goes on, the more pathetic Russia looks.

Russia: "Our army is terrible, let's hire mercenaries."
World: "Ha-ha-ha. How are you gonna pay them? What losers."

If Russia didn't have nukes, they would be completely ignored.

You do realize the US made massive use of mercenaries in both Iraq and Afghanistan, right?
You do realize the US made massive use of mercenaries in both Iraq and Afghanistan, right?
The US did not use mercenaries/contractors in combat roles.
We didn't need to.
Our volunteer military decimated the Iraq and Afghanistan governments in a few weeks.
Contractors were hired to provide security, as translators and yeah...someone has got to clean up the mess.
Do you think Russia is bringing Hezbollah into the active Ukrainian war to sweep the floors?
The US did not use mercenaries/contractors in combat roles.
We didn't need to.
Our volunteer military decimated the Iraq and Afghanistan governments in a few weeks.
Contractors were hired to provide security, as translators and yeah...someone has got to clean up the mess.
Do you think Russia is bringing Hezbollah into the active Ukrainian war to sweep the floors?

Now, admittedly some of these are non-combat deaths…..but enough are to show how laughable the idea that our mercenaries weren’t involved in combat roles is.

Especially since, you know, the guys we “decimated” just kept on fighting for years to come.
Why would Hezbollah bother getting involved? Sounds very unlikely.

In any case, Lebanon looks about to tank and they'll want their fighters close to home.

Now, admittedly some of these are non-combat deaths…..but enough are to show how laughable the idea that our mercenaries weren’t involved in combat roles is.

Especially since, you know, the guys we “decimated” just kept on fighting for years to come.

Some of these....?

Going through the first two years.

Truck drivers. EOD cleanup. Guards.


Now, admittedly some of these are non-combat deaths…..but enough are to show how laughable the idea that our mercenaries weren’t involved in combat roles is.
Some of them?
I couldn't find one KIA death.
Lots of truckdrivers killed by roadside bombs.
Especially since, you know, the guys we “decimated” just kept on fighting for years to come.
Our goal was to remove the Taliban and Sadaam.
We did that without mercenary combatants.
Insurgencies can be endless.
Why would Hezbollah bother getting involved? Sounds very unlikely.

In any case, Lebanon looks about to tank and they'll want their fighters close to home.
Yeah... very unlikely......this thread was based on a tweet....and I've wasted at least 5 minutes reading these posts.
Damn you Twitter!!
Some of them?
I couldn't find one KIA death.
Lots of truckdrivers killed by roadside bombs.

Our goal was to remove the Taliban and Sadaam.
We did that without mercenary combatants.
Insurgencies can be endless.

Being killed by a roadside bomb IS being killed in action.

We “removed the Taliban”? Is that why they are still in power?
Being killed by a roadside bomb IS being killed in action.
A guy killed while driving a water truck down a road isn't KIA.
He's not in combat, he wasn't targeted, he's in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We “removed the Taliban”? Is that why they are still in power?
We removed the Taliban in 2001.
The Taliban had given refuge to al-Qaeda.
After 911, they refused to surrender bin-Laden.
The USA bombed Afghanistan and assisted the Northern Alliance in removing the Taliban in Dec 2001.
Now 20+ years later, after our withdrawal, the Taliban has regained control of Afghanistan.
In the long run, our efforts in Afghanistan proved unsuccessful.
That's the history.....are you trying to make a point?
A guy killed while driving a water truck down a road isn't KIA.
He's not in combat, he wasn't targeted, he's in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We removed the Taliban in 2001.
The Taliban had given refuge to al-Qaeda.
After 911, they refused to surrender bin-Laden.
The USA bombed Afghanistan and assisted the Northern Alliance in removing the Taliban in Dec 2001.
Now 20+ years later, after our withdrawal, the Taliban has regained control of Afghanistan.
In the long run, our efforts in Afghanistan proved unsuccessful.
That's the history.....are you trying to make a point?

Someone working in a combat zone for the US military as a mercenary who gets killed as a result of enemy action is, by definition, KIA.

My point is that your nationalistic chest thumping is both inaccurate and laughable
Someone working in a combat zone for the US military as a mercenary who gets killed as a result of enemy action is, by definition, KIA.

My point is that your nationalistic chest thumping is both inaccurate and laughable
Nationalistic chest thumping.....me?
Where did you come up with that ridiculous canard?
Is it because I made fun of Putin's sputtering war machine?
If it helps you, I was opposed to the 2nd Iraq war, but I did think the Taliban should be decimated.
For pete's sake.
The longer this war goes on, the more pathetic Russia looks.

Russia: "Our army is terrible, let's hire mercenaries."
World: "Ha-ha-ha. How are you gonna pay them? What losers."

If Russia didn't have nukes, they would be completely ignored.
Putin´s main goal here to show his supporters that Imperialist, Revanchist Moscow empire is not isolated , that Moscow dont fight this war along, as you know even Belarusian Satrap Loo ( who is still in power due Moscow support only) said No to Pootler

Since when was Hezbollah anti-Semitic ?
The Facts: Hezbollah was established on the ideology of antisemitism. Its founding principles are rooted in the hatred of Jews, the elimination of a Jewish state, and the determination to deny Jews their right of self-determination or nationhood.

Genius. He's very savvy.

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