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Puppetmasters setting Kamala up to fail? (1 Viewer)

Roger Duke

DP Veteran
Jun 12, 2021
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This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?
The OP sounds so well-informed.
Not at all.....just speculating.
So, why do you think politicians at a high level of government wouldn't conspire against each other?
This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?
What I find fascinating is how certain posters are determined to turn her into a victim. Is it her gender or her race that makes you think this meme will sell to fellow conservatives?
This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?
What's up with this puppet master bullshit? Can you guys possibly be more juvenile?
What simple-minded bullcrap.
The OP sounds so well-informed.

It reads like a predictive text generator.

This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?[/quote]
Great....now speculate on how much lint has gathered in your navel and report back to us.
Enough to knit a pair of socks. Thanks for asking.
She's a vagina of color so she is succeeding at her job 100%
This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?
This post is a cry for help.
Wow, a lot of skeptics right off the bat. Maybe you liberals will have a better explanation then. Why did she get sent to the southern border, knowing she would fail?
This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?
I thought the exact same thing. They keep setting her up for failure.
Wow, a lot of skeptics right off the bat. Maybe you liberals will have a better explanation then. Why did she get sent to the southern border, knowing she would fail?
Just to help you out. The reason "liberals" are "skeptics right off the bat", is because your question assumes facts not in evidence.

You do not know that Biden or puppetmasters or lizard people or whatever sent her to the southern border to fail.

Hopefully you can learn to frame your posts in such a manner as to not be offputting to the intended audience.

Good luck and have a great weekend.
This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?
Maybe Biden is a misogynist racist who hates strong black women?
This is strange. First Joe sends Kamala to the southern border knowing she would not succeed and will look bad. Now, the day after he sends her to Europe, he calls a press conference saying war is certain.
Kamala has been terrible for the Democratic Party. The puppermasters who pull Biden's strings know that. They are good enough long term strategists to want her out of the long term political picture......So could it be possible they are sabotaging her career? (as if she needs help).
Is it just a coincidence that Hillary is putting herself in the spotlight a lot lately?
Are Joe's puppetmasters too ethical to do something like that to the VP.....even if they thought it was for the greater good of the Party?

How many puppetmasters does it take to change Trump's diaper?

Which is another way of saying "puppetmasters" is the dumbest attack I've heard, so naturally it's coming from the people who have no standing to complain about alleged dottards.
Maybe Biden is a misogynist racist who hates strong black women?
You never know what is inside someone's heart.
The funny thing is that liberals on this forum think every Republican leader is evil and power hungry and would stop at nothing to get ahead, even stabbing their fellow Republicans in the back.
But Democratic leaders are all loving, selfless, sweet and charitable and only want what is best for American citizens. They are all from Mayberry and would never do anything unethical or despicable to advance their career or party.
And they hug puppies a lot. Everybody saw awwww. How sweet.

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