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Prosecuting tribesmen on North Sentinel Island? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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An American adventurer who kayaked to a remote Indian island populated by a tribe known for shooting at outsiders with bows and arrows has been killed, police said Wednesday. Officials said they were working with anthropologists to recover the body.

An American adventurer who kayaked to a remote Indian island populated by a tribe known for shooting at outsiders with bows and arrows has been killed, police said Wednesday. Officials said they were working with anthropologists to recover the body.


I am a slightly confused. So these people are no touch for yet they can kill "outsiders" and hang their bodies like scarecrows?

I am a slightly confused. So these people are no touch for yet they can kill "outsiders" and hang their bodies like scarecrows?

They are basically an autonomous region of India, and India's laws don't (and can't) apply to that island. Prosecution would be impossible anyway, because a) the police aren't allowed onto the island, and b) the tribesman who killed him can't receive a fair trial due to the language barrier - no one knows their language.

I am a slightly confused. So these people are no touch for yet they can kill "outsiders" and hang their bodies like scarecrows?

The land is theirs after all.. India claims it, but has never set foot on the island. The American was dumb enough to go there, and not listening to the very big warnings about not going there.. including that it was actually illegal according to Indian law.. so frankly he got what he deserved for being a religious nut job and a moron..
While I am not prone to wish ill on anyone, what happened to the American was set in motion by his own hand....dont blame the islanders.
Prosecute them for what exactly?

Its a Neolithic society that was defending their territory to a perceived threat.

I do wonder though why no one is considering the ethical implications of leaving these people like animals in a game preserve
I do wonder though why no one is considering the ethical implications of leaving these people like animals in a game preserve

You may think that. I think they're being left to live as they choose.
I do wonder though why no one is considering the ethical implications of leaving these people like animals in a game preserve

There have been numerous official attempts to establish contact with them and they have shown no interest in doing so. What do you want to do? Force them out of their homes and into society against their will?
You may think that. I think they're being left to live as they choose.
Are they? How do you know if they wouldn’t rather learn about modern society?
I do wonder though why no one is considering the ethical implications of leaving these people like animals in a game preserve

Must be the worlds notion of the Prime Directive.
I do wonder though why no one is considering the ethical implications of leaving these people like animals in a game preserve

That's an odd stance for a "Libertarian - Right" to take. It seems that these folks simply want to be left alone and have made that point quite clear. Entry to their island is by invitation only and no invites were issued to that moron. For all we know they told him to leave and he refused.

I am a slightly confused. So these people are no touch for yet they can kill "outsiders" and hang their bodies like scarecrows?

Tribal barbarian savages are not generally receptive to civilized laws and norms. That is why there are upwards of one thousand 'no-go' zones in cities across Europe. The majority of tribal barbarians in those zones make it very unsafe for police to patrol. Barbarians can kill without conscience and do so all over the world.
Tribal barbarian savages are not generally receptive to civilized laws and norms. That is why there are upwards of one thousand 'no-go' zones in cities across Europe. The majority of tribal barbarians in those zones make it very unsafe for police to patrol. Barbarians can kill without conscience and do so all over the world.
Reminds me of the Christians throughout history
Leftist heathens showing their asses on this thread.

Killing Christians who deserved to die.
Are they? How do you know if they wouldn’t rather learn about modern society?

I think the fact that they attack anyone who attempts to contact them is pretty strong evidence that they have no interest in learning about modern society.
Presumably, they have boats. Are they prevented from leaving the island if they want?

I don't think they have boats as far as anyone is aware. Anthropologists believe they haven't even discovered how to make fire, although they can't be absolutely sure. We are talking truly stone age people.
Leftist heathens showing their asses on this thread.

Killing Christians who deserved to die.

I'm sure this made some sort of sense in your head.
I think the fact that they attack anyone who attempts to contact them is pretty strong evidence that they have no interest in learning about modern society.

Yep. Shoot arrows... ask questions later.
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