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Progressives: Would you support a complete gun ban? What about self defense? (1 Viewer)


I identify as "non-Bidenary".
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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Would you support Americans being forced to give up all guns to the government? If so, how would they protect themselves against criminals who WONT give up their guns? Do you see any potential legal issues involved with denying a basic constitutional right?
even if they say no, they'd support it. leftists are inherently dishonest because they know if they tell the truth about their radical positions only a small minority will go along with them. as for the constitution, they'd simply re-write it, once the opposition was exterminated. and i do mean exterminated, national socialism, soviet socialism, chinese socialism, it all ends with extermination. hard to exterminate an armed population, hence the leftist fixation on creating a disarmed population. think about it.
even if they say no, they'd support it. leftists are inherently dishonest because they know if they tell the truth about their radical positions only a small minority will go along with them. as for the constitution, they'd simply re-write it, once the opposition was exterminated. and i do mean exterminated, national socialism, soviet socialism, chinese socialism, it all ends with extermination. hard to exterminate an armed population, hence the leftist fixation on creating a disarmed population. think about it.

Bunching up Nazis, progressives, Maoists, and Soviet-style socialists is quite the feat.
Would you support Americans being forced to give up all guns to the government? If so, how would they protect themselves against criminals who WONT give up their guns? Do you see any potential legal issues involved with denying a basic constitutional right?

Taking away America's guns is not an option.

Societies such as Nazi Germany that take away guns always (I think) end up in genocide.

A gun in my hands makes my legislator think, "I'd better not do that."

Otherwise our freedoms will perish. This is the nature of the Second Amendment.
even if they say no, they'd support it. leftists are inherently dishonest because they know if they tell the truth about their radical positions only a small minority will go along with them. as for the constitution, they'd simply re-write it, once the opposition was exterminated. and i do mean exterminated, national socialism, soviet socialism, chinese socialism, it all ends with extermination. hard to exterminate an armed population, hence the leftist fixation on creating a disarmed population. think about it.

The left will not even bother to rewrite it. There's mechanisms in place today to do that. Yet when was the last amendment proposed?

Liberals simply ignore or "reinterpret" the Constitution.
Would you support Americans being forced to give up all guns to the government? If so, how would they protect themselves against criminals who WONT give up their guns? Do you see any potential legal issues involved with denying a basic constitutional right?

It is logistically IMPOSSIBLE to "ban" 320 million guns in private hands....PERIOD.
The question wasn't whether it was possible, but would you support the idea of banning all firearms...

No, because it's an idiotic idea, and it's also impossible.
Supporting ideas which are impossible is a sign of a lack of common sense.
We are going to have to learn to live with the fact that there are guns in this country, AND a more than bumper crop of IDIOTS who have too much access to them.
Now, seeing as how we have fewer IDIOTS than guns, it's probably better if we restrict the IDIOTS, and MAYBE make guns a little more high tech in the process, but we could leave that on the back burner for a VERY VERY long time because first and foremost, we really DO NEED to deal with the IDIOTS.

PS: I am a liberal.
Why ban guns? What is the objective? Would that be it? A quote:

United Kingdom: The UK enacted its handgun ban in 1996. From 1990 until the ban was enacted, the homicide rate fluctuated between 10.9 and 13 homicides per million. After the ban was enacted, homicides trended up until they reached a peak of 18.0 in 2003. Since 2003, which incidentally was about the time the British government flooded the country with 20,000 more cops, the homicide rate has fallen to 11.1 in 2010.

In other words, the 15-year experiment in a handgun ban has achieved absolutely nothing.
It is logistically IMPOSSIBLE to "ban" 320 million guns in private hands....PERIOD.

It's certainly possible for liberal judges to misinterpret the 2nd amendment, followed by a gun hating liberal government passing laws that make it a major felony NOT to turn over your(well, our) guns. Then theyd add long, mandatory jail sentences for ANYONE found with a gun on their property. You should learn more about how radical left wing governments work. Maybe you would still support the good ideas, but oppose the authoritarian aspects. Left wing governments aren't exactly known for being concerned for the individual or the individual's rights. It's always going to be a state centric ideology. By state, I mean centralized govt.
****Here's an example of the anti gun thought process that permeates the left. I knew this woman who was a progressive activist, blogger and local Democratic party employee. She had her home given her by her mother, and ironically lost her last real job as a horse trainer to illegal immigrants. She has lived off welfare and food stamps since, while also renting rooms in her house.

So she has all day and night to watch MSNBC and read Daily Kos. Anyway, when I first met her, she was listening to an anti gun rant on MSNBC, and I just said that I supported the 2nd amendment. She immediately asks, "what are you, one of these gun nuts"? To many liberals, anyone who owns or supports gun rights is a "gun nut", because of the polarizing anti gun propaganda from leftist sources, and the MSM.

So I asked her "how would people protect themselves without any guns"? Her answer was purely naive...... She said, "that's what the police are for". This is an example of how many of them simply accept ridiculous propaganda instead of taking 2 seconds to think for themselves, which would prove how naive these ideas are.

So, according to many libs, if you're just about to be murdered, raped, assaulted or attacked by terrorists, all you have to do is have the perpetrator wait while you dial 9-1-1, and continue waiting til the police arrive, before they start murdering or raping you! Sounds brilliant and totally practical right? Lmao....
It's certainly possible for liberal judges to misinterpret the 2nd amendment, followed by a gun hating liberal government passing laws that make it a major felony NOT to turn over your(well, our) guns. Then theyd add long, mandatory jail sentences for ANYONE found with a gun on their property. You should learn more about how radical left wing governments work. Maybe you would still support the good ideas, but oppose the authoritarian aspects. Left wing governments aren't exactly known for being concerned for the individual or the individual's rights. It's always going to be a state centric ideology. By state, I mean centralized govt.

Yawn, I have a very long shelf of books written by Steve Bonta that sound just like that.
Still waiting for that "radical left wing" government.
Soon's you tell me how the math works, and the budget, and the expected yield, and how the logistics work in real world terms, I'll listen, but right now you just sound like AM radio.
A lot of sound and fury, signifying NOTHING.
****Here's an example of the anti gun thought process that permeates the left. I knew this woman who was a progressive activist, blogger and local Democratic party employee. She had her home given her by her mother, and ironically lost her last real job as a horse trainer to illegal immigrants. She has lived off welfare and food stamps since, while also renting rooms in her house.

So she has all day and night to watch MSNBC and read Daily Kos. Anyway, when I first met her, she was listening to an anti gun rant on MSNBC, and I just said that I supported the 2nd amendment. She immediately asks, "what are you, one of these gun nuts"? To many liberals, anyone who owns or supports gun rights is a "gun nut", because of the polarizing anti gun propaganda from leftist sources, and the MSM.

So I asked her "how would people protect themselves without any guns"? Her answer was purely naive...... She said, "that's what the police are for". This is an example of how many of them simply accept ridiculous propaganda instead of taking 2 seconds to think for themselves, which would prove how naive these ideas are.

So, according to many libs, if you're just about to be murdered, raped, assaulted or attacked by terrorists, all you have to do is have the perpetrator wait while you dial 9-1-1, and continue waiting til the police arrive, before they start murdering or raping you! Sounds brilliant and totally practical right? Lmao....

----This is what passes for "moderation"...now?
"According to many LIBS, bla bla bla bla you're a gun nut / watches MSNBC and reads Daily Kos/ mumble mumble "lives off welfare"/ mumble mumble "all libs do that".
Your entire post is ridiculous propaganda and broad sweeping generalizations not even worthy of Gretawire.
Would you support Americans being forced to give up all guns to the government?


If so, how would they protect themselves against criminals who WONT give up their guns?

Irrelevant, though I suspect if guns where banned, they would do it just like every other country that has gun bans. Not exactly rocket surgery there..

Do you see any potential legal issues involved with denying a basic constitutional right?

Now you have identified why I do not support "Americans being forced to give up all guns to the government".
even if they say no, they'd support it. leftists are inherently dishonest because they know if they tell the truth about their radical positions only a small minority will go along with them. as for the constitution, they'd simply re-write it, once the opposition was exterminated. and i do mean exterminated, national socialism, soviet socialism, chinese socialism, it all ends with extermination. hard to exterminate an armed population, hence the leftist fixation on creating a disarmed population. think about it.

Well thank you for explaining how I really think. Your mind reading ability is quite extraordinary!
Taking away America's guns is not an option.

Societies such as Nazi Germany that take away guns always (I think) end up in genocide.

A gun in my hands makes my legislator think, "I'd better not do that."

Otherwise our freedoms will perish. This is the nature of the Second Amendment.

Like the British and the Japanese. 100 % of the time!

Hint: research before saying stupid stuff. There is a lack of genocide in gun free societies, your legislator is not scared of you, and the second amendment protects no other freedom.
****Here's an example of the anti gun thought process that permeates the left. I knew this woman who was a progressive activist, blogger and local Democratic party employee. She had her home given her by her mother, and ironically lost her last real job as a horse trainer to illegal immigrants. She has lived off welfare and food stamps since, while also renting rooms in her house.

So she has all day and night to watch MSNBC and read Daily Kos. Anyway, when I first met her, she was listening to an anti gun rant on MSNBC, and I just said that I supported the 2nd amendment. She immediately asks, "what are you, one of these gun nuts"? To many liberals, anyone who owns or supports gun rights is a "gun nut", because of the polarizing anti gun propaganda from leftist sources, and the MSM.

So I asked her "how would people protect themselves without any guns"? Her answer was purely naive...... She said, "that's what the police are for". This is an example of how many of them simply accept ridiculous propaganda instead of taking 2 seconds to think for themselves, which would prove how naive these ideas are.

So, according to many libs, if you're just about to be murdered, raped, assaulted or attacked by terrorists, all you have to do is have the perpetrator wait while you dial 9-1-1, and continue waiting til the police arrive, before they start murdering or raping you! Sounds brilliant and totally practical right? Lmao....

I know this guy, he thinks it is unconstitutional to not allow people to own nuclear weapons.

Actually, I just made that up, much like you made up your example. It is easier to argue a point when you control both sides of the argument, isn't it...
****Here's an example of the anti gun thought process that permeates the left. I knew this woman

Stopped reading there. Your personal anecdotes, likely embellished, are not representative of "the left." Neither is some lady you know. The end.
Like the British and the Japanese. 100 % of the time!

Hint: research before saying stupid stuff. There is a lack of genocide in gun free societies, your legislator is not scared of you, and the second amendment protects no other freedom.

Really? Then why is it that places like the UK have laws against "hate speech" where as in the US people have the Right to say "hate speech"? How long do you think the 1st Amendment would last if the government was not kept in check by the Populace?
Really? Then why is it that places like the UK have laws against "hate speech" where as in the US people have the Right to say "hate speech"? How long do you think the 1st Amendment would last if the government was not kept in check by the Populace?

Just a guess here, but we might not have laws against hate speech for the exact same reason we do not ban gun ownership: it is a right enshrined in our constitution. Wow, that was so hard to figure out....
Bunching up Nazis, progressives, Maoists, and Soviet-style socialists is quite the feat.

Why that? Nazis, Maoists and Soviets were all statists and at their time they were progressives of the worst kind. ;)
Just a guess here, but we might not have laws against hate speech for the exact same reason we do not ban gun ownership: it is a right enshrined in our constitution. Wow, that was so hard to figure out....

And without the 2nd Amendment what would stop the government from instituting hate speech laws in direct defiance of the 1st Amendment?
And without the 2nd Amendment what would stop the government from instituting hate speech laws in direct defiance of the 1st Amendment?

If you really think a bunch of gun nuts are stopping the government from doing anything, that is just silly. This is the real world, your wanting to still play cowboys and indians is kinda irrelevant.
And without the 2nd Amendment what would stop the government from instituting hate speech laws in direct defiance of the 1st Amendment?

The 2nd Amendment isn't what's stopping that.

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