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Prince Harry visits Arlington National Cemetery (1 Viewer)

It's a nice gesture.

But to call him a class act?

Prove to me he did it 100% on his own and was not directed/suggested to do so by his handlers...THEN I will call him a class act.

Generally, I have contempt for all royalty.

He has done 2 tours of Afghan so im sure he knows all about the sacrifices made better than any of his handlers and probably better than most posters on this site.
He has done 2 tours of Afghan so im sure he knows all about the sacrifices made better than any of his handlers and probably better than most posters on this site.

Probably so. And I love watching both him and his brother interacting with children, which Prince Harry has also done on this visit. I think they're both so genuine and natural with them.
He has done 2 tours of Afghan so im sure he knows all about the sacrifices made better than any of his handlers and probably better than most posters on this site.

You may be right.

This act may have been classy - but that alone does not make him overall a 'class act'.

In my book, no royal is a 'class act'.

Taking money from the ever-poorer masses - even though your family is already STINKING rich - just to be a bunch of figureheads.

And ole Harr has never to my knowledge EVER in any way stated his objection to this confiscation of the British masses, hard earned money to line the pockets of his billionaire relatives.

Until he does, he is no 'class act' to me...though that does not mean he is incapable of making honorable gestures (as this may have been).

But...this is a thread about honoring war dead...so I will drop it...assuming you will.
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You may be right.

But until I see 100% proof that it was not in any way his idea - I am not calling some Royal a 'class act'.

This act may have been classy - but that alone does not make him overall a 'class act'.

In my book, no royal is a 'class act'.

Taking money from the ever-poorer masses - even though your family is already STINKING rich - just to be a bunch of figureheads.

And ole Harr has never to my knowledge EVER in any way stated his objection to this confiscation of the British masses hard earned money to line the pockets of his billionaire relatives.

So what you're saying is that because you have some hatred for the royals, one of them couldn't have possibly made the free choice to visit men he considers his comrades. Essentially, what you're saying is that we must discount his service and PERSONAL CHOICE to be in a combat theater, then visit other fallen soldiers because of some grudge you have with the family he was born into.
So what you're saying is that because you have some hatred for the royals, one of them couldn't have possibly made the free choice to visit men he considers his comrades. Essentially, what you're saying is that we must discount his service and PERSONAL CHOICE to be in a combat theater, then visit other fallen soldiers because of some grudge you have with the family he was born into.


If you are going to put words in my mouth - then I am going to ignore you.

You did not ask if I meant 'such and such'. You told me what I said and meant - even though I did neither.

And besides, I changed the post.

Have a nice day.
Probably so. And I love watching both him and his brother interacting with children, which Prince Harry has also done on this visit. I think they're both so genuine and natural with them.

yeh they are great, I have been lucky enough to meet them both during my own service. Harry set up his own charity in Africa helping children get a real education, food, shelter etc in a troublesome region, the amount of time and effort he puts into it is amazing for a 28 year old guy.
You may be right.

This act may have been classy - but that alone does not make him overall a 'class act'.

In my book, no royal is a 'class act'.

Taking money from the ever-poorer masses - even though your family is already STINKING rich - just to be a bunch of figureheads.

And ole Harr has never to my knowledge EVER in any way stated his objection to this confiscation of the British masses, hard earned money to line the pockets of his billionaire relatives.

Until he does, he is no 'class act' to me...though that does not mean he is incapable of making honorable gestures (as this may have been).

But...this is a thread about honoring war dead...so I will drop it...assuming you will.

he has put more back through his charity work than he has taken in my opinion. Can't help what family you are born into but its how you use your position which defines you as a man, Prince Harry has fought for his country and raised millions for charity so he's a winner in my book.
It's a nice gesture.

But to call him a class act?

Prove to me he did it 100% on his own and was not directed/suggested to do so by his handlers...THEN I will call him a class act.

Generally, I have contempt for all royalty.

Generally, I don't care. The man is a combat veteran with two tours of Afghanistan behind him. Do you have contempt for that, too?
Generally, I don't care. The man is a combat veteran with two tours of Afghanistan behind him. Do you have contempt for that, too?


But I do not respect someone JUST because they have two tours in Afghanistan.

I can respect that part of them, but I judge people on a WHOLE lot more then just their combat record.
he has put more back through his charity work than he has taken in my opinion. Can't help what family you are born into but its how you use your position which defines you as a man, Prince Harry has fought for his country and raised millions for charity so he's a winner in my book.
He could certainly state his dislike for taking taxpayers money - which (to my knowledge) he never has.

Where is your proof that he has personally, by himself (as you stated), raised millions for charity.

And even if he has, his stinking rich family takes about $60 million a year (to my knowledge) of British taxpayers money just to be figureheads.


If they took that money and gave it to charity - that would do FAR more for British charities then anything they can raise.

And you know as well as I do that Royal men have virtually NO CHOICE - they have to serve in the military (or Prince Phillip would probably shame them to death)...so it's not like he volunteered (though the two tours part is a nice touch - assuming it was his idea).

I am not saying the guy is a scumbag or anything. He could indeed be a nice chap and an honorable fellow who is just naive to how the monarchy is a dinosaur.

But I need proof before I start calling him - or anyone - a 'class act'.
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He has done 2 tours of Afghan so im sure he knows all about the sacrifices made better than any of his handlers and probably better than most posters on this site.

I have a lot of respect for him. I have to say that I didn't really support him being in action, though. that's a security nightmare that puts others at risk. definitely a brave move, but an ill advised one.
he has put more back through his charity work than he has taken in my opinion. Can't help what family you are born into but its how you use your position which defines you as a man, Prince Harry has fought for his country and raised millions for charity so he's a winner in my book.

Harry has never fought for his country. He's just fighting for wimpy UK pols who are happy to be the US gummint's lapdogs.

But I do not respect someone JUST because they have two tours in Afghanistan.

I can respect that part of them, but I judge people on a WHOLE lot more then just their combat record.

Yes. Apparently you judge people based on who their parents are.
Harry has never fought for his country. He's just fighting for wimpy UK pols who are happy to be the US gummint's lapdogs.

Thanks for sharing that wisdom. Truly inspiring.
He could certainly state his dislike for taking taxpayers money - which (to my knowledge) he never has.

Where is your proof that he has personally, by himself (as you stated), raised millions for charity.

And even if he has, his stinking rich family takes about $60 million a year (to my knowledge) of British taxpayers money just to be figureheads.

BBC News - Taxpayer paying less to keep Royal Family

If they took that money and gave it to charity - that would do FAR more for British charities then anything they can raise.

And you know as well as I do that Royal men have virtually NO CHOICE - they have to serve in the military (or Prince Phillip would probably shame them to death)...so it's not like he volunteered (though the two tours part is a nice touch - assuming it was his idea).

I am not saying the guy is a scumbag or anything. He could indeed be a nice chap and an honorable fellow who is just naive to how the monarchy is a dinosaur.

But I need proof before I start calling him - or anyone - a 'class act'.

Yet apparently the people of the United Kingdom disagree with you. Go figure.
Harry has never fought for his country. He's just fighting for wimpy UK pols who are happy to be the US gummint's lapdogs.

a hall of shame stupid post contender

what causes this level of bitterness?
You may be right.

This act may have been classy - but that alone does not make him overall a 'class act'.

In my book, no royal is a 'class act'.

Taking money from the ever-poorer masses - even though your family is already STINKING rich - just to be a bunch of figureheads.

And ole Harr has never to my knowledge EVER in any way stated his objection to this confiscation of the British masses, hard earned money to line the pockets of his billionaire relatives.

Until he does, he is no 'class act' to me...though that does not mean he is incapable of making honorable gestures (as this may have been).

But...this is a thread about honoring war dead...so I will drop it...assuming you will.

Would you call Prince Harold a worse parasite than George W. Bush?
I have a lot of respect for him. I have to say that I didn't really support him being in action, though. that's a security nightmare that puts others at risk. definitely a brave move, but an ill advised one.

(grin!) You mean you wouldn't stand too close beside him?
It's a thing with the royal family- the next king needs to be a proven warrior.
Would you call Prince Harold a worse parasite than George W. Bush?

I think he is probably worse. What Americans never ask themselves is why/how can a really 3rd rate place like Britain afford such a wellheeled monarchy and what is wrong with people there that they feel they have to..........................
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Did he go to the WW2 Memorial, get on his knees and and pay homage to the men that save his title for him?
I think he is probably worse.

Why? GWB was born to great wealth, his unearned seat in Yale paid for, his undeserved seat in Harvard paid for, allowed to dodge his military obligation and was hustled through the back door into the White House.

What Americans never ask themselves is why/how can a really 3rd rate place like Britain afford such a wellheeled monarchy and what is wrong with people there that they feel they have to..........................

Third rate? You might need to go to Mississippi or Detroit and convince some folks there that they can afford the Bush's.
Just curious- which countries would you call first rate?
Why? GWB was born to great wealth, his unearned seat in Yale paid for, his undeserved seat in Harvard paid for, allowed to dodge his military obligation and was hustled through the back door into the White House.

Third rate? You might need to go to Mississippi or Detroit and convince some folks there that they can afford the Bush's.
Just curious- which countries would you call first rate?

I am only speaking in relative terms...............There are no 1st rate places in the world.................

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