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Preferred DP color scheme? (1 Viewer)

Which forum color scheme or "skin" do you prefer?

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Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
Reaction score
Political Leaning
So far, which forum color scheme or "skin" do you prefer?
Shades of gray. Less battery usage on my phone, and my PC is in my bedroom, so it cuts down on my partner's complaints about how bright the screen is. Well, it will once the new welcome message goes away, because that big white box makes a lot of light in a dark room.
I'm not sure. I have it on 3.0, since sort-of familiar is nice, but I may switch to one of the shades ones.

I suppose I'll have to think more about how I shade text, since I was in the habit of using a darker blue for quoted article text. Actually, let me test that by posting it shaded as such in 3.0, then switching prefs to shades of blue.

article text article text article text article text article text
I use dark mode whenever I can on my PC, so I've been switching back and forth between Shades of Grey and Shades of Blue.

Not sure which I like more.
I'm not sure. I have it on 3.0, since sort-of familiar is nice, but I may switch to one of the shades ones.

I suppose I'll have to think more about how I shade text, since I was in the habit of using a darker blue for quoted article text. Actually, let me test that by posting it shaded as such in 3.0, then switching prefs to shades of blue.

article text article text article text article text article text
I can read that fine on shades of gray, it's the dark red that's harder to read.

Like this.
I've been finding comfort in DO 3.0, but play around a little with Shades of Blue.
I prefer Shades of Grey. I have the dark backgrounds set for work and personal use, Twitter too.
Honestly, I've never changed the skin of any forum I was on. Here, I was on the DP3.0, which I think was automatically there when I logged on after the software switch. I didn't vote in the poll yet. Right now I'm on the shades of blue and kind of like it, big difference in the white screen and really like the shade. In fact, after the change by DP, I went into my settings and adjusted the night light mode to avoid squinting. Will have to experiment for a while and see if I want to stay with it. Thanks for bringing up the topic RV. :cool:
3.0 for day, gray for night.
It’s amazing nobody has made a 50 Shades of Grey joke yet.
I'm preferring the Shades of Blue. Easy on the eyes and accent colors really pop.

I agree on both points., but it is harder to see where one post ends and the next begins IMO. The default skin has enough contrast to make that easy.
You're my boy, Blue!
Obviously NOT because you called Blue a BOY.

Yep, that was the reference itself. It has a couple variants, but that's the main one.

In a very specific context it's relatively funny, but you topped it for sure.

So who's the man now, dawg?
i like DP 3.0.

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